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2025 年 Crypto.com 新上市:仔細觀察

2025/01/04 20:03

在新增新的加密貨幣方面,Crypto.com 是最活躍的平台之一。讓我們仔細看看一些最新添加的內容

2025 年 Crypto.com 新上市:仔細觀察

Crypto.com, a renowned cryptocurrency exchange, has a vast lineup of digital assets, and its new listings in 2025 are certainly worth exploring. From NFTs and metaverse projects to fitness-oriented tokens and Solana marketplaces, these new additions cater to diverse interests and use cases in the crypto sphere.

Crypto.com 是著名的加密貨幣交易所,擁有豐富的數位資產陣容,其 2025 年的新上市當然值得探索。從 NFT 和 Metaverse 專案到健身導向型代幣和 Solana 市場,這些新功能迎合了加密領域的不同興趣和用例。

Here’s a closer look at some of the latest cryptocurrency listings on Crypto.com in 2025:

以下是 2025 年 Crypto.com 上一些最新加密貨幣清單的詳細介紹:

1. Pudgy Penguins (PENGU): Community, Charity, and NFTs

1. Pudgy Penguins (PENGU):社區、慈善與 NFT

Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) is a community-driven NFT project that has captured the hearts of collectors and Web3 enthusiasts. These NFTs, centered around endearing penguins, focus on inclusivity and fostering a positive environment in the crypto space. The project has established itself as a symbol of creativity and collaboration, uniting a diverse global audience.

Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) 是一個由社區驅動的 NFT 項目,吸引了收藏家和 Web3 愛好者的心。這些 NFT 以可愛的企鵝為中心,注重包容性並在加密貨幣領域中創造積極的環境。該項目已成為創造力和協作的象徵,團結了全球不同的受眾。

In addition to NFTs, Pudgy Penguins has expanded into merchandise and storytelling, creating a multifaceted brand that goes beyond digital assets. Its ecosystem encourages community engagement through events, collaborations, and partnerships with major brands. This makes it not just an NFT project but a cultural phenomenon in the Web3 world.

除了 NFT 之外,Pudgy Penguins 還擴展到商品和說故事領域,創造了一個超越數位資產的多層面品牌。其生態系統透過活動、合作以及與主要品牌的夥伴關係鼓勵社區參與。這使得它不僅僅是一個 NFT 項目,而是 Web3 世界中的文化現象。

The project has also made a significant impact through charitable initiatives, using proceeds to support global causes. With a loyal community and ongoing innovations, Pudgy Penguins continues to solidify its place as a pioneer in the NFT space, blending fun, creativity, and purpose.

該計畫也透過慈善舉措產生了重大影響,利用收益支持全球事業。憑藉忠誠的社區和持續的創新,Pudgy Penguins 繼續鞏固其作為 NFT 領域先鋒的地位,融合了樂趣、創造力和目的。

2. Vana (VANA): Decentralized Creativity for the Metaverse

2. Vana(VANA):元宇宙的去中心化創造力

Vana (VANA) is a blockchain-powered platform designed to empower creators in the metaverse. The project provides tools and infrastructure for building, trading, and monetizing virtual assets, enabling users to participate in decentralized virtual economies. Vana aims to decentralize creativity, offering artists and developers new ways to collaborate and reach audiences.

Vana (VANA) 是一個區塊鏈驅動的平台,旨在為元宇宙中的創作者提供支援。該專案提供用於建構、交易和貨幣化虛擬資產的工具和基礎設施,使用戶能夠參與去中心化的虛擬經濟。 Vana 旨在分散創造力,為藝術家和開發人員提供新的協作方式和接觸受眾的方式。

The platform prioritizes interoperability, ensuring seamless integration with various metaverse environments. By bridging creative individuals with decentralized marketplaces, Vana helps unlock the potential of the growing metaverse. Its focus on ease of use and accessibility makes it a key player in shaping the future of virtual worlds.

該平台優先考慮互通性,確保與各種元宇宙環境無縫整合。透過為創意人士與去中心化市場架起橋樑,Vana 幫助釋放不斷增長的虛擬宇宙的潛力。它對易用性和可訪問性的關注使其成為塑造虛擬世界未來的關鍵參與者。

With its mission to redefine digital creativity, Vana provides a robust ecosystem for creators to thrive. It supports not only individuals but also businesses looking to expand their reach in virtual spaces. The project is poised to play a significant role as the metaverse continues to gain momentum.

Vana 的使命是重新定義數位創意,為創作者的蓬勃發展提供了強大的生態系統。它不僅支持個人,還支持希望擴大虛擬空間影響力的企業。隨著虛擬宇宙的不斷發展,該計畫有望發揮重要作用。

3. Movement (MOVE): Rewarding Fitness in Web3

3. 運動(MOVE):Web3 中的健身獎勵

Movement (MOVE) combines blockchain technology with fitness, incentivizing users to lead healthier lifestyles. The platform rewards users with MOVE tokens for completing workouts, tracking physical activity, and achieving fitness milestones. By gamifying fitness, MOVE aims to foster a global community of health-conscious blockchain enthusiasts.

運動(MOVE)將區塊鏈技術與健身相結合,激勵用戶過上更健康的生活方式。該平台將向完成鍛鍊、追蹤身體活動和達到健身里程碑的用戶獎勵 MOVE 代幣。透過遊戲化健身,MOVE 旨在培養一個由具有健康意識的區塊鏈愛好者組成的全球社群。

Participants can use MOVE tokens within the ecosystem or exchange them for other cryptocurrencies, blending wellness with digital rewards. The project leverages blockchain transparency to create a trustworthy platform that encourages users to stay active and accountable. Its innovative approach merges technology and health seamlessly.

參與者可以在生態系統內使用 MOVE 代幣或將其兌換成其他加密貨幣,將健康與數位獎勵融為一體。該專案利用區塊鏈透明度創建一個值得信賴的平台,鼓勵用戶保持活躍和負責任。其創新方法將科技與健康無縫融合。

Movement also includes social and competitive elements, such as fitness challenges and community events, to further engage users. By turning physical activity into a rewarding experience, MOVE bridges the gap between blockchain and everyday life, establishing itself as a leader in Web3 fitness innovation.

運動還包括社交和競爭元素,例如健身挑戰和社區活動,以進一步吸引用戶。透過將體育活動變成一種有益的體驗,MOVE 彌合了區塊鏈和日常生活之間的差距,確立了自己作為 Web3 健身創新領導者的地位。

4. Magic Eden (ME): The Premier NFT Marketplace on Solana

4. Magic Eden (ME):Solana 上首要的 NFT 市場

Magic Eden (ME) is a leading NFT marketplace built on the Solana blockchain, known for its fast transaction speeds and low fees. The platform provides a user-friendly interface for minting, trading, and discovering NFTs, making it accessible to both creators and collectors. Magic Eden is a hub for digital art and collectibles, offering a wide range of options to suit diverse interests.

Magic Eden (ME) 是建立在 Solana 區塊鏈上的領先 NFT 市場,以其快速交易速度和低廉費用而聞名。該平台為 NFT 的鑄造、交易和發現提供了一個用戶友好的介面,使創作者和收藏者都可以使用它。 Magic Eden 是數位藝術和收藏品的中心,提供廣泛的選擇以滿足不同的興趣。

The marketplace stands out for its commitment to supporting creators, providing tools that help artists and developers monetize their work effectively. With a focus on innovation, Magic Eden continues to enhance its ecosystem, introducing features that improve the user experience and expand its offerings.

該市場因其致力於支持創作者、提供幫助藝術家和開發者有效地將其作品貨幣化的工具而脫穎而出。 Magic Eden 專注於創新,不斷增強其生態系統,推出可改善用戶體驗並擴展其產品的功能。

As the premier Solana NFT marketplace, Magic Eden plays a key role in the blockchain’s growing NFT ecosystem. Its seamless design, extensive collection, and vibrant community make it a preferred choice for NFT enthusiasts seeking quality and variety.

作為首要的 Solana NFT 市場,Magic Eden 在區塊鏈不斷發展的 NFT 生態系統中發揮關鍵作用。其無縫的設計、廣泛的收藏和充滿活力的社區使其成為追求品質和多樣性的 NFT 愛好者的首選。

5. Phoenix ($PHNIX): A Burning Star on the XRP Ledger

5. Phoenix ($PHNIX):XRP 帳本上的一顆燃燒之星

Phoenix ($PHNIX) is a memecoin launched on the XRP Ledger (XRPL) in December 2024. Inspired by the mythical phoenix, the token symbolizes resilience and recovery, mirroring the XRP community’s journey through challenges. The project has gained attention for its unique branding and community-driven vision.

Phoenix ($PHNIX) 是一種迷因幣,於2024 年12 月在XRP Ledger (XRPL) 上推出。旅程。該項目因其獨特的品牌和社區驅動的願景而受到關注。

Built on the XRPL, $PHNIX benefits from the network’s fast transaction speeds and low fees, making it an efficient and accessible token for users. Its strategic marketing efforts include partnerships with influencers and targeted campaigns, driving awareness and adoption within the crypto space.

$PHNIX 基於 XRPL 構建,受益於網路的快速交易速度和低廉的費用,使其成為用戶高效且易於訪問的代幣。其策略行銷工作包括與影響者的合作和有針對性的活動,提高加密貨幣領域的認知度和採用率。

With its strong community support and innovative approach, $PHNIX stands out in the crowded memecoin market. It serves as a symbol of XRP’s resilience while providing a platform for like-minded individuals to rally around shared goals and aspirations in the

憑藉其強大的社區支援和創新方法,$PHNIX 在擁擠的 memecoin 市場中脫穎而出。它是 XRP 韌性的象徵,同時為志同道合的個人提供了一個平台,讓他們圍繞著共同的目標和願望團結起來


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