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2024/04/04 20:05

區塊鏈景觀是一個由多樣化網路組成的動態生態系統,每個網路都有獨特的優勢。 Multichain、Wormhole 和 Cosmos 的 IBC 等跨鏈橋樑作為巧妙的解決方案出現,實現了這些區塊鏈世界之間的無縫資產轉移。儘管橋樑具有實用性,但它也帶來了固有的風險,包括像 Ronin Bridge 漏洞和 Wormhole 橋漏洞等備受矚目的駭客攻擊所凸顯的網路安全漏洞。人們也擔心可追溯性和集中化。然而,區塊鏈社群正在積極尋求去中心化橋架構、形式化驗證技術和標準化等解決方案,以減輕這些風險,並為真正可互通的區塊鏈生態系統鋪平道路。


Cross-Chain Bridges: The Interoperable Gateway to the Blockchain Metropolis


The blockchain ecosystem is a bustling metropolis of independent networks, each a city-state with its own distinct features and purposes. Bitcoin, the venerable granddaddy of the blockchain federation, is renowned for its unwavering security. Ethereum, the vibrant metropolis of innovation, boasts a thriving ecosystem of smart contracts and decentralized applications. Solana, the lightning-fast upstart, has gained fame for its blazing transaction speeds.

區塊鏈生態系統是一個由獨立網路組成的繁華大都市,每個城邦都有自己獨特的特色和目的。比特幣是區塊鏈聯盟的鼻祖,以其堅定不移的安全而聞名。以太坊是充滿活力的創新大都市,擁有繁榮的智慧合約和去中心化應用程式生態系統。 Solana 是閃電般的新貴,以其驚人的交易速度而聞名。

However, the blockchain metropolis is not without its challenges. Just as the citizens of different cities may struggle to interact seamlessly, so too do crypto assets face barriers when moving between blockchain networks. This is where cross-chain bridges emerge as the ingenious solution, the interoperable gateways that facilitate the frictionless movement of assets between these blockchain enclaves.


The Genesis of Cross-Chain Bridges: From Plasma to IBC

跨鏈橋的起源:從 Plasma 到 IBC

The concept of cross-chain bridges emerged in the nascent stages of blockchain technology itself. As early as 2016, projects like Ethereum's Plasma and Wanchain began to explore the frontiers of interoperability, seeking methods to enable the seamless movement of assets across chains.

跨鏈橋的概念出現在區塊鏈技術本身的初期階段。早在 2016 年,以太坊的 Plasma 和 Wanchain 等專案就開始探索互通性的前沿,尋求實現資產跨鏈無縫移動的方法。

These early bridges, like the rudimentary roads connecting ancient cities, were often dependent on centralized custodians to ensure the secure transfer of assets. However, this reliance on trusted third parties contradicted the very nature of blockchain technology, a realm where trust is enshrined in the immutable code.


Yet, the relentless march of innovation continued. The year 2019 witnessed a watershed moment, the rise of decentralized bridges leveraging smart contracts to automate the transfer process. Pioneering bridges like the atomic cross-asset transfer protocol and Wanchain's decentralized bridge ushered in a new era of trustless interoperability, paving the way for a more interconnected blockchain metropolis.

然而,創新的步伐仍在持續。 2019 年見證了一個分水嶺,利用智慧合約實現轉帳過程自動化的去中心化橋的興起。原子跨資產傳輸協議和萬維鏈去中心化橋等開創性橋樑開創了去信任互通性的新時代,為更互聯的區塊鏈大都市鋪平了道路。

As of March 2024, the cross-chain bridge landscape has evolved into a flourishing ecosystem, a vibrant marketplace of projects vying for dominance. Notable examples include the ubiquitous Multichain (formerly Poly Network), the interoperable gateway that connects a multitude of blockchain networks; Wormhole, the lightning-fast bridge that enables near-instantaneous asset transfers; and Cosmos' Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC), the intergalactic highway connecting independent blockchain galaxies.

截至 2024 年 3 月,跨鏈橋景觀已發展成為一個蓬勃發展的生態系統,一個充滿活力的計畫爭奪主導地位的市場。著名的例子包括無處不在的 Multichain(以前稱為 Poly Network),這是連接多個區塊鏈網路的可互通網關;蟲洞,快如閃電的橋樑,可實現近乎即時的資產轉移; Cosmos 的區塊鏈間通訊協定(IBC),連接獨立區塊鏈星系的星際高速公路。

The Perils that Lurk: Risks Associated with Cross-Chain Bridges


Despite their immense utility, cross-chain bridges are not immune to the risks that plague the blockchain metropolis. Bridges, along with smart contracts and oracles, constitute the vulnerable points within this digital realm, the targets of malicious actors seeking to exploit weaknesses and seize assets.


Over $3.3 billion worth of crypto assets were lost to hacks between 2021 and 2022, a testament to the security challenges that persist in the blockchain ecosystem. Cross-chain bridges, as the gatekeepers of interoperability, bear a significant share of these risks.

2021 年至 2022 年間,價值超過 33 億美元的加密資產因駭客攻擊而遺失,證明了區塊鏈生態系統中持續存在的安全挑戰。跨鏈橋作為互通性的把關人,承擔著這些風險的很大一部分。

Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities: Achilles' Heel of Bridges


The very code that empowers bridges, the intricate algorithms that orchestrate the movement of assets, also renders them susceptible to hacking attempts. Two high-profile exploits serve as stark reminders of this vulnerability.


In 2022, hackers breached the Ronin Bridge, a gateway between the Ethereum and Ronin networks, draining over $600 million worth of cryptocurrency. The exploit targeted a private key multisignature scheme, a security measure that ultimately proved inadequate to withstand the onslaught of attackers.

2022 年,駭客攻破了以太幣和 Ronin 網路之間的網關 Ronin Bridge,損失了價值超過 6 億美元的加密貨幣。該漏洞利用的目標是私鑰多重簽章方案,這種安全措施最終被證明不足以抵禦攻擊者的攻擊。

Earlier in 2022, the Wormhole bridge fell victim to a $325 million heist, another audacious attack that exploited a vulnerability in the bridge's smart contract code, exposing a flaw in the system's logic.

2022 年初,蟲洞橋遭受了 3.25 億美元的盜竊,這是另一次大膽的攻擊,利用了橋智能合約程式碼中的漏洞,暴露了系統邏輯中的缺陷。

These incidents underscore the critical need for rigorous audits, secure coding practices, and robust bug bounty programs to fortify bridges against potential attacks. Constant vigilance and relentless efforts to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities are paramount to ensure the security of the blockchain metropolis.


Lack of Traceability: A Challenge for Law Enforcement


Unlike traditional financial systems, blockchain transactions can be pseudonymous, a cornerstone of privacy in the digital realm. While this anonymity is a core tenet of blockchain technology, it presents challenges when assets are transferred across chains, making it more difficult for law enforcement and regulatory bodies to trace the movement of illicit funds.


This limitation of bridges can be exploited by malicious actors to anonymously move funds across blockchains, potentially hindering investigations and disrupting the pursuit of justice. Innovative solutions are needed to address this traceability challenge without compromising the privacy principles of blockchain technology.


Centralization Concerns: A Threat to Trustless Interoperability


Over the years, and through the post-mortem analysis of multiple hacks, it has become evident that several bridges exhibit a concerning level of centralization. While some bridges operate in a decentralized manner, distributing governance and operation across a wider network of participants, others remain more centralized, often introducing a single point of failure and compromising the trustless nature of blockchain.


Centralized bridges, like bridges controlled by a single entity or a small group of actors, pose a security risk, as they become more susceptible to malicious attacks or manipulation by corrupt actors. The decentralization of bridges is essential to ensure the security and integrity of the blockchain metropolis.


Mitigating the Risks: Paving the Way to a Secure and Interoperable Future


The blockchain community, a collective of brilliant minds and dedicated builders, is actively exploring solutions to address the risks mentioned above. The following are some promising avenues being pursued to mitigate these risks and pave the way to a more secure and interoperable blockchain metropolis.


Decentralized Bridge Architecture: The Path to Enhanced Security


Moving toward fully decentralized bridges, where governance and operation are distributed across a wider network of participants, can significantly enhance security and reduce reliance on trusted third parties. Decentralized bridge networks, incentivized through tokens launched by the projects, can ensure the alignment of participants' interests and promote responsible behavior.


For instance, Wormhole has recently announced its token program, aiming to incentivize its ecosystem and foster the growth of a decentralized network of validators who actively participate in securing the bridge.

例如,Wormhole 最近宣布了其代幣計劃,旨在激勵其生態系統並促進積極參與保護橋樑安全的去中心化驗證者網路的發展。

Formal Verification Techniques: Ensuring the Integrity of Smart Contracts


Employing formal verification, a rigorous mathematical approach to proving the correctness of software code, can help identify and eliminate vulnerabilities within bridge smart contracts before deployment. This meticulous process, like a thorough inspection of a bridge's structural integrity, ensures that the code is sound and free from flaws that could be exploited by malicious actors.


Standardization and Interoperability: Promoting Seamless Communication


Standardizing communication protocols between bridges can foster seamless interoperability and potentially mitigate some of the traceability challenges. Projects like the IBC are making strides in this direction, developing standardized protocols that enable secure, trustless communication and asset transfers between independent blockchains.

標準化網橋之間的通訊協定可以促進無縫互通性,並有可能緩解一些可追溯性挑戰。像 IBC 這樣的項目正在朝這個方向邁進,開發標準化協議,以實現獨立區塊鏈之間安全、無需信任的通訊和資產轉移。

The IBC, a visionary initiative, aims to create a unified communication framework for the blockchain metropolis, akin to a universal language that facilitates interoperability between different blockchain networks.


The Cross-Chain Utopia: A Vision of Seamless Interconnectivity


The future of blockchain hinges on interconnectedness, on the ability to seamlessly move assets and leverage the unique benefits of each blockchain network without friction. Cross-chain bridges hold the key to unlocking this vision, creating a truly interoperable ecosystem where users can harness the full potential of the blockchain metropolis.


As Web3 onboards billions of users, they should be agnostic to the blockchain on which their transactions happen. Just as citizens of modern metropolises can effortlessly move between different transportation systems, users of the blockchain metropolis should be able to seamlessly transfer assets across chains, interacting with a multitude of decentralized applications and services without even being aware of the underlying infrastructure.

隨著 Web3 擁有數十億用戶,他們應該對發生交易的區塊鏈一無所知。正如現代大都市的公民可以毫不費力地在不同的交通系統之間移動一樣,區塊鏈大都市的用戶應該能夠跨鏈無縫轉移資產,與大量去中心化的應用程式和服務交互,甚至不需要了解底層基礎設施。

The Path Forward: Striving for a Seamless and Secure Blockchain Utopia


As the blockchain metropolis continues to evolve, bridges should strive toward the following improvements to enhance the user experience, bolster security, and accelerate the transition to a fully interoperable ecosystem.


Enhanced User Experience: Simplifying the Interoperable Journey


Bridges should become more user-friendly, offering intuitive interfaces that simplify the asset transfer process even for non-technical users. To achieve this, the concepts of wallets, chains, and bridges need to be integrated into a more Web2-like experience. DeFi users, for instance, should be able to swap assets across chains from a simple interface, without having to delve into the complexities of blockchain technology.

橋樑應該變得更加用戶友好,提供直覺的介面,即使對於非技術用戶來說也可以簡化資產轉移過程。為了實現這一目標,錢包、鍊和橋的概念需要整合到更像 Web2 的體驗中。例如,DeFi 用戶應該能夠透過一個簡單的介面跨鏈交換資產,而無需深入研究區塊鏈技術的複雜性。

Robust Security: Forging Impregnable Gateways


Through a combination of robust security practices, constant vigilance, better smart contract governance, and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies like formal verification, bridges can evolve into fortresses of security. Fully decentralized bridges, governed by a distributed network of validators, can become the norm, eliminating the risks associated with centralized control and ensuring the integrity of the blockchain metropolis.


The Ideal Future: A Blockchain Metropolis Without Boundaries


The ideal future envisions a blockchain landscape where users can move seamlessly between chains, transact effortlessly, and leverage the power of the entire ecosystem without even being aware of the underlying infrastructure. This vision of interoperability, a truly interconnected blockchain metropolis



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