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中國與Conflux Network合作建立一個新的區塊鏈基礎設施平台,以支持「一帶一路」倡議。該平台被稱為“一帶一路超大規模區塊鏈基礎設施平台”,旨在促進跨境合作,為協同應用提供基礎。
China Unveils Groundbreaking Blockchain Platform to Power Belt and Road Initiative, Underscoring Ambitious Technological Advancements Amidst Cryptocurrency Restrictions
In a groundbreaking move that underscores China's unwavering commitment to technological innovation, the nation has partnered with Conflux Network to introduce a state-of-the-art blockchain infrastructure platform tailored specifically to bolster the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This platform, aptly named "Ultra-Large Scale Blockchain Infrastructure Platform for the Belt and Road Initiative," is poised to serve as the cornerstone for a multitude of cross-border applications, heralding a new era of seamless connectivity and collaboration.
這項突破性舉措突顯了中國對技術創新堅定不移的承諾,中國與 Conflux Network 合作推出了專門為支持「一帶一路」倡議 (BRI) 量身定制的最先進的區塊鏈基礎設施平台。該平台被恰如其分地命名為“一帶一路超大規模區塊鏈基礎設施平台”,將成為眾多跨境應用的基石,預示著無縫連接和協作的新時代。
Conflux Network, a renowned multichain blockchain ecosystem, has taken the reins in spearheading the launch of this transformative platform. The platform's primary objective is to establish an immutable and secure foundation upon which developers can build innovative applications that transcend borders, fostering unparalleled levels of cooperation and economic integration.
著名的多鏈區塊鏈生態系統 Conflux Network 率先推出了這個變革性平台。該平台的主要目標是建立一個不可變且安全的基礎,開發人員可以在此基礎上建立超越國界的創新應用程序,從而促進無與倫比的合作和經濟一體化水平。
Despite China's stringent stance towards cryptocurrency trading and mining, the government's unwavering support for blockchain technology stands as a testament to its belief in the transformative potential of decentralized systems. This contrasting approach reflects a nuanced understanding of the distinct roles played by cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in the evolving digital landscape.
While China has taken a cautious approach to cryptocurrencies, recognizing potential risks associated with their speculative nature and volatility, it has simultaneously embraced the underlying blockchain technology as a catalyst for innovation and economic growth. This strategic distinction underscores the government's commitment to harnessing technology for the betterment of society while mitigating potential risks.
The statistics paint a clear picture: despite the ban on crypto trading in mainland China, a significant portion of the population, approximately 33.3%, owns stablecoins, a type of cryptocurrency pegged to fiat currencies. This statistic, coupled with the ingenuity of traders finding ways to circumvent trading restrictions, highlights the underlying demand for digital currencies in China.
統計數據描繪了一幅清晰的圖景:儘管中國大陸禁止加密貨幣交易,但仍有很大一部分人口(約 33.3%)擁有穩定幣,這是一種與法定貨幣掛鉤的加密貨幣。這項統計數據,加上交易者巧妙地尋找規避交易限制的方法,凸顯了中國對數位貨幣的潛在需求。
The government's proactive efforts to amend its Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations to encompass cryptocurrency transactions further demonstrate its commitment to responsible adoption of blockchain technology. This move is a clear indication that China is determined to combat illicit activities while fostering an environment conducive to innovation and growth.
The platform's launch comes at an opportune time as the Belt and Road Initiative, a sprawling network of infrastructure projects connecting China with countries across Asia, Africa, and Europe, continues to gain momentum. Blockchain technology, with its inherent transparency, immutability, and efficiency, offers a transformative solution for streamlining cross-border transactions, facilitating supply chain management, and enhancing trade finance.
The platform's potential applications extend far beyond traditional financial services, embracing a wide spectrum of sectors essential to the BRI's success. Smart contracts, for instance, can automate complex trade agreements, ensuring transparency and enforcing terms without the need for costly intermediaries. Digital identity solutions can streamline the verification process for cross-border transactions, eliminating inefficiencies and reducing fraud.
In the realm of healthcare, the platform can empower patients with greater control over their medical records, enabling seamless sharing of information across borders and facilitating access to specialized care regardless of geographical barriers. Educational institutions can leverage the platform to offer innovative online programs, expanding access to quality education and fostering global collaboration.
Furthermore, the platform's multichain architecture allows for interoperability between multiple blockchains, enabling the seamless integration of diverse applications and data sources. This interoperability will create a vibrant ecosystem where developers can innovate freely, fostering a burgeoning community of entrepreneurs and startups.
China's decision to collaborate with Conflux Network, a leading player in the blockchain industry, is a testament to the platform's technological prowess and the government's confidence in its ability to deliver on the ambitious goals of the Belt and Road Initiative. Conflux Network's expertise in high-throughput blockchain solutions, coupled with its unwavering commitment to scalability and security, positions the platform as an ideal partner for this groundbreaking endeavor.
中國決定與區塊鏈產業領先企業Conflux Network合作,證明了該平台的技術實力以及政府對其實現「一帶一路」倡議雄心勃勃目標的能力的信心。 Conflux Network 在高吞吐量區塊鏈解決方案方面的專業知識,加上其對可擴展性和安全性的堅定承諾,使該平台成為這項突破性努力的理想合作夥伴。
As the platform gains traction, it is expected to attract a diverse array of stakeholders, including governments, businesses, financial institutions, and developers. This collaboration will create a powerful network effect, accelerating innovation and driving the adoption of blockchain technology across a vast geographical landscape.
The launch of this public blockchain infrastructure platform marks a watershed moment in China's technological journey, demonstrating the nation's unwavering belief in the transformative power of blockchain technology. As the platform evolves, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Belt and Road Initiative, fostering unprecedented levels of connectivity, collaboration, and economic prosperity.
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