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The Bitcoin Lightning Network is a second-layer solution that builds on the Bitcoin blockchain to enable faster and more cost-effective transactions. It's designed to address Bitcoin's scalability issues, which arise from the main chain’s limited throughput.
As transaction volume increases, especially during periods of high activity, the Bitcoin network can become congested, leading to slower transaction times and higher fees as miners prioritize transactions with higher fees. This characteristic of Bitcoin has been a subject of discussion, with some arguing that it undermines the cryptocurrency’s efficiency, particularly for small-value payments.
To solve this problem, Joseph Poon and Tadge Dryja proposed the Lightning Network in 2015, drawing on Satoshi Nakamoto’s concept of payment channels. Their idea was to move transaction activity off the main chain to reduce congestion and allow for faster transaction speeds.
為了解決這個問題,約瑟夫·波恩(Joseph Poon)和塔德·德萊賈(Tadge Dryja)在2015年提出了閃電網絡,利用了納卡本(Satoshi Nakamoto)的付款渠道概念。他們的想法是將交易活動從主鏈中移動,以降低交通擁堵並允許更快的交易速度。
Poon and Dryja’s proposal was based on two-party channels, where users could lock up Bitcoin in a shared address and then transfer funds directly through a series of cryptographic signatures, effectively performing transactions “off-chain.” These transactions would only be settled on-chain when the channel was closed, allowing for multiple transactions to be bundled into a single blockchain transaction, thereby reducing transaction costs.
After the initial proposal, development on the Lightning Network began in 2014 with the release of a beta version of the software by Lightning Labs. The project quickly gained traction with the support of industry figures like Jack Dorsey, CEO of Block (formerly Square), who integrated the Lightning Network into the company’s payment services.
在最初的提案之後,閃電網絡的開發始於2014年,隨著Lightning Labs發布了該軟件的Beta版本。該項目迅速獲得了行業人物的支持,例如Block(以前是Square)的首席執行官傑克·多爾西(Jack Dorsey),後者將閃電網絡集成到公司的支付服務中。
Over time, the ecosystem around the Lightning Network has expanded with the development of new technologies and services. Some notable innovations include Keysend, which enables users to easily receive payments through a unique code, and Wumbo Channels, which allow for larger channel capacity.
Several services have also been launched to facilitate and enhance the use of the Lightning Network. Loop, developed by Bitcoin startup Agiro Technologies, enables users to seamlessly transfer funds between their Lightning Network wallets and centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Pool, a service created by Lightning Labs, allows users to aggregate small payments into larger batches for more efficient processing.
還推出了幾項服務,以促進和增強閃電網絡的使用。由比特幣啟動AGIRO Technologies開發的LOOP使用戶能夠在其閃電網絡錢包和集中的加密貨幣交換之間無縫傳輸資金。泳池是由Lightning Labs創建的服務,允許用戶將小額付款匯總為更大的批次,以進行更有效的處理。
Taro, developed by Blockstream, introduces the capability to mint and transfer tokenized assets on the Lightning Network, expanding its functionality beyond Bitcoin. Faraday, a service created by Lightning Labs, focuses on providing a user-friendly interface for interacting with the Lightning Network, aiming to make it more accessible to a broader audience.
由BlockStream開發的塔羅(Taro)在閃電網絡上介紹了鑄造和傳輸令牌資產的能力,從而將其功能擴展到了比特幣之外。閃電實驗室(Lightning Labs)創建的一項服務Faraday致力於提供一個用戶友好的界面,以與閃電網絡進行交互,旨在使更廣泛的受眾更容易獲得。
Through these innovations and services, the Lightning Network ecosystem continues to evolve, expanding the possibilities for using Bitcoin in new and interesting ways.
Key Benefits of the Lightning Network
The Lightning Network offers several advantages that enhance Bitcoin’s usability and expand its potential use cases.
1. Scalability
As a second-layer solution operating parallel to the main Bitcoin chain, the Lightning Network can process transactions much faster and more efficiently, overcoming the throughput limitations of the Bitcoin blockchain. This property is crucial for handling the increasing transaction volume during periods of high activity.
2. Speed
Transactions on the Lightning Network are typically executed within a few seconds, in contrast to the average transaction times on the Bitcoin blockchain, which can vary but are usually measured in minutes. This speed differential is due to the time required for miners to include transactions in a block and the varying levels of congestion on the network.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
Transaction fees on the Lightning Network are significantly lower than those charged by the Bitcoin blockchain. The fee structure on the Lightning Network is designed to compensate nodes for routing transactions and keeping the network liquid. In comparison, transaction fees on the Bitcoin blockchain are determined by miners, who prioritize transactions with higher fees, especially during periods of high congestion.
4. Decentralization
Similar to the Bitcoin blockchain, the Lightning Network is decentralized, with no single entity controlling the network or having special privileges. This characteristic ensures that the network remains open and accessible to all users.
How the Lightning Network Works
The core of the Lightning Network is formed by payment channels established between two parties. To open a channel, both users contribute funds to a shared address controlled by a cryptographic technology called a Hash Time Lock, also known as a Paymaster. This technology, developed by Blockstream, enables the creation of atomic transactions, where multiple operations are linked together and either all succeed or none.
閃電網絡的核心是由兩方之間建立的付款渠道形成的。為了打開渠道,兩個用戶都為由加密技術控制的共享地址捐款,稱為A Hash Time Lock,也稱為Paymaster。這項由BlockStream開發的技術可以創建原子交易,其中多個操作都鏈接在一起,要么成功。
In this case, the Paymaster script ensures that either both users can withdraw their initial contributions or, if one user’s private key is used, the other user receives the entire channel balance. This property is crucial for channel security, as it prevents one user from being able to steal funds from the other.
Transactions within a channel are executed off-chain through a series of cryptographic signatures, allowing for instant fund transfers and reducing the workload on the main blockchain. When the channel is closed, only the final transaction is recorded on-chain, summarizing the series of transactions that occurred off-chain.
The network extends beyond direct channels by routing payments through intermediate nodes, enabling two parties who may not have a channel
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