Axie Infinity 宣布 Elite 8 錦標賽將於 1 月 12 日開始。參考AXS官方推文:

Axie Infinity, the popular blockchain game, has announced the commencement of the Elite 8 tournament on January 12th. The tournament will feature the top 8 teams from the Axie Infinity World Series, competing for a prize pool of 100,000 USD.
熱門區塊鏈遊戲 Axie Infinity 宣佈於 1 月 12 日開始舉辦 Elite 8 錦標賽。比賽將由 Axie Infinity 世界大賽前 8 支隊伍參加,爭奪 10 萬美元的獎金池。
The tournament will be streamed live on Twitch and YouTube, and fans can tune in to watch the best Axie Infinity players in the world battle it out for the championship title.
比賽將在 Twitch 和 YouTube 上進行直播,粉絲們可以收看世界上最優秀的 Axie Infinity 玩家爭奪冠軍頭銜的比賽。
In other news, Axie Infinity has also announced the launch of a new battle system, which will be available in the upcoming V3 update. The new battle system is designed to be more strategic and engaging, and will feature a number of new mechanics, including a new energy system and a new card system.
其他消息方面,Axie Infinity 也宣布推出全新戰鬥系統,該系統將在即將推出的 V3 更新中提供。新的戰鬥系統被設計得更具策略性和吸引力,並將採用許多新機制,包括新能源系統和新卡牌系統。
Axie Infinity continues to be one of the most popular blockchain games in the world, and the upcoming Elite 8 tournament and V3 update are sure to generate a lot of excitement among the game's community.
Axie Infinity 仍然是世界上最受歡迎的區塊鏈遊戲之一,即將推出的 Elite 8 錦標賽和 V3 更新肯定會在遊戲社群中引起極大的興奮。
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