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Application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips are the backbone of the bitcoin (BTC) mining industry. The machines are made for a single purpose: To solve Bitcoin’s SHA-256 algorithm as fast as possible in order to collect block rewards.
They’re extremely good at it. One of the most widely used ASIC machines, the Antminer S19, is capable of making 82 trillion computations per second — 820 times the number of stars in the Milky Way.
他們非常擅長。使用最廣泛的ASIC機器之一Antminer S19能夠每秒進行82萬億個計算,這是銀河系中恆星數量的820倍。
The $30 billion ASIC manufacturing market is dominated by Bitmain. The Chinese company’s machines power roughly 80% of Bitcoin’s hashrate, according to TheMinerMag. But Singapore-based bitcoin mining firm Bitdeer (NYSE: BITD) intends to shake things up with the release of a new ASIC chip architecture.
These new chips could bring a huge jump in efficiency, the company claims, while improving transparency in the ASIC manufacturing process.
“The two dominant players [Bitmain and MicroBT] are both private companies, and very opaque,” Jeff LaBerge, head of capital markets and strategic initiatives at Bitdeer, told CoinDesk in an interview. “They don’t really engage with the media or give any type of guidance about what they’re doing from an R&D standpoint, and that makes it very difficult for end-buyers to plan.”
Bitdeer資本市場和戰略計劃主管Jeff Laberge在接受采訪時告訴Coindesk:“ [Bitmain和Microbt的兩個主要參與者都是私營公司,而且非常不透明。” “從研發的角度來看,他們並沒有真正與媒體互動,也沒有為他們所做的事情提供任何類型的指導,這使得最終購買者很難計劃。”
“We want our customers to know where we’re at in our manufacturing process, what our roadmap is in terms of new chip designs, where we’re at in our production cycles.”
Shanon Squires, chief mining officer at bitcoin hosting firm Compass Mining, told CoinDesk that increased visibility into ASIC production would help miners plan new hardware shipments and make it easier to predict Bitcoin’s difficulty growth. “Bitdeer’s commitment to transparency is great for the mining industry,” she said.
比特幣託管公司Compass Mining的首席礦業官Shanon Squires告訴Coindesk,Coindesk對ASIC生產的可見性將有助於礦工計劃新的硬件運輸,並使預測比特幣的難度增長變得更加容易。她說:“比特爾對透明度的承諾對採礦業非常有用。”
“While Canaan discloses its annual sales volume for various mining models, Bitdeer takes it a step further by providing more frequent delivery volume updates,” Wolfie Zhao, head of research at TheMinerMag, told CoinDesk. “Although both are smaller players in the hardware market, their efforts show good faith in promoting transparency. Hopefully, this will encourage the larger market incumbents to take note.”
Theminermag研究負責人Wolfie Zhao告訴Coindesk:“儘管Canaan披露了各種採礦模型的年度銷售量,但Bitdeer通過提供更頻繁的交付量更新,將其進一步發展。” “儘管兩者都是硬件市場中較小的參與者,但他們的努力在提高透明度方面表現出了真誠的信心。希望這將鼓勵較大的市場現任人注意。”
Seeking efficiency
ASIC chips have used mostly the same blueprint since 2014. Over the last decade, the biggest increases in ASIC power efficiency have come at the foundry level, as leading global chipmaker TSMC has refined its manufacturing process. While miners have also made alterations to chip design, such modifications have only brought incremental gains.
Even so, progress has been tremendous. The very first ever ASIC, Canaan’s Avalon (2013) had a power efficiency of 6,000 joules per terahash (J/TH). Bitmain’s Antminer S21XP Hydro, the current most efficient machine on the market, boasts 12 J/TH efficiency.
即便如此,進步還是巨大的。 Canaan的Avalon(2013)是有史以來的第一個ASIC,其功率為6,000 Joules,每Terahash(J/Th)。 Bitmain的Antminer S21XP Hydro是市場上最有效的機器,具有12 j/th的效率。
Bitdeer, which is listed on Nasdaq, wants to create a completely new architecture for its ASICs. “We feel like it’s going to be necessary to break into what we call the single-digit efficiency range,” LaBerge said, referring to mining rigs with less than 10 J/TH in efficiency.
納斯達克省列出的Bitdeer希望為其ASIC創建一個全新的體系結構。 “我們覺得有必要闖入我們所謂的單數效率範圍,”勞勒(Laberge)指的是,效率低於10 j/th的採礦鑽機。
Scaling up with the traditional blueprint means using progressively thinner chips. But thinner means chips are more likely to be defective and yields per batch tend to fall. “You’re also competing with Apple and Nvidia and some of the biggest companies in the world for the same materials,” LaBerge said.
用傳統的藍圖擴展意味著使用逐漸稀薄的芯片。但是更薄的意味著芯片更有可能有缺陷,並且每批趨勢往往會下降。 Laberge說:“您還與Apple和Nvidia以及世界上一些最大的公司競爭相同的材料。”
Bitdeer’s Chief Strategy Officer, Haris Basit, is leading a team of engineers to create a new framework. Some members of that team worked on designs found in Bitmain's first ASIC chips back in 2014 — the chips whose architecture became the standard across the industry. (Bitmain did not respond to a request for comment.)
比特爾(Bitdeer)的首席戰略官哈里斯·布斯特(Haris Basit)領導一支工程師團隊創建一個新的框架。該團隊的一些成員從2014年Bitmain的第一個ASIC芯片中發現的設計進行了研究,這些芯片的建築成為整個行業的標準。 (Bitmain沒有回應置評請求。)
Bitdeer’s research has already had successes. The company’s most recent product, the SEALMINER A3, achieved a power efficiency of 9.7 J/TH during performance trials, the firm reported on Monday. That means the A3 — which still uses the traditional ASIC blueprint — could end up taking the efficiency crown from the S21XP Hydro.
Bitdeer的研究已經取得了成功。該公司週一報導,該公司的最新產品Sealminer A3在績效試驗期間達到了9.7 j/th的功率效率。這意味著A3(仍然使用傳統的ASIC藍圖)最終可能會從S21XP Hydro中奪取效率冠。
Yet the miner’s SEALMINER A4, which will employ the firm’s new chip architecture, is expected to consume 5 J/TH. It will likely be the most efficient ASIC machine on the market by a significant margin.
然而,將採用該公司新的芯片建築的礦工密封器A4預計將消耗5 j/th。它可能是市場上最有效的ASIC機器。
"People have known for a long time that you could recycle [the electric] charge on a chip, but no one's really been able to figure out how to do that in a way that allows for high performance… We've cracked the code on how to do this in a very high performance application," Basit told the Coin Stories podcast in December.
Basit告訴Coin Stories Podcast,“人們很長一段時間以來都知道您可以在芯片上回收(電動)充電,但是沒有人能以一種允許高性能的方式弄清楚如何做到這一點……我們已經在高性能應用程序中對此進行了有關如何執行此操作的代碼。”
"Instead of
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