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All that’s needed for a payment to go through is a little information. It used to be that a card number, expiry date and name were all that was required to buy goods online. Then, CCVs (credit card verification numbers) were introduced, and today, depending on where you’re shopping, you might also be sharing your IP address, location and even your recent social media activity.
This increasing demand for information is driven by a need for security. According to research from Nord VPN, stolen payment details can be purchased for as little as $10 on the dark web. Payment processors know fraudsters are unlikely to have access to all the data required to impersonate a genuine customer. Consequently, the more data, the better the fraud prevention. However, this approach also introduces significant risks. Sharing vast amounts of personal data digitally creates opportunities for bad actors to intercept and misuse sensitive information.
この情報に対する需要の増加は、セキュリティの必要性によって推進されています。 Nord VPNの調査によると、盗まれた支払いの詳細は、Dark Webでわずか10ドルで購入できます。支払いプロセッサは、詐欺師が本物の顧客になりすましに必要なすべてのデータにアクセスする可能性が低いことを知っています。その結果、データが多いほど、詐欺防止が良くなります。ただし、このアプローチは重大なリスクも導入します。膨大な量の個人データをデジタル的に共有すると、悪い俳優が機密情報を傍受して誤用する機会が生まれます。
What if there were a way to secure your card information so that even if it were stolen, it would be useless? Enter tokenization: a technology transforming how we think about payment security.
What Is tokenization?Tokenization replaces your 16-digit card number with a unique, randomized sequence known as a “token.” Unlike the original card number, these tokens are meaningless outside the payment network that issued them. If hackers access a database containing tokens, they’ll find them useless because only the payment network can decrypt and process them.
First introduced in 2013 as a security standard, tokenization quickly gained traction. By 2014, Mastercard launched its Digital Enablement Service to secure billions of transactions annually. Today, tokenization is a cornerstone of secure digital payments.
2013年にセキュリティ基準として最初に導入されたトークン化は、すぐに牽引力を獲得しました。 2014年までに、MasterCardはデジタルイネーブルメントサービスを開始し、毎年数十億の取引を確保しました。今日、トークン化は安全なデジタル決済の基礎です。
How tokenization worksWhen you input your card details into a digital wallet or an online merchant’s site, the payment system requests a token from the payment network. This token is stored in place of your actual card number.
For example, if you save your card details with an e-commerce site, the site stores the token rather than your real card data. During a transaction, the token is combined with a one-time cryptogram generated by your device or merchant account to authenticate the payment securely.
Benefits of tokenizationTokenization offers multiple benefits for consumers and merchants alike:
Enhanced security: Tokens eliminate the need for merchants to store sensitive card details, reducing the risk of data breaches. Even if a hacker gains access to stored tokens, they’re useless without the corresponding payment network.
Improved fraud prevention: Transactions using tokens are less likely to be fraudulent. This also means fewer false declines, leading to a smoother checkout experience for customers.
Seamless continuity: If your physical card is lost or expires, tokenized transactions can continue uninterrupted. The payment network updates the token automatically when your card details change.
Simplified compliance: Merchants using tokenization reduce their burden of complying with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), saving time and resources.
単純化されたコンプライアンス:トークン化を使用している商人は、支払いカード業界のデータセキュリティ基準(PCI DSS)に準拠するという負担を軽減し、時間とリソースを節約します。
The evolution of tokenizationInitially, tokenization systems were proprietary and limited in scope. Merchants had to rely on specific payment processors, creating “walled gardens” of tokens that lacked interoperability. This often led to inefficiencies and restricted merchants’ ability to optimize their payment systems.
Today, network tokens — issued directly by payment networks like Mastercard — have revolutionized the process. Unlike traditional tokens, network tokens are interoperable across platforms, gateways and merchants. They provide additional benefits, such as lower processing fees and automatic updates when card details change.
The role of network tokenizationNetwork tokenization reduces fraud by as much as 26% without adding friction for customers. It also ensures that expired cards don’t disrupt transactions. When a card’s expiration date changes, the network token updates automatically, eliminating the need for customers to re-enter their information.
This seamless experience benefits merchants, too. Higher authorization rates, typically ranging from 3% to 13%, can significantly impact revenue in high-volume sectors like e-commerce and digital goods. Network tokens also enable advanced features like “Click to Pay” and biometric authentication, creating a frictionless payment experience for customers.
このシームレスなエクスペリエンスも商人に利益をもたらします。通常、3%から13%の範囲の承認率が高いため、eコマースやデジタル商品などの大量のセクターの収益に大きな影響を与える可能性があります。ネットワークトークンは、「Click to Pay」や生体認証などの高度な機能も有効にして、顧客に摩擦のない支払いエクスペリエンスを作成します。
Tokenization in action: SolidgateTokenization doesn’t just enhance security — it also simplifies operations for merchants. Storing tokens instead of raw card data reduces PCI DSS compliance challenges and protects customer information in the event of a breach. Additionally, the ability of network tokenization to maintain seamless transactions helps merchants retain customers and improve conversion rates.
活動中のトークン化:SolidGateTokenizationは、セキュリティを強化するだけでなく、商人の操作を簡素化します。生のカードデータの代わりにトークンを保存すると、PCI DSSコンプライアンスの課題が減り、違反が発生した場合に顧客情報を保護します。さらに、ネットワークトークン化がシームレスなトランザクションを維持する能力は、商人が顧客を維持し、コンバージョン率を改善するのに役立ちます。
Solidgate is an ambitious payment processor, laser-focused on the goal of processing $100 billion USD in transactions in the next five years. Subscriptions are a major source of their revenue, and that comes with challenges. On one hand, subscriptions should mean predictable sources of revenue, but in practice, they are complex and difficult to master, hence why there is so much emphasis on controlling ‘churn’. Having a repeat payment fail significantly raises the possibility of a customer deciding to discontinue their subscription, so it is really important that acceptance rates are as high
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