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2月25日、Tether(USDT)のCEO Paolo Ardoinoは、「USDTは新興市場全体で米ドルの覇権と流通のための最も成功したツールである」と主張しました。
On February 25, Tether (USDT) CEO Paolo Ardoino stated that “USDT is the most successful tool for US dollar hegemony and distribution across emerging markets,” adding that the company holds more than $115 billion in US Treasuries—ranking it as the 18th largest holder globally. However, the most revealing part of his statement was not about the numbers but rather his ambition: “I’ll leave it to you to define a competitor trying to use lawfare to kill an opponent instead of focusing on better products.”
2月25日、テザー(USDT)のCEOであるPaolo Ardoinoは、「USDTは新興市場全体で米ドルの覇権と流通のための最も成功したツールである」と述べ、同社は米国の財務省で1,150億ドル以上を保有しており、グローバルに18番目に大きな保有者であると述べています。しかし、彼の声明の最も明らかな部分は、数字についてではなく、彼の野望に関するものでした。「より良い製品に焦点を当てるのではなく、競合他社を使用して相手を殺そうとする競合他社を定義することをあなたに任せます。」
In Europe, regulators have recently streamlined the rules for stablecoins, facilitating their adoption across the continent. Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation is creating robust demand for stablecoins as a currency in settlements. Now, Europe is faced with a final opportunity to build an economy around a stablecoin pegged to the euro.
ヨーロッパでは、規制当局は最近、スタブコインの規則を合理化し、大陸全体での採用を促進しました。 Crypto-Assets Regulationの市場は、和解の通貨として、Stablecoinsに対する堅牢な需要を生み出しています。現在、ヨーロッパは、ユーロに固定された安定したものを中心に経済を構築する最終的な機会に直面しています。
Why are stablecoins important for the economy?
Stablecoins offer a straightforward mechanism for transactions and calculations. Nevertheless, their significance for Europe goes beyond convenience—they provide states with the opportunity to raise public spending through the issuance of debt. Since stablecoins must be fully backed, their issuers purchase government securities, which they then tokenize.
Stablecoinsは、トランザクションと計算のための簡単なメカニズムを提供します。それにもかかわらず、ヨーロッパにとっての彼らの重要性は利便性を超えています。彼らは、債務の発行を通じて公共支出を引き上げる機会を州に提供します。 Stablecoinsは完全に支援する必要があるため、発行者は政府証券を購入し、それをトークン化します。
The launch of a stablecoin ecosystem creates sustained demand for government bonds. In the context of Europe’s growing need for increased defense spending, this is no small feat: stablecoins could enable a higher debt load while fostering the development of private companies that, in turn, further demand for public bonds.
Ultimately, the adoption of stablecoins will directly correspond to Europe’s willingness to expand its government bond market to balance its budget and strengthen the euro’s role in global payments.
Why is the clock ticking?
The life cycle of innovation follows a predictable pattern, meaning that the window to introduce a euro-backed stablecoin is closing.
In the early phase, the market selects the best-performing solutions. As the industry matures, dominant players erect barriers to entry by increasing the cost of launching competitive alternatives. If you miss the first phase, breaking into the market becomes economically unfeasible—similar to how launching a new automotive company today requires astronomical investment.
The same applies to blockchain. Crypto’s garage-phase economy is ending, paving the way for major corporations to consolidate their power. Soon, a few dominant players will control the space—one of them likely being Tether, which could grow to rival Apple in size.
同じことがブロックチェーンにも当てはまります。 Cryptoのガレージ段階経済は終わり、大企業が彼らの力を統合する道を開いています。すぐに、数人の支配的なプレーヤーがスペースを制御します。そのうちの1人は、おそらくテザーになっている可能性が高く、それはAppleのサイズに匹敵する可能性があります。
Opportunities to build massive businesses in crypto are closing rapidly. Companies are emerging with liquidity levels that won’t be attainable by newcomers for the next few years. We’re already seeing the last moments of an open market—the train is leaving the station, and with it, the last major opportunities.
The time pressure is also heightened by geopolitical competition. If an RMB-backed stablecoin manages to gain traction first, a euro-pegged stablecoin may struggle to claim its potential market share in international settlements.
地政学的競争によって時間の圧力が高まります。 RMBが支援したStablecoinが最初に牽引力を獲得した場合、ユーロが科したStablecoinは、国際入植地における潜在的な市場シェアを主張するのに苦労するかもしれません。
Why has EURT not succeeded?
Euro Tether (EURT) has failed to gain traction primarily due to liquidity constraints—there was little institutional interest in sustaining it. However, if European banks get involved, the Eurozone’s share of cryptocurrency transactions could rise, in the process positioning the euro as a major player in international settlements.
Tether’s stablecoin market share now exceeds the dollar’s fiat share by 1.5 times. This presents an opportunity: a euro-backed stablecoin could capture a portion of the 30% gap in international payments that is currently up for grabs.
If executed correctly, the Eurozone could, in turn, inject roughly €20 billion into its own economy by driving demand for European government bonds. Currently, Tether’s daily turnover stands at $100 billion—a euro-pegged stablecoin could potentially capture one-fifth of that volume.
The role of regulation
MiCA does not directly regulate European companies but rather sets the framework for those who are capable of creating a euro-denominated stablecoin market. In this context, European businesses have clear incentives to adopt a euro-pegged stablecoin—minimizing exchange rate risk, facilitating cross-border transactions, and reducing borrowing costs by driving demand for European government bonds.
The odds of success increase if leading EU banks and crypto firms form a consortium to issue a new, euro-backed stablecoin. Brighty is prepared to participate in such an initiative, but success depends on large players with deep liquidity committing to the project.
EUの大手銀行と暗号企業がコンソーシアムを形成して、ユーロ担当の新しいスタブコインを発行すると、成功の可能性が高まります。 Brightyはこのようなイニシアチブに参加する準備ができていますが、成功はプロジェクトにコミットする深い流動性を持つ大規模なプレーヤーに依存します。
Crucially, a new stablecoin must be issued under fresh leadership rather than relying on existing issuers. And, ultimately, those who are looking to capitalize on this sector must create an entirely new digital currency—one that they directly control. Only by taking such steps might the Euro stablecoin win this race against the clock.
About Nick Denisenko
Nick Denisenko is the CTO and co-founder Brighty, a Swiss digital finance platform that combines the trust of traditional finance with the power of the crypto economy. Nick
Nick Denisenkoは、従来の金融の信頼と暗号経済の力を組み合わせたスイスのデジタルファイナンスプラットフォームであるCTOおよび共同設立者のBrightyです。ニック
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