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Shang Yang knows the strength of horses, and Bigan knows the heart of people. When NIL ascends to the sky, XMR will be delisted.
シャン・ヤンは馬の強さを知っており、ビガンは人々の心を知っています。 Nilが空に昇ると、XMRは上場廃止されます。
Blockchain originated from privacy technology, especially cryptography. From elliptic curves to zero-knowledge proofs, all of them prove the success of privacy economics in the Web 3.0 era.
ブロックチェーンは、プライバシーテクノロジー、特に暗号化に由来しています。楕円曲線からゼロ知識の証明まで、それらはすべて、Web 3.0 ERAでのプライバシー経済学の成功を証明しています。
But things are not perfect. From XMR being frequently delisted from CEX/DEX to the arrest of the founder of Tornado Cash, you will find that even if Nillion can be listed on Binance, the geek spirit of privacy projects is retreating, and its final product delivery capabilities are far from perfect.
しかし、物事は完璧ではありません。 XMRがCEX/DEXから頻繁に上場廃止されていることから、Tornado Cashの創設者の逮捕まで、たとえNillionがBinanceにリストされていても、オタクの精神のプライバシープロジェクトが後退し、最終的な製品配信機能は完璧ではないことがわかります。
When it comes to polishing privacy products, blockchain projects of the same type need to learn from their Web2 counterparts and improve their own posture.
Proton proves that privacy can be a well-functioning product
Privacy is a Feature, Not a Product.
Simply talking about privacy to strengthen the product form is meaningless. In other words, privacy also requires PMF. The reason why giants such as Google and Meta can violate privacy while making people unable to stop is because of convenience and network effects. They can be used out of the box and everyone uses them. Even individuals have to use them in office scenarios, so they will eventually accept everything from Google.
製品フォームを強化するためのプライバシーについて単に話すことは無意味です。言い換えれば、プライバシーにはPMFも必要です。 GoogleやMetaなどの巨人がプライバシーに違反しながら、人々が止まることができないようにする理由は、利便性とネットワーク効果のためです。それらは箱から出して使用することができ、誰もがそれらを使用します。個人でさえオフィスシナリオでそれらを使用する必要があるため、最終的にはGoogleからすべてを受け入れます。
On this point, the regulatory authorities' model of using fines to replace regulation has failed miserably. Even taking the legendary penalty-resistant Google's $2.974 billion as an example, Google would only need about 16 more days to earn it back, and these fines cannot be converted into revenue for European technology companies, leading to their further powerlessness in the face of Google.
この点で、規制を置き換えるために罰金を使用するという規制当局のモデルは惨めに失敗しました。 Googleの伝説的なペナルティに耐えるGoogleの29億7,400万ドルを例にとっても、Googleはそれを獲得するのに約16日しか必要ありません。これらの罰金は、欧州のテクノロジー企業の収益に変換することはできず、Googleに直面してさらに無力になります。
Faced with this problem, Proton's approach is to build its own full range of products, starting from CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). The pure inherent credibility of scientific researchers is higher than that of commercial companies. Cryptography technology, open source code, and product audits are used to build privacy products that are truly meaningful - you can achieve the corresponding functions without using Google's full range of products.
Of course, the current network effects and scale effects are still unable to compete with the giants, but compared with their blockchain peers, the products they provide are sufficient for daily use and are qualified Google Alternatives.
Compared with the entire Google Workspace family, the current Proton is basically a counterpart to Proton Mail itself. It is worth mentioning that Proton Mail is also the favorite of Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter and Square.
Google Workspaceファミリ全体と比較して、現在のプロトンは基本的にプロトンメール自体の対応物です。 Proton Mailは、Twitter and Squareの創設者であるJack Dorseyのお気に入りでもあることに言及する価値があります。
Proton Mail is different from general email products. It can be used without binding a mobile phone number, and supports end-to-end encryption mode to ensure the privacy transmission of emails. Before Telegram is regulated, it can be used in conjunction with TG's end-to-end mode to basically build a relatively high level of commercial privacy experience.
プロトンメールは、一般的な電子メール製品とは異なります。携帯電話番号を拘束せずに使用でき、エンドツーエンドの暗号化モードをサポートして、電子メールのプライバシー伝送を確保します。 Telegramが規制される前に、TGのエンドツーエンドモードと組み合わせて使用して、基本的に比較的高いレベルの商用プライバシーエクスペリエンスを構築できます。
Of course, after the fall of Telegram, Proton Mail combined with Signal can also meet the privacy surfing needs of most people.
もちろん、Telegramの崩壊後、信号と組み合わされたProton Mailは、ほとんどの人のプライバシーサーフィンのニーズを満たすこともできます。
Similar to Telegram, Proton has also begun to enter the Web3 field. Its first product is Proton Wallet. Unlike transaction-oriented products such as Bitget Wallet and Binance Wallet, Proton Wallet is extremely restrained and has relatively simple functions.
Telegramと同様に、ProtonもWeb3フィールドに入り始めました。その最初の製品はプロトンウォレットです。 Bitget WalletやBinance Walletなどのトランザクション指向の製品とは異なり、プロトンウォレットは非常に抑制されており、比較的単純な機能を備えています。
The significance of Proton is to prove the feasibility of building products based on privacy technology. Different from the advertising profit model of traditional giants, Proton adopts a payment system. Different from the token economics system of Web3 peers, Proton has not reached the stage of issuing coins. We can call it:
プロトンの重要性は、プライバシー技術に基づいて製品を構築する可能性を証明することです。伝統的な巨人の広告利益モデルとは異なり、プロトンは支払いシステムを採用しています。 Web3ピアのトークン経済システムとは異なり、プロトンはコインの発行段階に到達していません。私たちはそれを呼ぶことができます:
The non-tokenization practice of crypto technology.
From Skiff to Nillion, the Tokenization of Crypto Technology
If Pronton is considered to be Don Quixote, then Skiff, Nym, Privasea to Nillion are dwarfs, whose own PMF has not been found yet, but the token (Snow White) has already taken the lead.
ProntonがDon Quixoteと見なされている場合、NymのSkiff、PrivaseaからNillionのPrivaseaは、まだPMFがまだ発見されていないが、トークン(白雪姫)はすでにリードを奪っている。
On February 9, 2024, Notion announced the acquisition of Skiff. This is also the first case of a large Web2 product acquiring a Web3 startup. It did not take the coin issuance route to create a new trend in the industry. By the way, this is actually the second time Stripe has acquired Bridge.
Skiff is also similar to the Google Suite, with a document suite based on IPFS and an encrypted mailbox service. However, there is a huge problem: the UI is extremely ugly and there is no experience in using it. This is also the biggest problem with current Web3 products. Limited by the slowness and high cost of the underlying blockchain, it is difficult to develop large products based on it to beat Web2 counterparts.
Proton is a suitable Google Alternative, but Skiff is not a qualified Proton Alternative.
In addition, the development of other Web3 privacy products is also not satisfactory. Nym gradually shifted its focus to the VPN field in the later period. Privasea in the FHE direction emphasized more on adaptation in
さらに、他のWeb3プライバシー製品の開発も満足のいくものではありません。 NYMは、後期に徐々にVPNフィールドに焦点を移しました。 fhe方向のprivaseaは、の適応にもっと強調されました
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