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新しい研究により、有名人が両親の職業に就いていた場合に得られる可能性のある賃金が明らかになりました。この研究では、Indeed.com を使用して、有名人の故郷の平均収入を分析し、両親の職業と比較しました。ジェナ・オルテガがER看護師として13万1,234ドルの見込みでリストのトップとなり、次に占星術師として11万5,977ドル、劇場支配人として6万5,196ドルのヴィン・ディーゼルが続いた。ニール・パトリック・ハリスは弁護士として8万5,486ドルを稼いだ可能性があり、レオナルド・ディカプリオとテイラー・スウィフトはそれぞれコミック作家として7万8,207ドル、ファイナンシャル・アドバイザーとして7万6,377ドルを稼いだ可能性がある。
A Celebrity's Earning Potential: Exploring Alternate Career Paths
セレブの収入の可能性: 別のキャリアパスの探索
A recent study has delved into the hypothetical salaries that renowned celebrities could have earned if they had not attained fame and instead pursued their parents' professions. The study meticulously analyzed the parental occupations of notable figures in business, sports, music, LGBTQ+ advocacy, and television and film.
Employing data from Indeed.com, the study compared the average salaries of these professions in the celebrities' hometowns, where they might have resided had they not achieved stardom. The higher salary of the two parents was then ranked against all other celebrities in the analysis.
この研究では、Indeed.com のデータを利用して、有名人がスターダムに達していなかった場合に居住していた可能性のある、有名人の出身地におけるこれらの職業の平均給与を比較しました。その後、分析では、両親の給与が高いほうが他の有名人すべてと比較してランク付けされました。
Jenna Ortega: Poised for ER Success
ジェナ・オルテガ: ER の成功に向けて準備が整っている
Leading the hypothetical earnings list is Jenna Ortega, who could have commanded an annual salary of $131,234 (£102,701) as an ER nurse, mirroring the profession of her mother, Natalie Ortega. In California, where Jenna grew up, the average salary for an ER nurse aligns with this hypothetical wage.
仮想の収入リストの先頭に立っているのはジェナ・オルテガで、彼女は母親のナタリー・オルテガの職業を反映し、ER看護師として年収13万1,234ドル(10万2,701ポンド)を稼いでいた可能性がある。ジェナが育ったカリフォルニアでは、ER 看護師の平均給与はこの仮説賃金と一致しています。
Vin Diesel: A Multifaceted Careerist
ヴィン・ディーゼル: 多面的なキャリアリスト
Vin Diesel follows closely behind, with the potential to earn $115,977 (£90,761). His mother's career as an astrologer in California could have provided him with this income. Alternatively, by pursuing his father's footsteps as a theatre manager, Vin could have earned a salary of $65,196 (£51,026), surpassing the average American wage.
Neil Patrick Harris: Legal Luminary
ニール・パトリック・ハリス: 法律界の著名人
Neil Patrick Harris ranks third with a potential salary of $85,486 (£66,880) by emulating his parents' legal careers. Growing up in New Mexico, Neil's exposure to his parents' profession as lawyers could have led him down a similar path, earning an average salary in line with this figure.
Leonardo DiCaprio: Comic Book Conundrum
レオナルド・ディカプリオ: 漫画の難問
Leonardo DiCaprio's hypothetical salary places him fourth, with a potential income of $78,207 (£61,185) as a comic book writer. Following in his father's footsteps in California, DiCaprio could have merged his environmental activism with storytelling, exploring global issues and crafting narratives that rival his cinematic achievements.
Taylor Swift: From Guitar to Ledger
Taylor Swift completes the top five with a potential salary of $76,377 (£59,754) as a financial advisor in Pennsylvania. If she had chosen to follow in her father Scott's footsteps, she could have traded her guitar for a ledger, crunching numbers instead of composing melodies.
Justin Bieber: Hands-On Income
Justin Bieber's hypothetical salary as a carpenter in Canada, mirroring his father Jeremy's profession, would have amounted to $74,556 (£58,352). This choice might have seemed obvious if he had not achieved stardom.
RuPaul: Electrifying Potential
ル・ポール: 感動的な可能性
RuPaul, having recently stepped down as host of 'Drag Race Down Under,' could have pursued his father Irving Charles's profession as an electrician in California, earning a potential salary of $73,046 (£57,148).
Pedro Pascal: Physician with Passion
ペドロ・パスカル: 情熱を持つ医師
Pedro Pascal's hypothetical path as a fertility doctor in Chile, mirroring his father José's profession, could have yielded an annual salary of around $69,530 (£54,397).
Elon Musk: Dietician with Doctorate
イーロン・マスク: 博士号を持つ栄養士
Elon Musk's Canadian passport afforded him the opportunity to study in Canada, where he could have pursued his mother Maye Musk's profession as a dietician, earning a potential salary of $62,626 (£48,995).
Travis Kelce: Banking on Family
トラヴィス・ケルシー: 家族を頼りに
Travis Kelce, growing up in Ohio, could have followed his mother Donna's career as a banker, earning a potential salary of $49,853 (£39,003). Alternatively, if he had pursued his father's footsteps as a salesman, he could have earned $48,419 (£37,881).
A Glimpse into Alternate Universes
A spokesperson for the study offered insights on the findings:
"It's intriguing to envision a world where our favorite celebrities might have traded their red carpets for corporate carpets or studio booths for bankers' desks. This study sheds light on the fascinating 'what ifs' of celebrity careers and reminds us that even the most glamorous lives often have humble beginnings.
"While we celebrate celebrities for their exceptional talents and contributions to entertainment and culture, this study playfully explores a parallel universe where fame is swapped for family professions. Imagine a world where Vin Diesel gives you your horoscope instead of high-speed car chases or Jenna Ortega provides you with nursing care instead of Netflix binges. It's a humorous twist on our perceptions of success and a light-hearted exploration of the influence of upbringing on potential career paths."
「私たちは、エンターテイメントや文化への卓越した才能と貢献で有名人を称賛しますが、この研究は、名声が家族の職業と入れ替わる平行世界を遊び心たっぷりに探求しています。高速カーチェイスやジェナの代わりに、ヴィン・ディーゼルがあなたの星占いを教えてくれる世界を想像してみてください。 「オルテガは、Netflix の暴飲暴食の代わりに介護を提供します。これは、成功に対する私たちの認識をユーモラスにひねったものであり、潜在的なキャリアパスに対する教育の影響を軽快に探求しています。」
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