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The cryptocurrency market, a sphere brimming with new trends and tokens, has seen its fair share of fads come and go. One such trend that quickly gained momentum this year is ‘pumpfun.’
This term, which stands for ‘liquidity provider,’ is used for new coins that are rapidly pumped up by new investors who are capitalizing on the market's bullish momentum. These investors, who are typically interested in short-term gains, are actively seeking out promising projects to pour their funds into.
However, the harsh realities of the market, which include a liquidity drain and a high incidence of crypto scams, have chipped away at the initial excitement.
Unfortunately, many new investors, who may not be as experienced and are eager to capitalize on the market's bullish year, have fallen victim to these scams.
In a recent development, Pumpfun, a platform known for its pumpfun activities, announced the launch of its own platform as a Raydium pumpfun.
最近の開発では、PumpFunアクティビティで知られるプラットフォームであるPumpFunは、Raydium PumpFunとして独自のプラットフォームの発売を発表しました。
This comes as no surprise given the substantial decline in new users, trading revenue, and volumes at Pumpfun over the past few months.
Announcing the launch of LaunchLab, a Solana-based decentralized exchange (DEX) and automated market maker (AMM), Raydium is leveraging its expertise in the Solana ecosystem to create a platform that aims to address the shortcomings of existing pumpfun platforms.
Raydiumは、Solanaベースの分散交換(DEX)および自動化されたマーケットメーカー(AMM)であるLaunchLabの発売を発表し、Solana Ecosystemの専門知識を活用して、既存のPumpfunプラットフォームの欠点に対処することを目的としたプラットフォームを作成しています。
The decision to launch LaunchLab was not made hastily.
According to Infra, the anonymous core developer at Raydium, the platform has been in development for several months. However, they opted to hold off on the launch to avoid any indication of direct competition with Pumpfun.
This strategic decision showcases Raydium's dedication to the Solana ecosystem and its goal of providing a safe and reliable space for pumpfun trading.
この戦略的決定は、RaydiumのSolana Ecosystemへの献身と、Pumpfun取引のための安全で信頼できるスペースを提供するという目標を示しています。
The launch of LaunchLab is a significant move within the Solana ecosystem, which is already recognized for its high transaction speeds and low fees.
LaunchLabの発売は、Solana Ecosystem内の大きな動きであり、高い取引速度と低料金ですでに認識されています。
Known for its role in the flourishing Solana DeFi sector, Raydium is taking another step forward with the introduction of LaunchLab.
This $126 million DEX and AMM will be fully powered by Solana, promising an optimal trading experience.
Moreover, LaunchLab will be equipped with advanced features for traders, including automated market-making capabilities and liquidity-provision modules. These features are designed to improve liquidity and minimize slippage, which are crucial aspects that pumpfun traders typically consider.
Furthermore, the initiative to create LaunchLab was undertaken to address the challenges faced by the pumpfun market.
The platform will place a strong emphasis on transparency and security, implementing measures to vet projects and safeguard liquidity.
In today's crypto landscape, scams are a serious concern, and LaunchLab will integrate these aspects to ensure a safer trading environment for traders.
The platform will also feature standard inclusions such as smart contract audits and community governance.
While the pumpfun market has seen a surge in interest this year, it has also seen its fair share of turbulence.
As new investors flocked to capitalize on the bullish momentum, they were met with the harsh realities of liquidity drain and crypto scams.
The market is quickly pivoting towards a new chapter, and platforms like Pumpfun are adapting to these evolving dynamics.
In a surprising turn of events, Pumpfun will now be launching its own platform as a Raydium pumpfun.
驚くべきイベントのターンで、PumpFunはRaydium PumpFunとして独自のプラットフォームを起動するようになります。
This announcement comes as no surprise given the significant decline in new users, trading revenue, and volumes at Pumpfun in recent times.
However, despite the bleak statistics, Pumpfun is still a well-known name in the pumpfun space, and its presence is a testament to the resilience of this trading style.
As one of the leading platforms for pumpfun, Pumpfun has become a go-to destination for traders interested in this fast-paced and high-risk trading strategy.
Pumpfun’s pivot to a Raydium pumpfun signals a new chapter in the platform's journey.
Raydium PumpFunへのPumpfunのピボットは、プラットフォームの旅の新しい章を示しています。
It is an interesting development, given that Pumpfun has been the subject of rumors regarding a pending shutdown due to the lackluster performance.
However, the recent announcement of a new platform and partnership with Raydium suggests that Pumpfun is still going strong and adapting to the changing needs of the market.
This partnership will bring together the strengths of both platforms to create a hybrid pumpfun experience.
Raydium, a prominent player in the Solana ecosystem, is widely recognized for its expertise in decentralized exchange (DEX) technology.
Solana Ecosystemの著名なプレーヤーであるRaydiumは、分散型交換(DEX)テクノロジーの専門知識で広く認識されています。
The partnership will see the launch of a new Solana-based DEX and automated market maker (AMM).
This new venture will be named "LaunchLab" and will be a continuation of Raydium's efforts to expand its offerings in the rapidly growing Solana DeFi space.
この新しいベンチャーは「LaunchLab」と名付けられ、急速に成長しているSolana Defiスペースで提供を拡大するためのRaydiumの努力の継続となります。
Earlier this year, both platforms were actively developing their own pumpfun platforms.
However, in March, Infra, the anonymous core developer at Raydium, announced the postponement of the Raydium pumpfun to avoid any perception of direct competition with Pumpfun.
しかし、3月に、Raydiumの匿名のコア開発者であるInfraは、PumpFunとの直接競争の認識を回避するために、Raydium PumpFunの延期を発表しました。
This decision was made to ensure the harmonious collaboration between the
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