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これは長期的な議論です。それは決して終わりません!暗号ユーザーは、時間内に確認する必要があります。 650億ドル、Kではなく、Kではなく、はい、あなたはそれをよく見ました、10億ドル。
The crypto market has been a hot topic of discussion recently, with the collapse of several major projects. One of the most talked-about projects is LUNA, which was completely liquidated in early 2023.
This has led to a debate among crypto users about which is the correct hash tag to use for the coin, #LUNC or #LUNA. Some users believe that #LUNA should be used, as it is the original name of the coin and it is still being used by many to refer to the coin even though the project is closed. Other users believe that #LUNC should be used, as it is the name of the new coin that is being launched by the LUNA community in an attempt to salvage the project.
The discussion began with an email from a crypto investor who is sharing his thoughts on the recent events in the crypto sphere. He starts by saying that he hopes all investors who invested in LUNA will get justice and that the project will be delisted. The investor is clearly still in pain from his losses, which is evident in his strong language and his wish for the project to be liquidated. He also seems to be frustrated with those who are still trying to manipulate the price of LUNA, which is something that he feels will only lead to further losses for investors.
議論は、Crypto Sphereでの最近のイベントについて彼の考えを共有しているCrypto Investorからのメールから始まりました。彼は、ルナに投資したすべての投資家が正義を得ることを望んでおり、プロジェクトが上場廃止されることを望んでいると言うことから始めます。投資家は明らかに彼の損失から苦しんでいます。それは彼の強い言語とプロジェクトが清算されることへの彼の希望で明らかです。彼はまた、ルナの価格を操作しようとしている人々にもイライラしているようです。
The investor’s email is a poignant reminder of the devastating impact that the collapse of major crypto projects can have on individuals and families. It is also a testament to the resilience of the crypto community, who are banding together in an attempt to salvage what they can from the wreckage.
In addition to the main topic of the email, there are a few other interesting points that are raised. For example, the investor mentions that Binance is one exchange that helps its users when they are attacked or lose funds, and that in some cases, users may even receive a full refund. This stands in contrast to the experience of investors who lost money in LUNA, who are unlikely to see any of their funds again.
The investor also makes a comment about Diamondhandz1, who is a well-known figure in the LUNA community. The investor says that even though the judge has approved the extradition of Do Kwon, the price of LUNC is still $0, while LUNA was trading at $116 just a year ago. He warns Diamondhandz1 not to manipulate the price of LUNC and cause people to lose even more money.
投資家は、Lunaコミュニティで有名な人物であるDiamondhandz1についてもコメントしています。投資家は、裁判官がDo Kwonの引き渡しを承認したにもかかわらず、Luncの価格はまだ0ドルであり、Lunaはわずか1年前に116ドルで取引されていたと言います。彼は、Diamondhandz1にLUNCの価格を操作しないように警告し、人々がさらに多くのお金を失うようにします。
The investor’s email is a snapshot of the emotions and thoughts of many LUNA investors in the wake of the project’s collapse. It is a story of greed, stupidity, and ultimately, great sadness.
As the dust settles on one of the greatest crypto disasters of all time, one thing is clear: the saga of LUNA and its founder, Do Kwon, is far from over. With U.S. authorities seeking his extradition to face charges of fraud in connection with the implosion of the project, the coming months will be crucial in determining the fate of one of crypto's most polarizing figures.
ほこりが史上最大の暗号災害の1つに落ち着くと、1つのことが明らかです。ルナのサガとその創設者であるDo Kwonは終わりからはほど遠いことです。米国当局は、プロジェクトの崩壊に関連して詐欺の告発に直面するという彼の引き渡しを求めているため、今後数か月は、暗号の最も偏った数字の1つの運命を決定する上で重要です。
The story of LUNA's rise and fall is one of astronomical gains and devastating losses, all unfolding at a breakneck speed. From its humble beginnings as a small-cap project, LUNA rapidly ascended to become a behemoth in the crypto sphere, boasting a staggering market capitalization of billions of dollars.
However, this meteoric rise was to be cut short in the cruellest fashion. In an almost biblical tale of hubris and fall, LUNA's ecosystem crumbled almost completely, taking the hopes and savings of countless investors with it.
しかし、この流星の上昇は、最もクルーエルのように短くなることでした。 HubrisとFallのほぼ聖書の物語で、Lunaの生態系はほぼ完全に崩壊し、無数の投資家の希望と節約を奪いました。
But even as the dust settles on this crypto tragedy, another story is unfolding. LUNA investors, still reeling from their losses, are banding together in a last-ditch effort to salvage what remains of their investment. Their efforts have focused on raising awareness of LUNA's plight and rallying support for a recovery plan.
Those who invested in LUNA are now faced with the stark reality of nearly total loss. Despite investing small amounts in the beginning, which they planned to sell quickly for a profit, LUNA investors will likely only see a few cents for every $1 invested.
For instance, the investor sold his 2,000 LUNA coins for $1 each and later sold another 1.6 million coins at a price of 0.01 cent. In total, he invested $8,000 and sold 1.62 million coins for $160.
Those who held their coins in the hope of a price recovery will be met with an even grimmer outlook. With LUNC currently trading at $0, those who kept their coins will see no return on their investment.
価格回復を期待してコインを持っていた人々は、さらに厳しい見通しで満たされます。 LUNCが現在0ドルで取引されているため、コインを維持した人は投資収益率を受け取らないでしょう。
In addition to the main topic of the email, there are a few other interesting points that are raised. For example, the investor mentions that Binance is one exchange that helps its users when they are attacked or lose funds, and that in some cases,
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