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The U.S. government’s proposal to establish a national crypto reserve has sparked controversy, particularly due to the unexpected inclusion of assets like Ripple (XRP), Solana (SOL), and Cardano (ADA).
The plan, announced by former President Donald Trump during his administration, focused primarily on securing Bitcoin and Ether, deviating from traditional asset selection in favor of newer, more contentious cryptocurrencies.
"Is this real or a deep fake? I'm not sure I buy it. But wow, they're really putting Kamala on a coin," said Gemini co-founder Cameron Winklevoss, in response to a post about the crypto reserve.
「これは本物ですか、それとも深い偽物ですか?私はそれを買うかどうかわかりません。しかし、彼らは本当にカマラをコインに置いています」と、Geminiの共同設立者Cameron Winklevossは、暗号保護区に関する投稿に応じて言いました。
"This is also ironic given how much the crypto community is split on whether or not Solana should be included in the national crypto reserve."
This article will delve into the implications of the U.S. move towards a national crypto reserve, examining the controversial addition of Ripple, Solana, and Cardano to the proposed assets.
Understanding the U.S. National Crypto Reserve Proposal
The recent announcement of a national crypto reserve by the U.S. government marks a significant shift in the financial landscape, targeting a range of digital assets that straddle the line between innovation and instability.
While the primary candidates for this reserve are Bitcoin and Ethereum, recognized for their relative market maturity and widespread adoption, the inclusion of assets like Ripple (XRP), Solana (SOL), and Cardano (ADA) has raised questions about the selection criteria.
According to a recent report by Blockware Solutions, the administration is planning to create a new class of "national reserve assets" to diversify U.S. holdings beyond traditional assets like gold and Treasury bonds.
Blockware Solutionsの最近のレポートによると、政権は、金や財務省の債券などの伝統的な資産を超えて米国の保有を多様化するために、新しいクラスの「国家予備資産」を作成することを計画しています。
The report, which cites anonymous sources familiar with the matter, also mentions that the administration is seeking to include cryptocurrencies in the reserve, a move that has sparked debate within the crypto community.
Reactions From The Crypto Community
The response from key industry figures has been mixed. Some welcomed the government's acknowledgment of cryptocurrencies at this level.
"Finally, the government is doing something smart!" said Verbitskii, founder of TYMIO. "They're putting together a national crypto reserve. But why is Solana on the list? It's a meme coin and they're shutting down their validator nodes. This feels like a joke."
「最後に、政府は賢いことをしている!」 Tymioの創設者であるVerbitskiiは述べました。 「彼らは国立暗号保護区をまとめています。しかし、なぜソラナはリストに載っているのですか?それはミームコインであり、彼らはバリデーターノードをシャットダウンしています。これは冗談のように感じます。」
But critics pointed out that the selected assets may not possess the qualities of reliability and decentralization necessary for a national reserve.
"The U.S. administration is planning to include Solana in its national crypto reserve?" asked one commenter on X, formerly Twitter. "Isn't Solana's model heavily reliant on venture capital funding, something that goes against the purpose of decentralized finance?"
「米国政権は、国立暗号保護区にソラナを含めることを計画していますか?」以前のTwitter、Xのコメンターの1人に尋ねました。 「ソラナのモデルは、ベンチャーキャピタルの資金調達に大きく依存していません。それは、分散型財務の目的に反するものですか?」
The report also mentions that the administration is considering including Solana, known for its fast transaction speed and low costs, in the reserve. Solana has a total value locked (TVL) of $7.32 billion in decentralized finance, placing it fifth on DeBank's rankings.
報告書はまた、政権が予備の速い取引速度と低コストで知られているソラナを含めることを検討していると述べています。 Solanaの総額は、73億2,000万ドルの分散型ファイナンスでロックされており、Debankのランキングで5番目に配置されています。
The network is also attracting developers and users, but it has faced criticism for its association with the memecoin phenomenon and its previous outages.
According to reports, the recent upsurge in activity has raised alarms about its sustainability, leading some to question whether it can be sustained in the long term.
"This is the worst timeline," said another commenter. "They're putting Kamala Harris on an NFT and including Solana in a national crypto reserve. Someone pinch me."
「これは最悪のタイムラインです」と別のコメンターは言いました。 「彼らはカマラ・ハリスをNFTに入れ、国立暗号保護区にソラナを含めています。誰かが私をつまんでいます。」
The Solana skepticism stems from concerns over centralization and the heavy influence of venture capital, as highlighted by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
"If the crypto project is accepting large sums of money from venture capitalists to keep the chain running, then it's not really decentralized," said Snowden in a recent post. "And if it's not decentralized, then what's the point? We might as well stick with traditional finance."
「Cryptoプロジェクトが、チェーンを実行し続けるためにベンチャーキャピタリストから多額の資金を受け入れている場合、それは実際には分散化されていません」とSnowden氏は最近の投稿で述べました。 「そして、それが分散化されていなければ、ポイントは何ですか?私たちは伝統的な資金に固執するかもしれません。」
This sentiment was shared by critics who argued that including Solana in a national reserve would be celebrating a model that goes against the foundational ethos of blockchain technology.
"We're not saying Solana is a bad chain, but it's not really decentralized enough for a national reserve," said one commenter. "It's also been the target of several attacks, which could leave the U.S. government vulnerable if any of the Solana tokens were to be stolen."
「ソラナは悪いチェーンだと言っているわけではありませんが、国の準備に十分な分散化されていません」とあるコメント者は言いました。 「それはまた、いくつかの攻撃の標的であり、ソラナのトークンのいずれかが盗まれた場合、米国政府を脆弱にする可能性があります。」
In contrast to Solana's speed, Cardano is showcasing a markedly slower approach to development, hoping that its research-driven strategy will pay off in the long run.
However, in a marketplace where speed and adaptability often dictate success, Cardano's TVL stands at a comparatively modest $412 million, highlighting a slower pace of user acquisition. This hesitation could be attributed to the perception that it lacks the dynamic engagement present within more rapidly evolving networks like Solana.
"Cardano is a great project, but I'm not sure it has the mindshare needed to be included in a national crypto reserve," said another commenter. "It
「カルダノは素晴らしいプロジェクトですが、国立暗号保護区に含める必要があるマインドシェアがあるかどうかはわかりません」と別のコメンターは言いました。 "それ
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- イーサリアムの総時価総額は、ある日、ビットコインの総時価総額を超えますか?
- 2025-03-06 10:50:41
- はい、私はまだイーサリアムの総時価総額がいつかビットコインを超えると信じています。