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In February 2017, the first play-to-earn NFT game was launched. It was CryptoBots, which combined collectible RPG elements with space adventure strategy. This game allowed players to own in-game assets with verified authenticity and scarcity, kicking off the NFT gaming trend. Fast forward to 2024, and play-to-earn (P2E) gaming has blossomed across platforms like Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.
2017年2月、最初のプレイトゥエアーンNFTゲームが開始されました。それはCryptobotsで、収集可能なRPG要素とSpace Adventure Strategyを組み合わせていました。このゲームにより、プレイヤーは、確認された信頼性と希少性を備えたゲーム内資産を所有し、NFTゲームの傾向を開始しました。 2024年に早送りすると、Play-to-earn(P2E)ゲームは、Windows、Linux、Android、iOSなどのプラットフォーム全体で開花しました。
The Best Free-to-Play NFT Games
There is an incredible diversity of old and new NFT games. There are over 500 of projects of all genres on aggregator websites. We have collected the best NFT games with an option of money withdrawal according to user reviews and expert analysis. One of the criteria was the F2P format of the game, which means that you can play and earn in these projects without making investments.
1. Gods Unchained
This is a multiplayer trading card game. The game mechanics involve building your own deck of cards to fight with other players.
The game is ranked first in almost all independent ratings of free-to-play NFT games.
2. Splinterlands
This game is essentially a clone of Gods Unchained. Players here also assemble decks and battle each other, improving their rating and a chance to win a unique card. You can get cards by buying random boosters or buying cards from an NPC seller for in-game currency. Not cards, but decks are converted into NFTs.
Unlike Gods Unchained, this game runs on the Hive blockchain, not Ethereum. There are several unique mechanics, like seasonal rewards and leveling up of cards. The important feature is that a player’s rating does not drop if he/she loses. This encourages players to battle more, as they do not risk anything.
3. Axie Infinity
3。Axie Infinity
Do be surprised that we included this project in the free-to-play NFT games rating. The game does require initial investment, but first things first. The game genre is pet simulator and strategy. Players breed and collect creatures, Axies (like Axolotl salamanders), form teams of them and battle each other for a rating in the arena.
このプロジェクトを無料でプレイできるNFTゲームの評価に含めたことに驚いてください。ゲームには初期投資が必要ですが、まず最初です。ゲームのジャンルは、ペットシミュレーターと戦略です。プレイヤーは、クリーチャーを繁殖させて収集し、軸(Axolotl Salamandersのような)、それらのチームを形成し、アリーナでの評価のために互いに戦います。
These creatures are NFTs bought and sold at an integrated marketplace. The first team of three creatures can only be bought. The price depends on the market; it’s USD 200-500 on average for three creatures. All transactions are performed in the governance token, AXS, which can be withdrawn to an external wallet, if necessary.
これらの生き物は、統合された市場で売買されたNFTです。 3つのクリーチャーの最初のチームは購入することしかできません。価格は市場に依存します。 3つのクリーチャーでは平均して200〜500米ドルです。すべてのトランザクションは、必要に応じて外部ウォレットに引き出すことができるガバナンストークン、AXSで実行されます。
So, what is this project doing in our rating of the best free-to-play NFT games? The thing is that the administration supports the following practice: a new player can strike an agreement with a ‘game veteran’ for the latter to give him several creatures to start for a share of future profits. It is easy to find a player who is prepared to help you start playing for free on the official Axie Infinity forum or in specialized communities.
それでは、このプロジェクトは、最高の無料プレイNFTゲームの評価で何をしていますか?問題は、政権が次の慣行を支持しているということです。新しいプレーヤーは、後者のために「ゲームの退役軍人」と合意することができ、将来の利益のシェアを開始するためにいくつかの生き物を与えることができます。公式Axie Infinity Forumまたは専門コミュニティで無料でプレイを開始するのを手伝う準備ができているプレーヤーを簡単に見つけることができます。
4. Cryptokitties
Despite the variety of new NFT games with unique mechanics, Cryptokitties are still quite popular. The game is 5 years old and the fact that it is still trending speaks volumes. It is also a pet simulator but without battles. A player receives the first pair of kitties for free, feeds them, takes care of them and as a result, they bring new kitties. All cats, except for the first two, can be bought and sold. Each represents an NFT.
The kittens differ in appearance and rarity. Rarer ones are obtained from more complex combinations of pedigrees. And there is also the generation criterion: the higher it is the more unique characteristics the creature has. Every action of a player requires Tether, but everything is more than paid off if you manage to sell a rare cat (also for Tether).
5. Chainmonsters
This is a unique project in many ways. It is currently at the stage of alpha testing, but you can already play the game for free. This NFT game resembles the popular Pokémon. A player travels the world, catches monsters, grows them and participates in tournaments. For each action, he pays with the in-game currency, which he earns for achievements and victories. All Chainmons, the monsters, are NFTs that players will be able to sell.
The peculiarity of the game is in its scale. The game card is already available on Stream and other major platforms. The versions for PlayStation and Xbox are expected to come out around the same date. In addition to monsters, all in-game items are represented as NFTs, including equipment for battles. The game runs on the Flow blockchain.
ゲームの特異性はその規模です。ゲームカードは、すでにストリームやその他の主要なプラットフォームで利用できます。 PlayStationとXboxのバージョンは、同じ日付頃に出てくると予想されます。モンスターに加えて、すべてのゲーム内アイテムは、戦闘用の機器を含むNFTとして表されます。ゲームはフローブロックチェーンで実行されます。
6. Guild of Guardians
This is a new NFT game that was released in 2023. It is an MMORPG in a fantasy setting. At the moment, the pre-alpha testing is in the final stage; the game is being developed for Android and iOS. It is fully free.
The mechanics of the game
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- トランプ大統領は、米国の暗号戦略保護区に含まれるデジタル資産を発表します
- 2025-03-06 20:30:42
- トランプが注目している5つの暗号通貨は、ビットコイン、エーテル、XRP、ソラナ、アダです。