
Cryptocurrencies slid further as fears over a selloff in US equities eclipsed President Donald Trump’s recent efforts to buttress the industry.
Bitcoin fell more than 3% to levels below $15,000 on Tuesday morning in Asia while second-ranked token Ether dropped as much as 6% to hit $1,756, an intra-day low not seen since October 2023, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Both tokens later erased those declines.
The losses come after a selloff in US equities led by technology stocks picked up steam. The tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 Index dove 3.8% for its worst day since October 2022. Wall Street is jittery after Trump warned that Americans may feel a “little disturbance” stemming from trade wars with Canada, Mexico and China. Strategists and economists across Wall Street have been raising their odds for a US economic downturn.
損失は、テクノロジー株が率いる米国の株式の売却後、蒸気を取り上げた後にもたらされます。 Tech Heavy Nasdaq 100 Index Doveは、2022年10月以来の最悪の日に3.8%3.8%です。トランプがカナダ、メキシコ、中国との貿易戦争に由来する「小さな妨害」を感じるかもしれないとトランプが警告した後、ウォール街は不安定です。ウォールストリートの向こう側の戦略家とエコノミストは、米国の景気後退の可能性を高めてきました。
Trump ordered the creation of a US Bitcoin reserve and a separate stockpile of other tokens ahead of a high-profile crypto summit with industry executives in Washington on March 7 — moves that ultimately did little to help market sentiment.
“Now that the industry has its strategic Bitcoin reserve executive order, crypto has one fewer positive forward catalyst to price in, and we’re left at the mercy of macro risk appetites,” FalconX Global Co-Head of Markets Joshua Lim said. “Bitcoin’s correlation to equities is climbing to levels not seen since August 2024’s yen carry trade unwind.”
「業界が戦略的なビットコインリザーブの大統領令を持っているので、Cryptoは価格を上げるための前向きな触媒が1つ少なく、マクロリスクのアッピットに慈悲を抱いています。」 「ビットコインと株式との相関関係は、2024年8月のイェンキャリートレードリンド以降は見られないレベルに登録されています。」