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XYZVerse (XYZ):下一个 Meme 币冠军以 99,900% 的增长潜力统治该领域!

2024/10/26 20:50

少量投资正确的加密货币可以带来改变生活的回报。最近 Shiba Inu 和 PEPE 等代币的激增已将适度的投资转化为巨额财富。

XYZVerse (XYZ):下一个 Meme 币冠军以 99,900% 的增长潜力统治该领域!

Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Pepe (PEPE) are two memecoins that have recently experienced massive surges in value. These tokens, inspired by popular internet memes, have attracted a large following and generated substantial returns for early investors. As the crypto market continues to evolve, a new contender is emerging that aims to capitalize on the explosive growth potential of memecoins.


Enter XYZVerse (XYZ) – a project that combines sports enthusiasm with meme culture to create a unique and compelling proposition. XYZ is a all-sports meme token that has entered the market with incredible momentum, overpowering weak competitors and scammy cryptos in its path.

XYZVerse (XYZ) 是一个将体​​育热情与模因文化相结合的项目,创造出独特而引人注目的主张。 XYZ 是一种全体育模因代币,它以令人难以置信的势头进入市场,压倒了实力较弱的竞争对手和诈骗加密货币。

As XYZ continues its relentless advance, it is poised to deliver astronomical gains that will dwarf the likes of BOME and WIF. With sights set on a staggering 99,900% growth, XYZ is preparing to claim the meme coin crown in the upcoming crypto bull marathon.

随着 XYZ 继续不断前进,它有望带来天文数字般的收益,令 BOME 和 WIF 等公司相形见绌。 XYZ 的目标是实现 99,900% 的惊人增长,正准备在即将到来的加密货币牛市马拉松中夺得模因币桂冠。

In the XYZVerse ecosystem, XYZ serves as the star player. This community-centered ecosystem is the ultimate playground for crypto degens and sports fans, merging entertainment apps and prediction markets to create a captivating experience.

在 XYZVerse 生态系统中,XYZ 是明星玩家。这个以社区为中心的生态系统是加密货币爱好者和体育迷的终极游乐场,它将娱乐应用程序和预测市场相结合,创造出迷人的体验。

Recall the fervor surrounding Polymarket during the US elections, where trading volume reached $1 billion. Now, envision that on a grander scale with XYZVerse. As millions of sports bettors prepare to join the action, the opportunities for early XYZ investors are truly boundless.

回想一下美国大选期间 Polymarket 的狂热,当时的交易额达到了 10 亿美元。现在,用 XYZVerse 想象一下更大规模的情况。随着数以百万计的体育博彩玩家准备加入这一行动,早期 XYZ 投资者的机会确实是无限的。

Currently, XYZ is still undervalued, presenting an ideal entry point. With major listings on the horizon, presale participants stand to secure life-changing gains.

目前,XYZ 仍被低估,是一个理想的切入点。随着主要上市项目即将上市,预售参与者将获得改变生活的收益。

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

柴犬 (SHIB)

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is more than just a cute dog meme. Taking inspiration from Dogecoin, this new crypto operates on the Ethereum blockchain. Launched in August 2020 by an anonymous creator named Ryoshi, SHIB began with a massive supply of one quadrillion tokens.

柴犬 (SHIB) 不仅仅是一只可爱的狗模因。受到狗狗币的启发,这种新的加密货币在以太坊区块链上运行。 SHIB 由一位名叫 Ryoshi 的匿名创建者于 2020 年 8 月推出,最初大量供应 1000 万亿枚代币。

In a bid to foster trust, half of the tokens were sent to Ethereum’s co-founder, Vitalik Buterin. Subsequently, Buterin donated a substantial portion to India’s COVID-19 relief efforts and burned around 40% of the SHIB supply, effectively removing those tokens from circulation.

为了培养信任,一半的代币被发送给以太坊的联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin。随后,Buterin 向印度的 COVID-19 救援工作捐赠了很大一部分,并销毁了约 40% 的 SHIB 供应,从而有效地将这些代币从流通中移除。

These actions not only brought attention to SHIB but also boosted its popularity among crypto enthusiasts.


Unlike Dogecoin, SHIB’s connection to Ethereum opens up a wider realm of possibilities. It can seamlessly integrate with Ethereum-based applications, such as ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange where users can trade tokens directly without intermediaries.

与狗狗币不同,SHIB 与以太坊的连接开辟了更广阔的可能性领域。它可以与基于以太坊的应用程序无缝集成,例如 ShibaSwap,这是一种去中心化交易所,用户可以直接交易代币,无需中介。

Furthermore, the SHIB team expresses aspirations to launch an NFT platform and introduce community governance, allowing SHIB holders to participate in decision-making processes.


Through these initiatives, SHIB endeavors to offer more than just a meme – it aims to provide tangible utility within the crypto space. With the current emphasis on usability among crypto projects, SHIB appears to be positioned quite favorably. While still inherently risky, its Ethereum integration may render it more appealing compared to other memecoins.

通过这些举措,SHIB 致力于提供的不仅仅是一个模因——它的目标是在加密货币领域提供切实的实用性。鉴于目前加密项目对可用性的重视,SHIB 的定位似乎相当有利。虽然仍然存在固有风险,但与其他模因币相比,其与以太坊的整合可能使其更具吸引力。

Pepe (PEPE)


Pepe (PEPE) is a deflationary memecoin that has been launched on Ethereum. It draws inspiration from Matt Furie’s Pepe the Frog, a meme that rose to prominence in the early 2000s.

Pepe(PEPE)是一种在以太坊上推出的通货紧缩模因币。它的灵感来自 Matt Furie 的 Pepe the Frog,这是一个在 2000 年代初声名鹊起的模因。

In keeping with its meme-centric nature, PEPE maintains a simple approach with a no-tax policy and makes no claims regarding utility.

为了与其以模因为中心的性质保持一致,PEPE 保持了一种简单的方法和免税政策,并且不声明任何实用性。

Over a brief period in late April to May 2023, PEPE experienced an explosive growth spurt that propelled its market cap to an impressive $1.6 billion. This surge transformed early holders into millionaires and fostered a strong community of supporters.

在 4 月下旬至 2023 年 5 月的短暂时间内,PEPE 经历了爆炸性增长,将其市值推至令人印象深刻的 16 亿美元。这种激增将早期持有者变成了百万富翁,并培养了强大的支持者社区。

The PEPE phenomenon sparked what some have termed a “memecoin season,” where several meme-based tokens witnessed wild fluctuations in value.

PEPE 现象引发了一些人所谓的“模因币季节”,一些基于模因的代币出现了价值的剧烈波动。

PEPE’s potential lies in its strong community and the inherent virality of memes. Its roadmap outlines plans for major exchange listings and a “meme takeover,” signaling grand ambitions.

PEPE 的潜力在于其强大的社区和模因固有的病毒式传播。其路线图概述了主要交易所上市和“模因收购”的计划,标志着宏伟的野心。

In the current market cycle, with the upcoming Bitcoin halving and aspirations for a bull run, PEPE and other memecoins may continue to capture widespread attention.


While Dogecoin and Shiba Inu paved the way, PEPE brings a fresh wave of energy to the meme coin space. Memecoins are inherently volatile, and their success hinges on community support and the broader market trends. As the crypto world watches, PEPE stands out as a prime example of how internet culture can influence the trajectory of digital assets.

虽然狗狗币和柴犬铺平了道路,但 PEPE 为模因币领域带来了一股新的能量。 Memecoin 本质上是不稳定的,它们的成功取决于社区支持和更广泛的市场趋势。正如加密世界所关注的那样,PEPE 是互联网文化如何影响数字资产轨迹的一个典型例子。



Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Pepe (PEPE) have both demonstrated impressive growth, but XYZ’s unique sports meme ecosystem and ambitious goals could make it the next breakout in the 2024 bull run.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Pepe (PEPE) 都表现出了令人印象深刻的增长,但 XYZ 独特的体育模因生态系统和雄心勃勃的目标可能会使其成为 2024 年牛市的下一个突破。

To learn more about XYZVersus (XYZ), visit the following links:

要了解有关 XYZVersus (XYZ) 的更多信息,请访问以下链接:

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