XRP 是真正没有人预期会走高的一种代币。 XRP 图表上的长期看涨反转结构证明了这一点

Despite being a contentious token that has faced regulatory challenges and skepticism, XRP’s long-term bullish reversal structure suggests a potential for significant price movement by July 2024.
尽管 XRP 是一种有争议的代币,面临着监管挑战和怀疑,但它的长期看涨反转结构表明,到 2024 年 7 月,价格可能会出现大幅波动。
While some bearish XRP price targets predict a drop to $0.10, the chart formations and historical data indicate a possibility of an unexpected rally, making a bullish XRP price target of $3 more likely.
虽然一些看跌的 XRP 价格目标预测会跌至 0.10 美元,但图表形态和历史数据表明可能会出现意外反弹,从而使看涨的 XRP 价格目标更有可能达到 3 美元。
As markets tend to move contrarily to prevailing sentiment, the general pessimism surrounding XRP could set the stage for a surprising bullish reversal.
由于市场走势往往与普遍情绪相反,围绕 XRP 的普遍悲观情绪可能会为令人惊讶的看涨逆转奠定基础。