市值: $2.7592T -8.570%
成交额(24h): $177.5661B -13.370%
  • 市值: $2.7592T -8.570%
  • 成交额(24h): $177.5661B -13.370%
  • 恐惧与贪婪指数:
  • 市值: $2.7592T -8.570%

$83666.044617 USD



$2091.944091 USD



$0.999558 USD



$2.319688 USD



$563.625816 USD



$136.566716 USD



$0.999829 USD



$0.192157 USD



$0.807339 USD



$0.232527 USD



$1.767751 USD



$0.225984 USD



$9.939243 USD



$13.904662 USD



$0.283124 USD



Wukong:Solana 区块链上的新 Memecoin 计划揭晓

2024/10/16 16:52

2024 年 10 月 16 日,随着 Solana 区块链上的 memecoin 项目 Wukong 的正式推出,数字货币领域的一项新事业拉开了帷幕。

Wukong:Solana 区块链上的新 Memecoin 计划揭晓

A new venture in the realm of digital currency was unveiled on October 16, 2024, with the official launch of Wukong, a memecoin initiative on the Solana blockchain. The project boasts an engaging mini-game on Telegram, presenting a unique opportunity for participants to earn a whitelist position for NFT minting by simply inviting five friends.

2024 年 10 月 16 日,随着 Solana 区块链上的 memecoin 计划 Wukong 的正式推出,数字货币领域的一项新事业揭开了面纱。该项目在 Telegram 上推出了一款引人入胜的迷你游戏,为参与者提供了一个独特的机会,只需邀请 5 位朋友即可获得 NFT 铸造白名单位置。

Upon completion of the initial minting phase, players can harness their accumulated POWER, earned through game participation, to tap into mining capabilities. The mechanics are straightforward: the more POWER a player holds, the greater their potential for mining Wukong tokens, and all this comes with no fees involved.

完成初始铸造阶段后,玩家可以利用通过参与游戏获得的积累的 POWER 来挖掘采矿能力。机制很简单:玩家持有的 POWER 越多,挖掘 Wukong 代币的潜力就越大,而且所有这一切都不涉及任何费用。

For those eager to join the NFT whitelist, the initiative promises enticing rewards, including a lucrative 1,500 Wukong tokens and discounts for NFT holders. The mini-game will distribute up to 1,500 whitelist spots on a first-come, first-served basis, heightening the competitive edge among players.

对于那些渴望加入 NFT 白名单的人来说,该计划承诺提供诱人的奖励,包括利润丰厚的 1,500 Wukong 代币以及针对 NFT 持有者的折扣。小游戏将按照先到先得的原则分配多达1500个白名单名额,增强玩家之间的竞争优势。

The official launch of NFT casting is scheduled for October 18 at 20:00 Singapore time. NFT holders are set to receive Wukong token airdrops and additional benefits through staking mining. Wukong aims to build a robust user base of 500,000, aspiring to establish itself as a leading memecoin and NFT series in the Eastern market. Additionally, the project has garnered impressive partnerships, recruiting over 800 Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) to enhance its visibility and outreach.

NFT选角正式上线时间定于新加坡时间10月18日20:00。 NFT 持有者将通过质押挖矿获得 Wukong 代币空投和额外福利。 Wukong 的目标是建立 50 万的强大用户群,立志成为东方市场领先的 memecoin 和 NFT 系列。此外,该项目还获得了令人印象深刻的合作伙伴关系,招募了 800 多名关键意见领袖 (KOL),以提高其知名度和影响力。

As the digital currency space continues to evolve, new opportunities are emerging for both seasoned investors and newcomers alike. One of the latest exciting developments is the launch of Wukong, a unique memecoin initiative on the Solana blockchain. Here are some practical tips, life hacks, and intriguing facts to help you navigate the world of Wukong and similar projects.

随着数字货币领域的不断发展,对于经验丰富的投资者和新手来说,新的机会都在出现。最新令人兴奋的进展之一是 Wukong 的推出,这是 Solana 区块链上独特的模因币计划。这里有一些实用技巧、生活窍门和有趣的事实,可以帮助您探索悟空和类似项目的世界。

1. Understand the Game Mechanics To take full advantage of Wukong’s offerings, familiarize yourself with its game mechanics. Players earn POWER by participating in the Telegram mini-game, which can later be used for mining Wukong tokens. The key takeaway here is: the more you engage, the more you earn. So, take the time to explore and understand how the game works to maximize your rewards.

1. 了解游戏机制 要充分利用 Wukong 的产品,请熟悉其游戏机制。玩家通过参与 Telegram 迷你游戏赚取 POWER,随后可用于挖掘 Wukong 代币。这里的关键要点是:您参与得越多,您赚得就越多。因此,请花时间探索并了解游戏如何运作以最大化您的奖励。

2. Utilize Social Networks Inviting friends is not just encouraged; it’s essential for securing a spot on the NFT whitelist. Use your social media channels, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Discord, to spread the word. The greater your network, the easier it is to invite five friends and boost your chances of success in the whitelist lottery.

2. 利用社交网络 邀请朋友不仅是受到鼓励,而且是受到鼓励。这对于确保在 NFT 白名单上占有一席之地至关重要。使用 Twitter、Facebook 和 Discord 等社交媒体渠道进行宣传。您的人际网络越大,就越容易邀请五位朋友,并增加您在白名单抽奖中成功的机会。

3. Stay Updated with Launch Times The NFT casting for Wukong is set for October 18 at 20:00 Singapore time. Timing is crucial in the world of digital currencies. Set reminders in your calendar or use countdown apps to ensure you don’t miss out on crucial events. Early participation often leads to higher rewards in fast-moving projects like Wukong.

3. 及时了解发布时间 Wukong 的 NFT 选角定于新加坡时间 10 月 18 日 20:00 进行。在数字货币领域,时机至关重要。在日历中设置提醒或使用倒计时应用程序,以确保您不会错过重要事件。在悟空这样快速发展的项目中,早期参与通常会带来更高的回报。

4. Engage with the Community Being an active member of the Wukong community can greatly enhance your experience. Join forums, follow Wukong on social media, and participate in discussions. Networking with other players can provide you with valuable insights and methodologies that may not be widely known.

4. 参与社区 成为 Wukong 社区的活跃成员可以极大地增强您的体验。加入论坛,在社交媒体上关注悟空,并参与讨论。与其他玩家建立联系可以为您提供可能不为人所知的宝贵见解和方法。

5. Take Advantage of Whitelist Benefits Whitelisted participants stand to gain 1,500 Wukong tokens along with discounts for NFT holders. Ensure you secure your spot as this can significantly enhance your portfolio’s value. Keep an eye out for updates on how these benefits will be distributed post-minting.

5. 利用白名单福利 白名单参与者将获得 1,500 Wukong 代币以及 NFT 持有者的折扣。确保您获得席位,因为这可以显着提高您的投资组合的价值。请密切关注有关这些福利在铸造后如何分配的最新信息。

6. Learn About Staking and Mining For those looking to maximize their earnings, it’s crucial to understand how staking and mining work within the Wukong ecosystem. Knowledge about these processes can help you make informed decisions that could amplify your returns.

6. 了解质押和挖矿对于那些希望最大化收入的人来说,了解悟空生态系统中质押和挖矿的工作原理至关重要。了解这些流程可以帮助您做出明智的决策,从而增加您的回报。

Interesting Fact: Memecoins and Market Dynamics Memecoins form a fascinating subsection of the cryptocurrency market. They typically enjoy sporadic surges in popularity driven by social dynamics and community engagement. Wukong’s aim to establish itself as a leading memecoin in the Eastern market with the help of over 800 KOLs showcases the importance of community and influencer involvement in the digital currency landscape.

有趣的事实:Memecoin 和市场动态 Memecoin 构成了加密货币市场的一个令人着迷的部分。在社会动态和社区参与的推动下,他们的人气通常会出现零星的激增。 Wukong 的目标是在 800 多名 KOL 的帮助下将自己打造成东方市场领先的模因币,这体现了社区和影响者参与数字货币领域的重要性。

7. Explore Reward Structures The structure of rewards can vary significantly from one project to another. Make sure to read the fine print on Wukong’s offerings to avoid missing out on any potential benefits. Often, understanding the complete framework of rewards can help strategize your engagement level for maximum profit.

7. 探索奖励结构 不同项目的奖励结构可能存在很大差异。请务必阅读悟空产品的细则,以免错过任何潜在的好处。通常,了解完整的奖励框架可以帮助您制定参与度策略,以获得最大利润。

By keeping these tips and insights in mind, you can navigate the launch of Wukong effectively. Whether you are looking to earn tokens, participate in engaging mini-games, or become part of a growing community, there’s plenty of opportunity for eager participants.

通过记住这些提示和见解,您可以有效地引导 Wukong 的发布。无论您是想赚取代币、参与有趣的迷你游戏还是成为不断发展的社区的一部分,热切的参与者都有很多机会。

For further information about the cryptocurrency landscape, you can explore Binance, a leading exchange in the digital currency space. Stay informed and well-prepared as you invest in the future of meme

有关加密货币领域的更多信息,您可以探索数字货币领域领先的交易所币安。投资 meme 的未来时,请随时了解情况并做好充分准备




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