现在,如果您拥有符合条件的 Visa 借记卡,您可以立即在最大的加密货币交易所之一存入和兑现资金。

Coinbase users with an eligible Visa debit card can now buy crypto on the platform and send funds directly to their bank accounts — right when they need it.
拥有符合条件的 Visa 借记卡的 Coinbase 用户现在可以在平台上购买加密货币,并在需要时将资金直接发送到他们的银行账户。
Excited for Visa to partner with @coinbase to help them utilize Visa Direct to fund Coinbase accounts and enable real time cash outs https://t.co/aA9l6ZvwHm
很高兴 Visa 与 @coinbase 合作,帮助他们利用 Visa Direct 为 Coinbase 账户提供资金并实现实时兑现 https://t.co/aA9l6ZvwHm
This instant access will depend on the bank and the region, so availability might vary.
Visa Direct’s North America head, Yanilsa Gonzalez Ore, explained the perk: “Those Coinbase users with an eligible Visa debit card know that they can take advantage of trading opportunities day and night.”
Visa Direct 的北美负责人 Yanilsa Gonzalez Ore 解释了这项福利:“那些拥有符合条件的 Visa 借记卡的 Coinbase 用户知道,他们可以日夜利用交易机会。”