在唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump) 公布其新数字代币 $TRUMP 以及梅拉尼娅·特朗普 (Melania Trump) 的代币 $MELANIA 推出后,加密货币格局最近经历了一场显着的动荡。

Former US President Donald Trump has announced his own digital token, named $TRUMP, in a statement shared late Friday evening. Supporters were invited to join his Trump Community and celebrate what he termed a “victory.”
美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在周五晚间发布的一份声明中宣布了自己的数字代币,名为 $TRUMP。支持者被邀请加入他的特朗普社区并庆祝他所说的“胜利”。
The launch sparked a stir in the cryptocurrency arena, especially as it coincided with the introduction of Melania Trump’s own token, $MELANIA. Both tokens fall under the memecoin category, functioning similarly to bitcoin but lacking any underlying revenue streams. Profits for investors thus arise solely from selling the tokens at a higher price.
此次发布在加密货币领域引发了轰动,尤其是与梅拉尼娅·特朗普自己的代币 $MELANIA 的推出同时发生。这两种代币都属于模因币类别,其功能与比特币类似,但缺乏任何潜在的收入来源。因此,投资者的利润仅来自于以更高的价格出售代币。
Despite their long-standing presence in crypto, memecoins have surged in popularity following Trump’s electoral success, with promises made to support blockchain technologies. Both $TRUMP and $MELANIA are built on the high-speed Solana blockchain, known for its capability to handle significant transaction volumes.
尽管模因币在加密货币领域存在已久,但在特朗普当选后,模因币的受欢迎程度飙升,并承诺支持区块链技术。 $TRUMP 和 $MELANIA 都建立在高速 Solana 区块链上,该区块链以其处理大量交易的能力而闻名。
However, the ease of creating memecoins has raised concerns about potential scams in the space. Industry experts have pointed out that many investors may find themselves vulnerable to fraudulent schemes due to the unregulated nature of these assets.
The initial success of $TRUMP was short-lived as the announcement of $MELANIA led to swift declines in its value. This rollercoaster ride underscores the volatile nature of memecoins and the need for caution among potential investors. As Trump ventures further into the crypto world, the implications remain significant, both for him and the wider landscape of digital currencies.
$TRUMP 最初的成功是短暂的,因为 $MELANIA 的发布导致其价值迅速下跌。这种过山车之旅凸显了模因币的波动性以及潜在投资者需要保持谨慎。随着特朗普进一步涉足加密货币世界,无论对他还是对更广泛的数字货币领域来说,其影响仍然很大。