总部位于东京的投资公司 Metaplanet 宣布与 Ripple 的银行合作伙伴 SBI 建立战略合作伙伴关系,作为该公司持续努力加强其比特币积累战略的一部分。
Tokyo-based investment firm Metaplanet announced a strategic partnership with Ripple’s banking partner SBI as part of the company’s ongoing effort to bolster its Bitcoin accumulation strategy.
总部位于东京的投资公司 Metaplanet 宣布与 Ripple 的银行合作伙伴 SBI 建立战略合作伙伴关系,作为该公司持续努力加强其比特币积累战略的一部分。
SBI Holdings first collaborated with Ripple in 2016 when the two companies announced their joint venture, SBI Ripple Asia. Since then, Ripple has tapped various SBI subsidiaries, including SBI Remit, which integrated XRP as a bridge within its Ripple crypto-enabled payment solution in 2021.
SBI Holdings 于 2016 年首次与 Ripple 合作,当时两家公司宣布成立合资公司 SBI Ripple Asia。从那时起,Ripple 就利用了多家 SBI 子公司,其中包括 SBI Remit,该公司于 2021 年将 XRP 作为其支持加密货币的 Ripple 支付解决方案中的桥梁。
Now, Metaplanet has also joined forces with SBI, specifically SBI VC Trade, the crypto investment service of SBI Group. As part of the partnership, Metaplanet will gain access to a compliant corporate custody service for its Bitcoin holdings.
现在,Metaplanet 还与 SBI 联手,特别是 SBI VC Trade(SBI 集团的加密货币投资服务)。作为合作伙伴关系的一部分,Metaplanet 将为其持有的比特币获得合规的企业托管服务。
SBI VC Trade is registered as both a digital asset exchange entity and a Type 1 financial instrument business under Japan’s domestic laws and regulations.
SBI VC Trade 根据日本国内法律法规注册为数字资产交易实体和第一类金融工具业务。
According to Metaplanet, the compliance custody solution provided by SBI VC Trade will prioritize tax efficiency and offer the potential to leverage Bitcoin as collateral for financing.
据 Metaplanet 称,SBI VC Trade 提供的合规托管解决方案将优先考虑税收效率,并提供利用比特币作为融资抵押品的潜力。
In a separate statement, SBI VC Trade noted that it will support Metaplanet’s Bitcoin buying strategy by providing support in trading, storage, and operation services as part of the partnership.
SBI VC Trade 在另一份声明中指出,作为合作伙伴关系的一部分,它将通过提供交易、存储和运营服务方面的支持来支持 Metaplanet 的比特币购买策略。
As of August 20, Metaplanet’s Bitcoin holdings stood at 360.368 BTC, when the company acquired an additional $3.4 million of the original cryptocurrency.
截至 8 月 20 日,Metaplanet 的比特币持有量为 360.368 BTC,当时该公司额外购买了 340 万美元的原始加密货币。
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