Thena (THE) 是一个在 BNB 链和 opBNB 上运行的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 和流动性平台。它简化了代币交换、跨链转账和流动性管理,为 DeFi 用户创造无缝体验。

Thena (THE) is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and liquidity platform operating on the BNB Chain. It aims to simplify token swaps, cross-chain transfers, and liquidity management, creating a seamless experience for DeFi users. The platform offers a range of features, including a Spot DEX, Perpetual DEX, Social Trading Hub, and Launchpad.
Thena(THE)是一个在 BNB 链上运行的去中心化交易所(DEX)和流动性平台。它旨在简化代币交换、跨链转账和流动性管理,为 DeFi 用户创造无缝体验。该平台提供一系列功能,包括现货 DEX、永久 DEX、社交交易中心和 Launchpad。
Thena’s key features include a ve(3,3) governance model, advanced liquidity tools, cross-chain governance, and a community-driven approach. It has also distributed over $25 million in total revenue to token holders.
Thena 的主要功能包括 ve(3,3) 治理模型、先进的流动性工具、跨链治理和社区驱动的方法。它还向代币持有者分配了超过 2500 万美元的总收入。
The platform utilizes its $THE utility token, veTHE governance token (represented as an NFT), and theNFT collection to foster a sustainable and rewarding ecosystem for users, liquidity providers, and token holders.
该平台利用其 $THE 实用代币、veTHE 治理代币(以 NFT 形式表示)和 theNFT 集合,为用户、流动性提供者和代币持有者培育可持续且有益的生态系统。