市值: $2.8414T -0.410%
成交额(24h): $56.2017B -56.090%
  • 市值: $2.8414T -0.410%
  • 成交额(24h): $56.2017B -56.090%
  • 恐惧与贪婪指数:
  • 市值: $2.8414T -0.410%

$86016.827096 USD



$2129.471540 USD



$0.999844 USD



$2.328702 USD



$595.845758 USD



$137.920269 USD



$0.999995 USD



$0.194781 USD



$0.809126 USD



$0.250091 USD



$1.801049 USD



$15.303441 USD



$0.227466 USD



$9.837554 USD



$0.276271 USD



7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

2024/05/13 20:01

USDT 钱包对于安全存储和管理您的 Tether (USDT) 资产至关重要。这篇综合文章探讨并详细介绍了市场上 7 个最佳的 USDT 钱包:MetaMask、Trust Wallet、Coinomi、Coinbase Wallet、Exodus Wallet、Trezor Safe 3 和 Ledger Nano X 与 Nano S Plus。每个钱包都会根据其安全性、灵活性、费用、用户友好性和整体功能进行评估。无论您是经验丰富的加密货币爱好者还是 USDT 世界的新手,本文都为您选择最佳钱包以满足您的特定需求和偏好提供了宝贵的指导。

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

Table of Contents

  • Quick Navigation
  • The 7 Best Tether (USDT) Wallets
  • MetaMask – Best USDT Web Wallet
  • Notable features of MetaMask:
  • MetaMask Security
  • Pros & Cons of MetaMask
  • Trust Wallet – Best USDT Mobile Wallet
  • Notable features of Trust Wallet:
  • Trust Wallet Security
  • Pros & Cons
  • Coinomi – Best USDT Desktop Wallet
  • Notable Features of Coinomi
  • Coinomi Security
  • Pros & Cons of Coinomi
  • Coinbase Wallet – Most User-Friendly USDT Wallet
  • Notable features of Coinbase Wallet
  • Coinbase Wallet Security
  • Pros & Cons of Coinbase Wallet
  • Exodus Wallet – Best For Hardware Wallet Integration
  • Notable Features of Exodus Wallet
  • Exodus Wallet Security
  • Pros & Cons of Exodus Wallet
  • Trezor Safe 3 – Best Hardware Wallet for USDT
  • Ledger – Nano X Vs. Nano S Plus
  • Types of USDT Wallets
  • Web Wallets
  • Hardware wallets
  • Mobile Wallets
  • Desktop Wallets
  • Factors to Consider When Choosing a USDT Wallet
  • Security
  • User-friendliness
  • Compatibility
  • Customer Support
  • Fees
  • Best USDT Wallets – Closing thoughts

USDT is one of the oldest and most popular stablecoins. It is a household name that has expanded the functionalities of DeFi and other branches of the crypto industry.

目录 快速导航 7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包 MetaMask – 最佳 USDT 网络钱包 MetaMask 的显着功能:MetaMask 安全性 MetaMask 的优点和缺点 Trust Wallet – 最佳 USDT 移动钱包 Trust Wallet 的显着功能:Trust 钱包安全性优点和缺点Coinomi – 最佳 USDT 桌面钱包 Coinomi 的显着功能 Coinomi 安全性 Coinomi 的优缺点 Coinbase 钱包 – 最用户友好的 USDT 钱包 Coinbase 钱包的显着功能 Coinbase 钱包安全性 Coinbase 钱包的优缺点 Exodus 钱包 – 最适合硬件钱包集成的显着功能Exodus 钱包的 Exodus 钱包安全性 Exodus 钱包的优缺点 Trezor Safe 3 – USDT Ledger 的最佳硬件钱包 – Nano X 对比。 Nano S Plus USDT 钱包类型 网络钱包 硬件钱包 手机钱包 桌面钱包 选择 USDT 钱包时要考虑的因素 安全性 用户友好性 兼容性 客户支持费用 最佳 USDT 钱包 – 结束语 USDT 是最古老和最受欢迎的稳定币之一。它是一个家喻户晓的名字,扩展了 DeFi 和加密行业其他分支的功能。

Tether Limited created USDT as a fiat-collateralized stablecoin backed primarily by US Dollar reserves, which include cash, short-term US Treasury Bills, commercial paper, and other cash-equivalents.

Tether Limited 创建了 USDT 作为法定抵押的稳定币,主要由美元储备支持,其中包括现金、短期美国国库券、商业票据和其他现金等价物。

If you think about it, stablecoins are the main form of real-world assets ever to exist: a tokenized version of a fiat currency, like the US Dollar. But what can you do, exactly, with a stablecoin like USDT?

如果你仔细想想,稳定币是现实世界资产的主要形式:法定货币的代币化版本,例如美元。但是,使用 USDT 这样的稳定​​币到底能做什么呢?

Here’s a quick breakdown:


  • The primary and most important use of USDT is to hedge against the volatility of other cryptocurrencies or to quickly move in and out of crypto positions without converting back to fiat currency. For example, in times of extreme volatility, crypto investors tend to readjust their portfolios by converting a percentage of their funds into stablecoins, leaving a smaller amount of traditional crypto assets for exposure.
  • You can pay vendors, institutions, individuals, and anyone with a blockchain address through a cryptocurrency network. You can transfer stablecoins with 24/7 availability and lower transaction fees than bank transfers.
  • USDT can be used as a trading pair in cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing users to gauge the value of a given asset in USD, or take advantage of arbitrage opportunities.

USDT is also helpful for international remittances, as collateral in lending and borrowing platforms, as well as participating in DeFi activities such as staking, yield farming, liquidity provision, and much more.

USDT 的主要也是最重要的用途是对冲其他加密货币的波动性,或者快速进出加密货币头寸,而无需转换回法定货币。例如,在极端波动时期,加密货币投资者往往会通过将一定比例的资金转换为稳定币来重新调整其投资组合,而留下较少量的传统加密资产进行投资。您可以通过加密货币网络向供应商、机构、个人和任何拥有区块链地址的人付款。您可以 24/7 全天候转账稳定币,并且交易费用比银行转账更低。 USDT 可以用作加密货币交易所中的交易对,允许用户衡量特定资产的美元价值,或利用套利机会。 USDT 还有助于国际汇款,作为借贷平台的抵押品,以及参与 DeFi 活动,如质押、流动性挖矿、流动性提供等。

With all those use cases and benefits, you’re probably wondering: what is the best USDT wallet, and which one provides the most benefits?

有了所有这些用例和优点,您可能想知道:最好的 USDT 钱包是什么?哪一款提供的好处最多?

Well, you’ve come to the right place. For each wallet, we will go through:


  • Wallet Overview
  • Key Features
  • Security
  • Pros & Cons

Let’s dive in.

钱包概述 主要功能 安全性 优缺点 让我们深入了解一下。

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

Quick Navigation

  • The 7 Best Tether (USDT) Wallets
    • MetaMask – Best USDT Web Wallet
    • Trust Wallet – Best USDT Mobile Wallet
    • Coinomi – Best USDT Desktop Wallet
    • Coinbase Wallet – Most User-Friendly USDT Wallet
    • Exodus Wallet – Best for Hardware Wallet Integration
    • Trezord Safe 3 – Best Hardware Wallet for USDT
    • Ledger – Nano X vs. Nano S Plus
  • Types of USDT Wallets
  • Factors to Consider When Choosing a USDT Wallet
  • Best USDT Wallets – Closing Thoughts

The 7 Best Tether (USDT) Wallets

The following article explores and details the best USDT wallets in the market. These wallets were chosen based on their level of security, flexibility, fees, and overall functionality.

快速导航 7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包 MetaMask – 最佳 USDT 网络钱包 Trust Wallet – 最佳 USDT 移动钱包 Coinomi – 最佳 USDT 桌面钱包 Coinbase 钱包 – 最用户友好的 USDT 钱包 Exodus 钱包 – 最适合硬件钱包集成 Trezord Safe 3 – USDT Ledger 的最佳硬件钱包 – Nano X 与 Nano S Plus USDT 钱包类型 选择 USDT 钱包时要考虑的因素 最佳 USDT 钱包 – 结束语 7 种最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包以下文章探讨并详细介绍了最佳 USDT 钱包市场。这些钱包的选择是基于其安全性、灵活性、费用和整体功能水平。

MetaMask – Best USDT Web Wallet

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

MetaMask – 最佳 USDT 网络钱包

One of the best USDT wallets for security and privacy, MetaMask is a household name in the crypto industry. It supports over 500K digital assets built on the Ethereum ecosystem, including NFTs.

MetaMask 是安全和隐私方面最好的 USDT 钱包之一,在加密行业是家喻户晓的名字。它支持基于以太坊生态系统构建的超过 50 万种数字资产,包括 NFT。

MetaMask is renowned for its robust focus on security, privacy, and decentralization, making it the favored choice for users regarding those key elements. It’s non-custodial and can be installed as a browser extension without disclosing personal information. All you need to do is save your secret recovery phrase (SRP), a 12-word phrase generated when you first set up a MetaMask account.

MetaMask 以其对安全性、隐私性和去中心化的强烈关注而闻名,使其成为用户在这些关键要素方面的首选。它是非托管的,可以作为浏览器扩展安装,而不会泄露个人信息。您所需要做的就是保存您的秘密恢复短语 (SRP),这是您首次设置 MetaMask 帐户时生成的 12 个单词的短语。

MetaMask might not be the most user-friendly wallet, but it is versatile once you get a grip. The wallet supports ERC-20 tokens and NFTs storage and EVM-compatible blockchain networks, such as Binance Smart Chain (BNB) and Polygon (MATIC). MATIC and ETH are available for staking on the Stake section of MetaMask.}

MetaMask 可能不是最用户友好的钱包,但一旦你掌握了它,它就会变得用途广泛。该钱包支持ERC-20代币和NFT存储以及EVM兼容的区块链网络,例如币安智能链(BNB)和Polygon(MATIC)。 MATIC 和 ETH 可在 MetaMask 的 Stake 部分进行质押。}

However, you’ll notice certain limitations, like the fact that it does not support Bitcoin (BTC) and its customer support is rather lackluster, so it might not be the best usdt wallet for newcomers in the crypto space.

然而,您会注意到某些限制,例如它不支持比特币(BTC),而且其客户支持也相当乏善可陈,因此对于加密货币领域的新手来说,它可能不是最好的 usdt 钱包。

Besides USDT, MetaMasks also supports a wide range of stablecoins, including USDC, DAI, and more.

除了 USDT 之外,MetaMasks 还支持多种稳定币,包括 USDC、DAI 等。

Notable features of MetaMask:

Smart transactions

Users can opt to submit transactions to a virtual memory pool before they are confirmed on-chain. This feature counteracts MEV (maximum extractable value) strategies by simulating transactions behind the scenes in the virtual memory pool (and also lowers transaction fees).

MetaMask 的显着特点:智能交易 用户可以选择在链上确认交易之前将交易提交到虚拟内存池。此功能通过模拟虚拟内存池中的幕后交易来抵消 MEV(最大可提取值)策略(并降低交易费用)。

MetaMask Swap

Seamless token swaps within the MetaMask wallet, whether on the browser extension or mobile app. It aggregates data from several DEXs to find the best prices with low slippage. MetaMask charges a service fee of 0.875%, which is automatically factored into each quote, aka, into each token swap and transaction.

MetaMask Swap MetaMask 钱包内的无缝代币交换,无论是在浏览器扩展程序还是移动应用程序上。它汇总来自多个 DEX 的数据,以找到滑点较低的最佳价格。 MetaMask 收取 0.875% 的服务费,该费用会自动计入每个报价(即每个代币交换和交易)中。

Fiat purchases

Users can purchase cryptocurrencies with fiat money, with over 75 tokens from 8 different blockchains. To do so, click on the “Buy” tab and choose your region and the asset you wish to buy.

法定货币购买 用户可以使用法定货币购买加密货币,其中包括来自 8 个不同区块链的超过 75 种代币。为此,请单击“购买”选项卡并选择您所在的地区和您想要购买的资产。

MetaMask Bridge

A cross-chain bridge aggregator for Web3 interoperability. This feature provides users with the best routes for transferring tokens between blockchains, leveraging data from multiple bridge aggregators.

MetaMask Bridge 用于 Web3 互操作性的跨链桥聚合器。此功能为用户提供了在区块链之间转移代币的最佳路线,利用来自多个桥聚合器的数据。

MetaMask Staking

Users can stake ETH and MATIC directly from their wallets with liquid staking providers like Lido and Rocket Pool.

MetaMask Stake 用户可以直接从钱包中向 Lido 和 Rocket Pool 等流动性质押提供商质押 ETH 和 MATIC。

DeFi Hub

MetaMask is one of the largest hubs for decentralized applications on Ethereum, allowing users to access thousands of Web3 apps and dApps.

DeFi HubMetaMask 是以太坊上最大的去中心化应用程序中心之一,允许用户访问数千个 Web3 应用程序和 dApp。

MetaMask Security

MetaMask is considered one of the most secure USDT wallets, providing multiple security mechanisms to safeguard users’ funds and their identities.

MetaMask 安全MetaMask 被认为是最安全的 USDT 钱包之一,提供多种安全机制来保护用户的资金及其身份。

MetaMask also provides privacy-preserving security alerts that help users detect malicious dApps. This enhanced security alert, previously tested with Opensea, is now opt-in and operational on Ethereum Mainnet. Users can activate it within the “Experimental” tab under “Settings” to verify transactions before finalizing them.

MetaMask 还提供保护隐私的安全警报,帮助用户检测恶意 dApp。这个增强的安全警报之前曾在 Opensea 上进行过测试,现在可以选择加入并在以太坊主网上运行。用户可以在“设置”下的“实验”选项卡中激活它,以在完成交易之前验证交易。

MetaMask also provides security vaults, which safeguard users’ identities, allowing them to interact with ERC and other tokens across various browsers.

MetaMask 还提供安全库,可以保护用户的身份,使他们能够跨各种浏览器与 ERC 和其他代币进行交互。

Ultimately, MetaMask can always be integrated into a Ledger wallet if you want to withdraw your funds from the Internet.

最终,如果您想从互联网上提取资金,MetaMask 始终可以集成到 Ledger 钱包中。

Pros & Cons of MetaMask

Pros explained:

MetaMaskPros 的优点和缺点解释:

  • Robust security, with user anonymity and control over private keys being prioritized.
  • Supports a wide range of digital assets, including cryptocurrency coins and tokens, and NFTs
  • Versatility —it supports ERC-20 tokens and storage of NFTs, along with compatibility with multiple blockchains such as the BNB Chain and Polygon.
  • Allows users to access and explore thousands of dApps of different kinds, including GameFi, NFTs, Metaverse, and more
  • Supports staking and airdrop rewards (staking is supported on the Ethereum mainnet)
  • Has hardware wallet integration: Ledger.

Cons explained:

强大的安全性,优先考虑用户匿名和私钥控制。支持广泛的数字资产,包括加密货币硬币和代币以及 NFT 多功能性 - 它支持 ERC-20 代币和 NFT 存储,并与 BNB Chain 和 Polygon 等多个区块链兼容。允许用户访问和探索数千种不同类型的 dApp,包括 GameFi、NFT、Metaverse 等 支持质押和空投奖励(以太坊主网上支持质押) 具有硬件钱包集成:Ledger。缺点解释:

  • A single-wallet recovery phrase across all supported devices is similar to having the same password for every account you own.
  • Lack of support for Bitcoin

Trust Wallet – Best USDT Mobile Wallet

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

在所有受支持的设备上使用单一钱包恢复短语类似于为您拥有的每个帐户使用相同的密码。缺乏对比特币 Trust 钱包的支持 – 最佳 USDT 手机钱包

Trust Wallet is one of the best USDT mobile wallets on the market. It supports millions of digital assets and over 70 blockchain networks.

Trust Wallet 是市场上最好的 USDT 手机钱包之一。它支持数百万种数字资产和70多个区块链网络。

Owned by the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange – Binance, Trust Wallet allows users to buy, sell, and swap crypto, collect and trade Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and explore decentralized applications (dApps) on Ethereum and the BNB ecosystem, all in a single app.

Trust Wallet 由世界领先的加密货币交易所 Binance 拥有,允许用户购买、出售和交换加密货币,收集和交易不可替代代币 (NFT),并探索以太坊和 BNB 生态系统上的去中心化应用程序 (dApp),所有这些都在一个应用程序。

On November 14, 2022, Trust Wallet introduced a browser extension to enhance the Web3 experience, accommodating Ethereum, Solana, and EVM chains such as BNB, Avalanche, and Polygon.

2022 年 11 月 14 日,Trust Wallet 推出了浏览器扩展,以增强 Web3 体验,容纳以太坊、Solana 以及 BNB、Avalanche 和 Polygon 等 EVM 链。

Trust Wallet is free to use and requires no subscriptions or extra payments. Moreover, it does not charge for swaps or in-app transactions, though users are subject to network fees that may fluctuate with network congestion.

Trust Wallet 可免费使用,无需订阅或额外付款。此外,它不收取交换或应用内交易费用,但用户需要支付可能随网络拥塞而波动的网络费用。

That means Trust Wallet makes money through in-app crypto purchases, which are 1% on top of the fees charged by third-party exchanges. However, you might be eligible for a discount if you hold TWT, Trust Wallet’s native token.

这意味着 Trust Wallet 通过应用内加密货币购买来赚钱,除了第三方交易所收取的费用外,还要收取 1% 的费用。但是,如果您持有 Trust Wallet 的原生代币 TWT,您可能有资格获得折扣。

Notable features of Trust Wallet:

Flexible purchasing options

Trust Wallet 的显着特点:灵活的购买选择

Users can acquire cryptocurrencies from third-party platforms like Mercuryo, MoonPay, and Simplex.

用户可以从 Mercuryo、MoonPay 和 Simplex 等第三方平台获取加密货币。

Custom token integration

You can add custom tokens simply by tapping on the “Wallet” tab, clicking the “+” button, and searching for the token you wish to add.


dApp Browser

It allows users to interact with decentralized applications like Uniswap, Compound, and Aave and access NFT marketplaces like OpenSea to view, collect, and trade NFTs (note that this functionality is available as “Discover” on iOS devices).

dApp BrowserIt 允许用户与 Uniswap、Compound 和 Aave 等去中心化应用程序进行交互,并访问 OpenSea 等 NFT 市场来查看、收集和交易 NFT(请注意,此功能在 iOS 设备上可作为“Discover”使用)。

Staking Rewards

Trust Wallet lets users stake select cryptocurrencies and earn rewards. Around 23 cryptocurrencies are available for staking, including Ethereum (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), TRON (TRX), Tezos (XTZ), Cosmos (ATOM), Osmosis (OSMO), and Kava (KAVA). APRs vary per coin and are displayed directly on the Trust Wallet staking section.

质押奖励Trust Wallet 允许用户质押选定的加密货币并赚取奖励。大约有 23 种加密货币可供质押,包括以太坊 (ETH)、币安币 (BNB)、波场 (TRX)、Tezos (XTZ)、Cosmos (ATOM)、Osmosis (OSMO) 和 Kava (KAVA)。每种代币的年利率各不相同,并直接显示在 Trust Wallet 质押部分。

Seamless Inter-wallet Transfers

Users can effortlessly transfer cryptocurrencies from other wallets to Trust Wallet using various authentication methods.

无缝钱包间转账用户可以使用各种身份验证方法轻松地将加密货币从其他钱包转移到 Trust Wallet。

Trust Wallet Security

Trust Wallet offers several security measures, such as biometric access, auto-lock time to prevent unauthorized access, encrypted private keys, 12 password/seed phrases, and 2FA. It’s generally considered a secure wallet, scoring 3.9 and 4.0 out of 5.0 on GetApp and Trust Pilot.

Trust Wallet 安全性Trust Wallet 提供多种安全措施,例如生物识别访问、自动锁定时间以防止未经授权的访问、加密私钥、12 个密码/种子短语和 2FA。它通常被认为是一个安全钱包,在 GetApp 和 Trust Pilot 上得分为 3.9 和 4.0(满分 5.0)。

Yet, Trust Wallet shares risks similar to any hot wallet. Users are exposed to hacking attempts, phishing scams, address poisoning, etc. While the wallet is non-custodial —aka, you own the private keys— setting a 2FA or linking the wallet to a centralized exchange might expose your credentials.

然而,Trust Wallet 所面临的风险与任何热钱包类似。用户面临黑客攻击、网络钓鱼诈骗、地址中毒等风险。虽然钱包是非托管的(即您拥有私钥),但设置 2FA 或将钱包链接到集中式交易所可能会暴露您的凭据。

However, you can always connect your Trust Wallet to a hardware wallet like Ledger if you need an extra security touch.

但是,如果您需要额外的安全保护,您可以随时将 Trust Wallet 连接到 Ledger 等硬件钱包。

Pros & Cons

Pros explained: 


  • It supports a robust set of digital assets, including millions of cryptocurrency coins and tokens, 600 million NFTs, and 100 blockchain ecosystems.
  • Offers a dApp browser, allowing users to explore DeFi apps of all kinds, including DEXs, lending and borrowing platforms, staking apps, and more
  • Allows users to stake over 23 cryptocurrencies, including Binance Coin (BNB), TRON (TRX), Tezos (XTZ), and Cosmos (ATOM)
  • Audited and certified by CertiK, Kudelski Security, and Halborn
  • Has hardware wallet integration: Ledger
  • User-friendly setup and browser extension available

Cons explained:

它支持一组强大的数字资产,包括数百万种加密货币和代币、6亿个NFT和100个区块链生态系统。提供 dApp 浏览器,允许用户探索各种 DeFi 应用程序,包括 DEX、借贷平台、质押应用程序等 允许用户质押超过 23 种加密货币,包括币安币 (BNB)、TRON (TRX)、Tezos ( XTZ) 和 Cosmos (ATOM) 由 CertiK、Kudelski Security 和 Halborn 审核和认证 具有硬件钱包集成:Ledger 用户友好的设置和浏览器扩展可用 缺点说明:

  • Though users can contact the team via email or submit tickets to a chatbot, customer support has often been deemed limited or negligent. Users often criticize the lack of support tools and resources for a better user experience.
  • The Android source code for Trust Wallet has been neglected for several years, unlike its iOS version, which is constantly updated and available on GitHub.

Coinomi – Best USDT Desktop Wallet

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

尽管用户可以通过电子邮件联系团队或向聊天机器人提交票证,但客户支持通常被认为是有限的或疏忽的。用户经常批评缺乏支持工具和资源来获得更好的用户体验。 Trust Wallet 的 Android 源代码多年来一直被忽视,而 iOS 版本则不断更新并可在 GitHub 上获取。 Coinomi – 最佳 USDT 桌面钱包

Coinomi is a popular multi-language cryptocurrency wallet praised for its robust customer support and user-friendly interface, allowing users to buy, sell, trade, and swap thousands of cryptocurrencies across over 100 blockchain networks.

Coinomi 是一款流行的多语言加密货币钱包,因其强大的客户支持和用户友好的界面而受到好评,允许用户在 100 多个区块链网络上购买、出售、交易和交换数千种加密货币。

Notable Features of Coinomi

It’s a multi-language platform with over 20 different languages to choose from


User-friendly Interface

Probably one of the easiest wallets to navigate while still offering a wide array of features and options for more advanced users.


Integrated Exchange and DEX

Coinomi allows users to swap tokens using a built-in exchange or an integrated DEX for more advanced options.

集成交易所和 DEXCoinomi 允许用户使用内置交易所或集成 DEX 交换代币以获得更高级的选项。

Live Chat Support

Coinomi stands out due to its 24/7 live chat support and Knowledge Base page, which provides extensive educational content regarding privacy and security practices.

实时聊天支持Coinomi 因其 24/7 实时聊天支持和知识库页面而脱颖而出,该页面提供了有关隐私和安全实践的广泛教育内容。

Domain Addresses

Coinomi is one of the few wallets that allows users to register and use an FIO or Unstoppable Domain address instead of long, public addresses.

域名地址Coinomi 是少数允许用户注册和使用 FIO 或不可阻挡域名地址而不是长公共地址的钱包之一。

Coinomi Security

Coinomi is one of the best USDT wallets due to its multi-layered security architecture, significantly reducing the risk of attackers or hackers gaining access to user accounts.

Coinomi SecurityCoinomi 因其多层安全架构而成为最好的 USDT 钱包之一,可显着降低攻击者或黑客访问用户帐户的风险。

These layers include an alphanumeric password, a 24-word mnemonic phrase, and a private key, ensuring only authorized individuals can transfer funds from the wallet.

这些层包括字母数字密码、24 个单词的助记词短语和私钥,确保只有授权个人才能从钱包转移资金。

Pros & Cons of Coinomi

Pros explained 

CoinomiPros 的优点和缺点解释

  • Zero Transaction Fees: Coinomi users enjoy fee-free transactions, although standard network fees apply.
  • Multilingual Support: The wallet interface is available in up to 25 languages, catering to a diverse user base worldwide.
  • Wide Blockchain Support: Coinomi supports over 125 blockchains, facilitating access to over 1000 cryptocurrency coins and tokens.
  • Flexible Security Options: Users can enhance their accounts’ security by choosing from various security measures, including passwords, biometrics, combinations of both, or a BIP39 passphrase.

Cons explained:

零交易费用:Coinomi 用户享受免费交易,但需要支付标准网络费用。多语言支持:钱包界面提供多达 25 种语言版本,满足全球不同用户群的需求。广泛的区块链支持:Coinomi 支持超过 125 个区块链,方便访问超过 1000 种加密货币硬币和代币。灵活的安全选项:用户可以通过选择各种安全措施来增强帐户的安全性,包括密码、生物识别技术、两者的组合或 BIP39 密码。缺点解释:

  • Lack of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Coinomi does not offer 2FA, but other security options are available.
  • Incompatibility with Hardware Wallets: Coinomi does not integrate with hardware wallets, limiting options for users who prefer a combination of cold and hot wallet solutions

Coinbase Wallet – Most User-Friendly USDT Wallet

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

缺乏双因素身份验证 (2FA):Coinomi 不提供 2FA,但提供其他安全选项。与硬件钱包不兼容:Coinomi 不与硬件钱包集成,限制了喜欢冷热钱包解决方案组合的用户的选择 Coinbase 钱包 – 最用户友好的 USDT 钱包

Coinbase Wallet is a secure, non-custodial wallet for cryptocurrencies. It offers storage for over 100,000 digital assets, NFT management, and access to decentralized applications. It supports various networks, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others, along with Layer-2 solutions like Arbitrum and Optimism.

Coinbase 钱包是一款安全、非托管的加密货币钱包。它提供超过 100,000 种数字资产的存储、NFT 管理以及对去中心化应用程序的访问。它支持各种网络,包括比特币、以太坊等,以及 Arbitrum 和 Optimism 等第 2 层解决方案。

Coinbase Wallet supports USDT across different blockchain networks, including BNB Chain, Ethereum, Polygon, and more. Moreover, users can either swap tokens or use the in-app buying option —all of the cryptocurrencies available on Coinbase can be bought within Wallet through debit card purchases.

Coinbase 钱包支持跨不同区块链网络的 USDT,包括 BNB Chain、以太坊、Polygon 等。此外,用户可以交换代币或使用应用内购买选项——Coinbase 上提供的所有加密货币都可以通过借记卡在 Wallet 中购买。

The wallet is self-custodial, so users bear responsibility for their security and account integrity. It requires no personal information for use, ensuring high privacy.


Users can also stake their assets within the wallet. There’s another option for staking liquid ETH; however, certain rules and conditions should be considered first, such as extra commissions for validators and gas fees.

用户还可以将自己的资产放入钱包中。质押流动性 ETH 还有另一种选择:然而,应首先考虑某些规则和条件,例如验证者的额外佣金和汽油费。

Notable features of Coinbase Wallet

Swap, Trade, and Buy

Coinbase Wallet is flexible in its crypto offerings, allowing users to swap over 100,000 cryptocurrencies across popular networks such as Polygon, Ethereum, and Solana.

Coinbase WalletSwap、Trade 和 BuyCoinbase 的显着特点 Wallet 的加密产品非常灵活,允许用户在 Polygon、Ethereum 和 Solana 等流行网络上交换超过 100,000 种加密货币。

User-Friendly and Easy to Set up

Coinbase Wallet is available as a browser extension for Chrome, Brave, and mobile devices (iOS and Android).

用户友好且易于设置Coinbase 钱包可作为 Chrome、Brave 和移动设备(iOS 和 Android)的浏览器扩展。


Coinbase Wallet does not require you to disclose any personal information. You can set up a username and profile and decide whether it can be searchable.

PrivacyCoinbase 钱包不要求您透露任何个人信息。您可以设置用户名和个人资料并决定是否可以搜索。

Username Address

Usernames can be used as a substitute for network addresses to send and receive cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

用户名地址用户名可以用作网络地址的替代品来发送和接收加密货币和 NFT。

Coinbase Wallet Security

Coinbase employs a robust security framework that protects users’ identities and funds, conducting regular security audits and upgrades.

Coinbase 钱包安全Coinbase 采用强大的安全框架来保护用户的身份和资金,定期进行安全审核和升级。

Like other wallets, Coinbase Wallet leverages a 12-word seed phrase that users must insert if they already have an account or want to access it on another device. Other notable security features are biometric access, passwords, 2FA, security locks, and more.

与其他钱包一样,Coinbase 钱包利用 12 个单词的助记词,如果用户已经拥有帐户或想要在其他设备上访问该帐户,则必须插入该助记词。其他值得注意的安全功能包括生物识别访问、密码、2FA、安全锁等。

Another perk is the interaction with Ledger, allowing users to move their funds to a hardware wallet.

另一个好处是与 Ledger 的交互,允许用户将资金转移到硬件钱包中。

Pros & Cons of Coinbase Wallet

Pros explained: 

Coinbase Wallet 的优点和缺点Pros 解释道:

  • Offers 24/7 customer support, along with a help page and email support.
  • Supports liquid Ethereum staking (besides regular staking).
  • Simplified payments and user-friendly layout.
  • Easy setup: available to download as a browser extension or mobile device with easy installation setup.

 Cons explained:

提供 24/7 客户支持,以及帮助页面和电子邮件支持。支持流动以太坊质押(除了常规质押)。简化的支付和用户友好的布局。轻松设置:可作为浏览器扩展程序或移动设备下载,安装设置简单。缺点解释:

  • The desktop version is more user-friendly and versatile than the mobile version, offering additional features such as the Community tab, where users can interact with each other..

Exodus Wallet – Best For Hardware Wallet Integration

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

桌面版本比移动版本更加用户友好和通用,提供附加功能,例如“社区”选项卡,用户可以在其中相互交互。 Exodus 钱包 – 最适合硬件钱包集成

Exodus is a versatile, non-custodial crypto wallet that supports over 50 blockchain networks. It’s available as a desktop wallet, browser extension, and mobile app on iOS and Android.

Exodus 是一款多功能、非托管加密钱包,支持 50 多个区块链网络。它可以作为桌面钱包、浏览器扩展以及 iOS 和 Android 上的移动应用程序使用。

The wallet supports various blockchain networks, such as Ethereum, Solana, BSC, and Algorand, allowing users to explore and interact with dApps across different ecosystems. It also supports NFTs and provides hardware wallet integration with Trezor.

该钱包支持各种区块链网络,例如以太坊、Solana、BSC和Algorand,允许用户探索不同生态系统的dApp并与之交互。它还支持 NFT,并提供与 Trezor 的硬件钱包集成。

Notable Features of Exodus Wallet

It supports hardware wallet integration with Trezor, specifically Trezor Safe 3.

Exodus Wallet 的显着功能它支持硬件钱包与 Trezor 集成,特别是 Trezor Safe 3。

Fiat on-ramp

Exodus facilitates the purchase of cryptocurrencies with fiat currency through services like Moonpay, Ramp, Sardine, and Robinhood Connect (availability may vary by location). Users can buy crypto using debit or credit cards and have it deposited directly into their Exodus wallet.

法定货币入口Exodus 通过 Moonpay、Ramp、Sardine 和 Robinhood Connect 等服务促进用法定货币购买加密货币(可用性可能因地点而异)。用户可以使用借记卡或信用卡购买加密货币,并将其直接存入他们的 Exodus 钱包中。

Built-in Exchange

Exodus provides a built-in exchange, which allows users to trade and manage crypto portfolios without recurring to external crypto exchanges.

内置交易所Exodus 提供内置交易所,允许用户交易和管理加密货币投资组合,而无需重复访问外部加密货币交易所。


Users can easily exchange cryptocurrencies for different tokens directly within the Exodus app, enhancing flexibility in managing their crypto portfolios.

Swaps用户可以直接在 Exodus 应用程序中轻松地将加密货币兑换为不同的代币,从而增强了管理其加密货币投资组合的灵活性。

Crypto staking

Like other wallets, Exodus supports in-app staking. Some popular wallets are ETH, SOL, ADA, ATOM, etc.

加密货币质押与其他钱包一样,Exodus 支持应用内质押。一些流行的钱包有 ETH、SOL、ADA、ATOM 等。

Transaction export

Exodus allows users to export their crypto transaction history for tax purposes, exported in a .csv file format.

交易 exportExodus 允许用户导出其加密货币交易历史记录以用于税务目的,并以 .csv 文件格式导出。

Browser extension

Exodus provides a browser extension that is feature-rich and allows users to access dApps, manage NFTs, swap and stake assets, and more.

浏览器扩展Exodus 提供了功能丰富的浏览器扩展,允许用户访问 dApp、管理 NFT、交换和质押资产等。

Like most wallets, Exodus is free to download and use. However, a spread fee is added to the coin exchange rate, which varies depending on market conditions.

与大多数钱包一样,Exodus 可以免费下载和使用。然而,硬币汇率会增加点差费用,该费用根据市场情况而变化。

Exodus Wallet Security

Exodus has an interesting policy: the wallet is as secure as the device it’s installed on.

Exodus 钱包安全Exodus 有一个有趣的政策:钱包与其安装的设备一样安全。

In other words, you’re solely responsible for what happens to your wallet; if you lose your mobile device or leave your browser open and the wallet is visible —or in any case where the devices are compromised— your funds are at risk.


That also means Exodus does not provide any extra security mechanisms, such as 2FA, security locks, scam alerts, etc. However, the Exodus team does provide constant updates about the wallet states and informs users if any vulnerability has been patched.

这也意味着 Exodus 不提供任何额外的安全机制,例如 2FA、安全锁、诈骗警报等。但是,Exodus 团队确实提供有关钱包状态的持续更新,并通知用户是否修补了任何漏洞。

Pros & Cons of Exodus Wallet

Pros explained:

Exodus Wallet 的优点和缺点Pros 解释:

  • Easy setup: Setting up Exodus on desktop, browser, or mobile devices is straightforward. Users can create and synchronize a single wallet across devices using a 12-word seed phrase.
  • Robust customer support: Exodus provides customer support through chat and email services, help pages, and even dozens of articles on security practices.
  • Regular updates and communication: The wallet provides updates and security reports every two weeks. However, users must manually update their wallets via Exodus’s official website.
  • Supports staking: Exodus supports staking, allowing users to put their crypto to work directly through the wallet.

Cons explained:

轻松设置:在桌面、浏览器或移动设备上设置 Exodus 非常简单。用户可以使用 12 个单词的种子短语跨设备创建和同步单个钱包。强大的客户支持:Exodus 通过聊天和电子邮件服务、帮助页面,甚至数十篇有关安全实践的文章提供客户支持。定期更新和沟通:钱包每两周提供更新和安全报告。不过,用户必须通过Exodus官网手动更新钱包。支持质押:Exodus 支持质押,允许用户直接通过钱包使用加密货币。缺点解释:

  • Exodus lacks traditional two-factor authentication (2FA), meaning that, in reality, users rely solely on their passwords for security. This omission poses risks if passwords are compromised.
  • It’s not open source; the software code is not accessible or cannot be modified by the public. This is often considered a lack of transparency that prevents users and external developers from independently reviewing the wallet’s security mechanisms and overall reliability

Trezor Safe 3 – Best Hardware Wallet for USDT

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

Exodus 缺乏传统的双因素身份验证 (2FA),这意味着实际上用户仅依赖密码来确保安全。如果密码被泄露,这种遗漏就会带来风险。它不是开源的;软件代码不可被公众访问或修改。这通常被认为缺乏透明度,阻止用户和外部开发人员独立审查钱包的安全机制和整体可靠性 Trezor Safe 3 – USDT 的最佳硬件钱包

There are three major Trezor products: Trezor One, Trezor Model T, and Trezor Safe 3 (or S3). Trezor One is the most basic entry, priced at $59, and supports over 13 cryptocurrencies.

Trezor 共有三种主要产品:Trezor One、Trezor Model T 和 Trezor Safe 3(或 S3)。 Trezor One 是最基本的入门产品,售价 59 美元,支持超过 13 种加密货币。

The S3 model, however, is the latest Trezor product. It offers robust security mechanisms, including Secure Element, a certified EAL6+ chip. Privacy is at the top of the list, as the Safe 3 model supports the anonymous web browser Tor and Coinjoin, a method employed to anonymize Bitcoin transactions.

然而,S3 型号是最新的 Trezor 产品。它提供强大的安全机制,包括 Secure Element(经过认证的 EAL6+ 芯片)。隐私是重中之重,因为 Safe 3 模型支持匿名网络浏览器 Tor 和 Coinjoin(一种用于匿名比特币交易的方法)。

Moreover, the Safe 3 model supports over 8,000 coins and tokens, a major step in Trezor’s crypto offering.

此外,Safe 3 模型支持超过 8,000 种硬币和代币,这是 Trezor 加密产品的重要一步。

Between the Trezor T model and the Safe 3, the Safe 3 is cheaper, costing $79. Although the T model is considered “more secure,” its price hovers around $180 and supports a much lower number of coins, so it’s a matter of which one suits you best.

在 Trezor T 型号和 Safe 3 之间,Safe 3 更便宜,售价 79 美元。尽管 T 型号被认为“更安全”,但其价格徘徊在 180 美元左右,并且支持的硬币数量要少得多,所以问题是哪一款最适合您。

Overall, Trezor is compatible with multiple operating systems, such as Linux, Microsoft, and Mac, and for mobile devices on iOS and Android through the Trezor Suite Lite app.

总体而言,Trezor 与多种操作系统兼容,例如 Linux、Microsoft 和 Mac,并通过 Trezor Suite Lite 应用程序兼容 iOS 和 Android 上的移动设备。

Ledger – Nano X Vs. Nano S Plus

7 个最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包,安全、实用且易于使用

Ledger – Nano X 对比。纳米S加

Ledger offers a robust suite of cold storage solutions, including Ledger Nano X and Ledger Nano S Plus.

Ledger 提供了一套强大的冷存储解决方案,包括 Ledger Nano X 和 Ledger Nano S Plus。

Ledger Nano X is the go-to option if you’re looking for a hardware wallet that can support thousands of cryptocurrencies —over 5,000— in addition to your USDT holdings. It’s priced at $149.

如果您正在寻找一款硬件钱包,除了持有的 USDT 之外,还可以支持数千种(超过 5,000 种)加密货币,那么 Ledger Nano X 是您的首选。售价为 149 美元。

Nano X provides multiple security mechanisms, including being CC EAL5+ certified. If you fall victim to an attack, Nano X incorporates a hidden wallet feature, which allows you to set up different wallet interfaces on the device holding a specific amount of coins. If your device is ever compromised, the attacker won’t be able to figure out where your funds are hidden in reality.

Nano X 提供多种安全机制,包括通过 CC EAL5+ 认证。如果您成为攻击的受害者,Nano X 包含隐藏钱包功能,允许您在持有特定数量硬币的设备上设置不同的钱包界面。如果您的设备遭到破坏,攻击者将无法找出您的资金实际上隐藏在哪里。

The Nano S Plus is quite similar to the Nano X, but there are certain differences to weigh in. For example, Nano S supports over 5,500 cryptocurrencies, costs $79, and is compatible with Android, while Nano X is compatible with Android and iOS.

Nano S Plus 与 Nano X 非常相似,但也存在一些差异。例如,Nano S 支持超过 5,500 种加密货币,售价 79 美元,并且与 Android 兼容,而 Nano X 则与 Android 和 iOS 兼容。

Nano S Plus is also CC EAL5+ certified and incorporates an exchange. It also has a touch screen, making it more dynamic and easier to manage than the Nano X model.

Nano S Plus 还经过 CC EAL5+ 认证,并包含交换功能。它还具有触摸屏,比 Nano X 型号更具动态性且更易于管理。

Types of USDT Wallets

USDT, like most crypto assets, can be stored in two main types of wallets: hot and cold.

USDT 钱包的类型 与大多数加密资产一样,USDT 可以存储在两种主要类型的钱包中:热钱包和冷钱包。

Hot wallets are software applications connected to the Internet. They offer users a wide array of features to store and manage their assets across multiple networks and access to decentralized applications (dApps) on different devices, such as browser extensions, mobile devices, and desktops.


On the other hand, cold wallets are physical hardware devices resembling pen drives. They provide enhanced security by storing cryptocurrencies offline, yet they have their downside, which will be explored in another section.


Web Wallets

Web wallets refer to extensions that can be downloaded and installed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.


They offer flexibility and accessibility, enabling users to manage, store, and transact with crypto directly through a web browser. Most web wallets also support dApps, Web3 applications, and NFTs, making them suitable for various digital asset activities.

它们提供灵活性和可访问性,使用户能够直接通过网络浏览器管理、存储和使用加密货币进行交易。大多数网络钱包还支持 dApp、Web3 应用程序和 NFT,使其适合各种数字资产活动。

Hardware wallets

Hardware wallets generate and store private keys offline, enhancing security by isolating them from the internet, thus minimizing the risk of hacking and online attacks.


Hardware wallets offer the highest level of security for crypto funds, adding another layer of protection to your funds. However,, they are not as flexible/dynamic as software wallets.


They are robust in terms of security. Most incidents involving users losing their funds or getting hacked are due to malpractices or devices getting lost.


Therefore, it’s absolutely imperative that you understand the fundamentals of self-custody and some of the best practices for storing your crypto. Have a look at our guide below: 


9 Tips For Securing Your Bitcoin and Crypto Wallets You Must Follow

必须遵循的 9 个保护比特币和加密钱包安全的技巧

Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallets are available for iOS and Android devices, providing accessibility and convenience for managing, storing, and transacting USDT or any other asset on the go.

移动钱包移动钱包适用于 iOS 和 Android 设备,为随时随地管理、存储和交易 USDT 或任何其他资产提供可访问性和便利性。

However, users should be cautious of security risks such as malware and the potential loss of their mobile device, as well as signing malicious transactions because they’re not paying enough attention while casually scrolling through their phones.


Desktop Wallets

Desktop wallets are software programs that can be downloaded and installed on computers. But they require a certain level of technical proficiency to install and operate.


The main perk of using a desktop wallet is its broader features compared to browser extensions, including integrated staking, advanced security measures, and more. They do have their drawdowns, however, as a lot of them are dedicated to a specific cryptocurrency and do not offer support for a broader range of coins.


Factors to Consider When Choosing a USDT Wallet

There are significant factors to consider before choosing a USDT wallet. Most importantly, we’re talking about security, compatibility, fees, customer support, and more.

选择 USDT 钱包时要考虑的因素选择 USDT 钱包之前需要考虑一些重要因素。最重要的是,我们谈论的是安全性、兼容性、费用、客户支持等等。

Here’s a breakdown:



To ensure the safety of your USDT holdings, prioritize wallets with strong encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA), a clean security track record, and regular security audits.

安全性为了确保您持有的 USDT 的安全,请优先考虑采用强加密、多因素身份验证 (MFA)、干净的安全跟踪记录和定期安全审核的钱包。


Opt for wallets with clear payment layouts, intuitive navigation, and easy sending and receiving functionalities, especially since USDT is commonly used for frequent transactions. Additionally, ensure that the dApp store is accessible and straightforward to navigate within the wallet interface.

用户友好性选择具有清晰支付布局、直观导航和轻松发送和接收功能的钱包,特别是因为 USDT 通常用于频繁交易。此外,请确保 dApp 商店可在钱包界面中轻松访问和导航。


You might want to choose a flexible wallet that provides interoperability between multiple blockchain networks. Other considerations are support for NFTs and custom token integration.

兼容性您可能想要选择一个灵活的钱包,以提供多个区块链网络之间的互操作性。其他考虑因素包括对 NFT 和自定义代币集成的支持。

Customer Support

This is pretty much self-explanatory. Having access to reliable customer support is valuable in case you encounter any issues. It’s good to have responsive and knowledgeable support options, such as live chat, email, or phone support.



Fees can vary depending on the wallet, the types of services, and network congestion. You can compare fees for different wallets before choosing one, especially if you plan on making frequent USDT transactions.

费用费用可能因钱包、服务类型和网络拥塞情况而异。在选择一款钱包之前,您可以比较不同钱包的费用,特别是如果您打算频繁进行 USDT 交易。

Best USDT Wallets – Closing thoughts

USDT is one of the crypto industry’s most important cornerstones, offering stability and versatility to investors, institutions, traders, and the average user.

最佳 USDT 钱包 – 结束语 USDT 是加密货币行业最重要的基石之一,为投资者、机构、交易者和普通用户提供稳定性和多功能性。

Security and efficiency are paramount, whether you’re a newcomer or an experienced crypto user. That’s why choosing the best USDT wallet is a challenging but doable task that requires a deep analysis of each wallet and weighing key factors, such as security, fees, flexibility, and functionality.

无论您是新手还是经验丰富的加密货币用户,安全性和效率都是至关重要的。这就是为什么选择最好的 USDT 钱包是一项具有挑战性但可行的任务,需要深入分析每个钱包并权衡安全性、费用、灵活性和功能等关键因素。

While no wallet is perfect, a suitable USDT wallet offers these key elements in the best possible way and suits your needs.

虽然没有完美的钱包,但合适的 USDT 钱包以最佳方式提供这些关键要素并满足您的需求。

The post Top 7 Best Tether (USDT) Wallets to Consider in 2024 appeared first on CryptoPotato.

2024 年值得考虑的 7 款最佳 Tether (USDT) 钱包一文首先出现在 CryptoPotato 上。

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