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2008 年,中本聪将比特币设想为一种高度可扩展的区块链,但当前的区块链网络在交易处理方面面临限制。为此,BSV 协会设计的 Teranode 升级旨在突破区块链可扩展性的界限,使 BSV 能够每秒处理超过 110 万笔交易,超过信用卡公司和央行数字货币的处理能力。
Unveiling the Teranode: BSV's Revolutionary Leap in Blockchain Scalability
揭晓 Teranode:BSV 在区块链可扩展性方面的革命性飞跃
Satoshi Nakamoto's vision for Bitcoin, conceived in 2008, was to create a highly scalable payment system that would surpass the transactional capabilities of established financial giants like Visa and Mastercard at a fraction of the cost.
中本聪 (Satoshi Nakamoto) 在 2008 年提出的比特币愿景是创建一个高度可扩展的支付系统,以极低的成本超越 Visa 和 Mastercard 等老牌金融巨头的交易能力。
Fifteen years later, while Bitcoin has gained widespread recognition, its scalability has fallen short of Satoshi's aspirations. Dominant blockchain networks have restricted their block size, limiting transactions to a paltry 7 per second. Ethereum, despite its popularity, faces challenges with high transaction fees that hinder its scalability.
十五年后,虽然比特币获得了广泛的认可,但其可扩展性却未能达到中本聪的愿望。占主导地位的区块链网络限制了其区块大小,将交易限制在每秒 7 笔。以太坊尽管很受欢迎,但仍面临着高额交易费用的挑战,这阻碍了其可扩展性。
In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, the BSV Association has taken a bold step forward by introducing the Teranode, a revolutionary software upgrade for its BSV blockchain. Engineered to shatter scalability barriers, the Teranode aims to propel BSV to unprecedented heights, enabling it to handle millions of transactions effortlessly.
在这个快速发展的数字环境中,BSV 协会向前迈出了大胆的一步,推出了 Teranode,这是 BSV 区块链的革命性软件升级。 Teranode 旨在打破可扩展性障碍,旨在将 BSV 推向前所未有的高度,使其能够轻松处理数百万笔交易。
The Significance of Unbounded Blockchain Scaling
Blockchain technology, often associated with Bitcoin, offers a transformative platform for secure and transparent data management. It has the potential to revolutionize industries, from finance to healthcare, by providing an immutable ledger for recording and verifying transactions.
However, for blockchain to reach its full potential, it must be able to scale to accommodate the growing volume of transactions and data generated by a rapidly digitizing world. A highly scalable blockchain can support mass adoption while ensuring security, transparency, and auditability.
Introducing the Teranode: A Scalability Breakthrough
Teranode 简介:可扩展性的突破
The Teranode represents a major leap in blockchain scalability. Designed by the BSV Association, this software upgrade aims to push the boundaries of transactional capacity, enabling BSV to operate at speeds exceeding 1.1 million transactions per second (TPS).
Teranode 代表了区块链可扩展性的重大飞跃。该软件升级由 BSV 协会设计,旨在突破交易容量的界限,使 BSV 能够以超过每秒 110 万笔交易 (TPS) 的速度运行。
For perspective, credit card companies typically process around 5,000 TPS globally, with peaks of 80,000 TPS. The Bank of England's digital pound has a projected TPS range of 30,000 to 100,000. The Teranode, with its minimum TPS of 1 million and potential to reach 5 million, far surpasses these benchmarks.
从长远来看,信用卡公司在全球范围内的处理速度通常约为 5,000 TPS,峰值可达 80,000 TPS。英格兰银行的数字英镑预计 TPS 范围为 30,000 至 100,000。 Teranode 的最低 TPS 为 100 万,并有可能达到 500 万,远远超过了这些基准。
Key Innovations of the Teranode
Teranode 的关键创新
- Microservices Support:
Beyond its unparalleled scalability, the Teranode introduces microservices, which break down complex functions into smaller, independent modules. These microservices enhance flexibility and enable custom configurations for specific application requirements.
微服务支持:除了无与伦比的可扩展性之外,Teranode 还引入了微服务,将复杂的功能分解为更小的独立模块。这些微服务增强了灵活性,并支持针对特定应用程序要求的自定义配置。
- Resolving Block Size Limitations:
The Teranode addresses the block size limitations that have plagued Bitcoin. Through its overlay services and SPV solutions, it enables the inclusion of more transactions per block, eliminating the need for protocol changes or price increases.
解决区块大小限制:Teranode 解决了困扰比特币的区块大小限制。通过其覆盖服务和 SPV 解决方案,它可以在每个区块中包含更多交易,从而无需更改协议或提高价格。
- AI Efficiency Improvements:
With its ability to process vast amounts of data, the Teranode will unlock new possibilities for artificial intelligence (AI). By providing verifiable and auditable information, the Teranode will enhance the efficiency and accuracy of AI applications.
AI效率提升:凭借处理海量数据的能力,Teranode将为人工智能(AI)开启新的可能性。通过提供可验证和可审计的信息,Teranode 将提高人工智能应用的效率和准确性。
Technical Testing and Partnerships
The BSV Association is spearheading the technical testing of the Teranode, conducting rigorous trials across North America, Europe, and Asia. To ensure the highest standards, they have partnered with Aerospike, a leader in high-performance NoSQL databases, for real-time data processing.
BSV 协会正在带头进行 Teranode 的技术测试,在北美、欧洲和亚洲进行严格的试验。为了确保最高标准,他们与高性能 NoSQL 数据库的领导者 Aerospike 合作进行实时数据处理。
Evolution of the Teranode
Teranode 的演变
The first iteration of the Teranode, released in 2022, successfully integrated components of the current SV nodes. However, certain components posed challenges for horizontal scaling.
Teranode 的第一个迭代于 2022 年发布,成功集成了当前 SV 节点的组件。然而,某些组件对水平扩展提出了挑战。
In response, the Teranode team adopted a new approach, incorporating the SV Node as a monolith node while introducing a specialized architecture. This latest version of the Teranode efficiently handles Merkle Trees, the data structure that immutably records Bitcoin transactions.
为此,Teranode 团队采用了一种新方法,将 SV 节点合并为整体节点,同时引入专门的架构。 Teranode 的最新版本可有效处理 Merkle 树,这是一种永久记录比特币交易的数据结构。
Specialized Nodes and SPV: Pillars of Scalability
专业节点和 SPV:可扩展性的支柱
Unbounded scalability is achieved through specialized nodes and Simplified Payment Verification (SPV). Specialized nodes isolate specific functionalities, allowing for greater flexibility and adding layers like overlay nodes.
SPV, a crucial component of the Teranode, facilitates peer-to-peer transaction validation without examining the contents of each block. By reducing the computational load, SPV enables efficient and scalable validation.
SPV 是 Teranode 的重要组成部分,可促进点对点交易验证,而无需检查每个块的内容。通过减少计算负载,SPV 可以实现高效且可扩展的验证。
Blockchain Scalability: A Driving Force for Innovation
As the digital landscape continues to expand, the need for a blockchain that can scale limitlessly becomes imperative. The Teranode, with its ability to handle millions of transactions per second, represents a paradigm shift in blockchain technology.
随着数字领域的不断扩大,对可无限扩展的区块链的需求变得势在必行。 Teranode 能够每秒处理数百万笔交易,代表了区块链技术的范式转变。
This global blockchain empowers businesses and individuals alike, offering the potential to revolutionize industries and transform the way we transact business. Its unparalleled scalability, security, and transparency make it the ideal platform for building the next generation of enterprise and government applications.
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