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当我们进入明年时,加密货币市场将看到大量现代项目的涌入,带来新的解决方案和机遇。 Sui 和 BlockDAG (BDAG) 就是其中之一,它们提供了独特的技术,使其与众不同。
As we head into the new year, the crypto market is seeing an influx of modern projects that are bringing fresh solutions and opportunities to the table. Among these are Sui and BlockDAG (BDAG), two cryptocurrencies that are setting themselves apart with their unique technologies. Both are tackling critical issues like scalability, speed, and efficient transactions that have plagued the blockchain world. Here's what makes Sui and BlockDAG so special and why they deserve more attention from tech enthusiasts and everyday users alike.
当我们进入新的一年时,加密市场正在看到大量现代项目的涌入,这些项目带来了新的解决方案和机会。其中包括 Sui 和 BlockDAG (BDAG),这两种加密货币以其独特的技术脱颖而出。两者都在解决困扰区块链世界的可扩展性、速度和高效交易等关键问题。这就是 Sui 和 BlockDAG 如此特别的原因,以及为什么它们值得技术爱好者和日常用户更多关注。
Sui: Setting New Standards in Blockchain Performance
Sui boasts a unique infrastructure in the vast blockchain landscape. It utilizes the Move programming language, initially created for the Diem initiative, which prioritizes safety and adaptability in smart contracts. This ensures that assets on the Sui blockchain are secure against duplication or deletion, offering a reliability that is uncommon on other networks.
Sui 在广阔的区块链领域拥有独特的基础设施。它使用最初为 Diem 计划创建的 Move 编程语言,该语言优先考虑智能合约的安全性和适应性。这确保了 Sui 区块链上的资产不会被复制或删除,提供了其他网络上罕见的可靠性。
What truly sets Sui apart and positions it as a transformative force in the crypto space is its ability to execute multiple transactions simultaneously, unlike traditional blockchains that process transactions one at a time. This capability allows Sui to handle an impressive volume of up to 120,000 transactions per second (TPS).
真正让 Sui 与众不同并将其定位为加密货币领域变革力量的是它能够同时执行多个交易,这与一次处理一个交易的传统区块链不同。此功能使 Sui 能够处理高达每秒 120,000 笔交易 (TPS)。
Such lightning-fast speeds put Sui on par with platforms like Solana, with the added advantages of lower fees and enhanced efficiency. Furthermore, Sui's innovative object-centric data model paves the way for dynamic NFTs, enabling interactive experiences that set new standards for what blockchain technology can achieve.
如此闪电般的速度使 Sui 与 Solana 等平台不相上下,并具有降低费用和提高效率的额外优势。此外,Sui 创新的以对象为中心的数据模型为动态 NFT 铺平了道路,实现了交互式体验,为区块链技术可以实现的目标设定了新标准。
BlockDAG: Pioneering Speed in Blockchain Technology
BlockDAG redefines the blockchain architecture by adopting a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) instead of the traditional linear chain format. This allows the network to process transactions much faster and scale more efficiently. With this setup, the blockchain can handle a large number of transactions simultaneously, maintaining speed as the network expands.
Through its DAG structure, BlockDAG achieves the processing of multiple blocks at once, which removes the delays seen in networks that add blocks one by one. This capability of parallel processing enables BlockDAG to handle near-instantaneous transactions, achieving thousands of transactions per second (TPS).
通过其 DAG 结构,BlockDAG 实现了同时处理多个块,从而消除了逐个添加块的网络中出现的延迟。这种并行处理能力使 BlockDAG 能够处理近乎瞬时的交易,实现每秒数千笔交易(TPS)。
Compared to Bitcoin’s 3-7 TPS and Ethereum’s 15 TPS, BlockDAG can process vastly more transactions, making it ideal for high-demand applications like decentralized exchanges and gaming platforms. This leap in transaction capacity makes BlockDAG a top choice for sectors needing fast and efficient transaction capabilities.
与比特币的 3-7 TPS 和以太坊的 15 TPS 相比,BlockDAG 可以处理更多的交易,使其成为去中心化交易所和游戏平台等高需求应用的理想选择。交易能力的飞跃使得 BlockDAG 成为需要快速高效交易能力的行业的首选。
Priced currently at $0.234 in batch 26, BlockDAG has given a 2240% ROI to its early backers, illustrating significant growth. The successful Testnet launch has proven the platform’s robustness, attracting developers looking for a scalable and rapid environment for decentralized applications. With the completion of its Mainnet development on November 14th, BlockDAG has entered its audit phase and is on track to establish itself as a formidable player in the blockchain arena.
目前第 26 批的定价为 0.234 美元,BlockDAG 为其早期支持者提供了 2240% 的投资回报率,显示出显着的增长。测试网的成功发布证明了该平台的稳健性,吸引了为去中心化应用程序寻找可扩展且快速环境的开发人员。随着 11 月 14 日完成主网开发,BlockDAG 已进入审核阶段,有望成为区块链领域的强大参与者。
Uncovering the Potential of Sui and BlockDAG
发掘 Sui 和 BlockDAG 的潜力
While Sui and BlockDAG possess remarkable technological capabilities, they haven’t yet gained the widespread recognition that giants like Ethereum and Solana enjoy. The fierce competition in the crypto space and the dominance of these well-established networks have largely overshadowed these emerging technologies. However, 2024 has seen a growing interest in both platforms, driven by significant advancements and strategic initiatives.
尽管 Sui 和 BlockDAG 拥有卓越的技术能力,但它们尚未获得以太坊和 Solana 等巨头的广泛认可。加密货币领域的激烈竞争和这些成熟网络的主导地位在很大程度上盖过了这些新兴技术的光芒。然而,到 2024 年,在重大进步和战略举措的推动下,人们对这两个平台的兴趣日益浓厚。
Sui has seen a notable increase in its daily transactions, even surpassing Solana at one point. Its Total Value Locked (TVL) has also soared from $338 million to $957 million, indicating a strong trust in its potential. Moreover, key partnerships, such as with Circle for USDC integration and a place on Coinbase’s roadmap, have further bolstered its standing in the market.
Sui 的日交易量显着增加,甚至一度超过了 Solana。其总锁定价值(TVL)也从 3.38 亿美元飙升至 9.57 亿美元,表明对其潜力的强烈信任。此外,重要的合作伙伴关系,例如与 Circle 的 USDC 整合以及在 Coinbase 路线图上的一席之地,进一步巩固了其在市场中的地位。
On the other hand, BlockDAG has gained traction through a successful $122 million presale and high-profile collaborations with entities like Borussia Dortmund and Inter Milan, enhancing its global footprint. Additionally, endorsements from celebrities like UFC champion Alex Pereira have amplified its visibility and attractiveness. These strategic moves are showcasing BlockDAG as a dynamic innovator in the field.
另一方面,BlockDAG 通过 1.22 亿美元的成功预售以及与多特蒙德足球俱乐部和国际米兰等实体的高调合作而获得了关注,从而增强了其全球影响力。此外,UFC 冠军亚历克斯·佩雷拉等名人的认可也增强了其知名度和吸引力。这些战略举措展示了 BlockDAG 作为该领域充满活力的创新者。
The Rising Stars of Blockchain
The current undervaluation of Sui and BlockDAG presents a prime opportunity for those seeking to capitalize on promising cryptocurrencies. Both platforms offer unique solutions to major challenges in the blockchain sector.
目前 Sui 和 BlockDAG 的低估为那些寻求利用有前途的加密货币的人提供了绝佳的机会。这两个平台都为区块链领域的主要挑战提供了独特的解决方案。
Sui, with its capacity for parallel transactions and its robust, secure programming language, is well-suited for a variety of applications and is set up as a high-performance network. BlockDAG’s DAG-based architecture offers scalability and transaction speeds that traditional linear blockchains struggle to match.
Sui 具有并行交易能力和强大、安全的编程语言,非常适合各种应用程序,并被设置为高性能网络。 BlockDAG 基于 DAG 的架构提供了传统线性区块链难以匹敌的可扩展性和交易速度。
As awareness of Sui and BlockDAG’s unique features grows among developers and the broader market, these cryptocurrencies are likely to gain substantial mainstream traction. Their commitment to addressing practical problems with cutting-edge technology positions them as not merely speculative assets but as solid platforms geared towards substantial real-world usage. For those on the lookout for promising opportunities in 2024, these emerging technologies are worth a closer look before their full value is universally recognized.
随着开发人员和更广泛的市场对 Sui 和 BlockDAG 独特功能的认识不断增强,这些加密货币可能会获得巨大的主流吸引力。他们致力于利用尖端技术解决实际问题,这使它们不仅成为投机资产,而且成为面向现实世界大量使用的坚实平台。对于那些在 2024 年寻找有希望的机会的人来说,这些新兴技术在其全部价值得到普遍认可之前值得仔细研究。
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