Starknet 团队在 X 帖子中概述了取消 Gas 费的详细计划,STRK 代币受此消息飙升。

Starknet is set to integrate Paymaster, a crucial component of the AVNU decentralized exchange protocol. This integration will enable users of Starknet dApps to pay gas fees in a variety of stablecoins and other tokens.
Starknet 将集成 Paymaster,这是 AVNU 去中心化交易协议的重要组成部分。这种集成将使 Starknet dApp 的用户能够以各种稳定币和其他代币支付 Gas 费。
Currently, gas fees on Starknet can only be paid in the native STRK token or ether. However, with Paymaster, users will be able to choose from a wider range of tokens, including USDC, USDT, EKUBO, ZEND, LORDS, SWAY, and NSTR. More tokens will be added in the future.
目前,Starknet 上的 Gas 费只能以原生 STRK 代币或以太币支付。然而,通过 Paymaster,用户将能够从更广泛的代币中进行选择,包括 USDC、USDT、EKUBO、ZEND、LORDS、SWAY 和 NSTR。未来将添加更多代币。
This integration is designed to simplify gas fee payments for Starknet users, making it easier and more convenient to use dApps on the network.
此次集成旨在简化 Starknet 用户的 Gas 费支付,使在网络上使用 dApp 变得更加容易和方便。
Starknet also plans to build a protocol-level Paymaster on Starknet, but the timeline for this integration has not yet been determined.
Starknet 还计划在 Starknet 上构建协议级 Paymaster,但此集成的时间表尚未确定。
Once integrated, Paymaster will combine with Starknet's symbolic gas fees to effectively eliminate gas fees for dApp use. Instead, gas fees will be subsidized by the dApp projects for their users.
一旦集成,Paymaster 将与 Starknet 的象征性 Gas 费相结合,有效消除 dApp 使用的 Gas 费。相反,dApp 项目将为其用户补贴 Gas 费。