Coinstore 很高兴地宣布其重要活动“塑造 Web3.0 的未来”会议定于 2024 年 9 月 19 日举行。

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinstore has announced a major event titled “Shaping the Future of Web3.0,” set to take place during Token2049. The event will feature presentations from key industry partners and showcase Coinstore’s latest products and services.
加密货币交易所 Coinstore 宣布将在 Token2049 期间举办一项名为“塑造 Web3.0 的未来”的重大活动。该活动将包括主要行业合作伙伴的演讲,并展示 Coinstore 的最新产品和服务。
The conference, co-hosted by Bitlayer, IVC, and the Cardano Foundation, will be held on September 19, 2024, at the Fairmont Hotel in Singapore. It will host a diverse range of Web3.0 stakeholders, including startups, venture capitalists, public chains, major exchanges, and leading media outlets.
该会议由 Bitlayer、IVC 和 Cardano 基金会联合主办,将于 2024 年 9 月 19 日在新加坡费尔蒙酒店举行。它将接待各种 Web3.0 利益相关者,包括初创公司、风险投资家、公链、主要交易所和领先媒体。
Attendees will engage in discussions on blockchain technology, project incubation, smart contracts, and more. Coinstore will also highlight its Telegram Bot, designed to enhance user engagement and accessibility.
与会者将就区块链技术、项目孵化、智能合约等进行讨论。 Coinstore 还将重点介绍其 Telegram Bot,旨在增强用户参与度和可访问性。
The event will be supported by DaffiOne, DICT, MXM, Gamer Arena, Prime Numbers Labs, Humanity Protocol, SOULX, LYNX, Dasia, and F1 Meme, among others. It will also feature prominent speakers from Foresight Ventures, Polygon, Internet Computer, Wintermute, Cryptomind, GFI Ventures, MT Capital, Newman Group, Injective Foundation, Aethir, Certik Ventures, Bitgo Ventures, AppWorks Ventures, BlockOn Ventures, CMCC Global, Plutus VC, Saison Capital, Trive Digital, AirDao, W3GG, Alephium, and Elastos.
该活动将得到 DaffiOne、DICT、MXM、Gamer Arena、Prime Numbers Labs、Humanity Protocol、SOULX、LYNX、Dasia 和 F1 Meme 等的支持。来自 Foresight Ventures、Polygon、Internet Computer、Wintermute、Cryptomind、GFI Ventures、MT Capital、Newman Group、Injective Foundation、Aethir、Certik Ventures、Bitgo Ventures、AppWorks Ventures、BlockOn Ventures、CMCC Global、Plutus VC 的知名演讲嘉宾也将出席。 、Saison Capital、Trive Digital、AirDao、W3GG、Alephium 和 Elastos。
Media partners for the event include Coin Gape, Blogtienao, The Coin Republic, Coin Edition, Blockopedia, Coincu, The News Crypto, Voice Of Crypto, Mpost, Cryptonite, Droom Droom, UTB, Bitgest, Coin Gabbar, Lydian Labs, Connect Web 3, Cryptic Web 3, L Academy, Proof of Collabs, HC Capital, Allconfs, Threeway Studio, DTC, Cloft, Vak Marketing, Geek Metaverse, Coinscapture, 36 Media, Web3Oclock, Traders Brawl, Toktimes, and Blockchain In Africa.
此次活动的媒体合作伙伴包括 Coin Gape、Blogtienao、The Coin Republic、Coin Edition、Blockopedia、Coincu、The News Crypto、Voice Of Crypto、Mpost、Cryptonite、Droom Droom、UTB、Bitgest、Coin Gabbar、Lydian Labs、Connect Web 3 、Cryptic Web 3、L Academy、Proof of Collabs、HC Capital、Allconfs、Threeway Studio、DTC、Cloft、Vak Marketing、Geek Metaverse、Coinscapture、36 Media、Web3Oclock、Traders Brawl、Toktimes 和 Blockchain In Africa。