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自从特朗普以来,名人硬币发行似乎已成为一种新的商业实践。 3月2日,著名的退休足球明星罗纳尔迪尼奥(Ronaldinho)还宣布推出他的个人令牌$ star10
Author: Frank, PANews
Since Trump, celebrity coin issuance seems to have become a new business practice. On March 2, the well-known retired football star Ronaldinho also announced the launch of his personal token $STAR10 on the BSC chain. In the sluggish market, although the circulating market value has reached a maximum of 32 million US dollars, it is still far from the expected rush to buy. On the contrary, many conspiracy theories about this token have been exposed on social media. A certain coin issuance team in Shenzhen has not locked up the fund pool, the coin minting authority has not been abandoned, and insiders have rushed ahead of schedule. Scandal news has followed one after another. Even CZ, the founder of Binance who forwarded the online information, was once besieged by users. Is the business practice of this celebrity coin issuance craze really a one-way password to get rich?
自从特朗普以来,名人硬币发行似乎已成为一种新的商业实践。 3月2日,著名的退休足球明星罗纳尔迪尼奥(Ronaldinho)还宣布在BSC连锁店推出了他的个人代币$ STAR10。在缓慢的市场中,尽管循环市场价值最高达到3200万美元,但它仍然远离预期的抢购。相反,有关该令牌的许多阴谋论已在社交媒体上暴露。深圳的某个硬币发行团队尚未锁定基金池,硬币铸造机构尚未被放弃,而且内部人士提前急于计划。丑闻新闻又一个接一个。即使是转发在线信息的Binance的创始人CZ也曾经被用户包围。这款名人硬币发行热潮的商业惯例真的是一个单向密码,以致富吗?
Football genius reduced to a tool for harvesting? Professional team manipulation is in doubt
Ronaldinho, once known as the most talented Brazilian football star in history, was generally called Ronaldinho by fans. He was loved by fans during his career and was once called the football wizard. However, he became famous at a young age, lacked self-discipline, and ruined his career after indulging in sensual pleasures. He then spent money lavishly, went bankrupt, and used his fame to make money. Like many talented athletes from poor backgrounds, Ronaldinho unfortunately chose such a script.
After trying various ways of making money by performing side jobs, the crypto industry’s ability to reap quick profits seemed to be a better option for him.
On February 22, Ronaldinho tweeted, "Cryptocurrency looks good here," and began to announce his token issuance plan. However, as the crypto market continued to be sluggish, the final token was not officially launched until ten days later.
During these ten days, the crypto market experienced a sharp decline, the previously popular Solana chain also showed signs of decline, and the BSC chain tried to become a new MEME hotspot with CZ's frequent interactions. From Ronaldinho's final choice, it can be seen that there may be a team behind him who is well versed in the laws of crypto market changes and is giving him advice.
On February 28, Twitter user @R10coin_ broke the news that a Shenzhen coin issuing team was behind Ronaldinho’s coin issuance, and the whistleblower claimed to be another professional token issuing company, and first negotiated a $6 million cooperation agreement with Ronaldinho to jointly issue tokens. Later, because another Shenzhen coin issuing team intercepted him with $10 million, he chose to expose the matter. He also posted some email information and Ronaldinho’s signed documents. The community generally believes that this is just a farce of black-eating-black, but everyone seems to have become accustomed to this kind of insider trading. Previously, President Milley’s coin issuance farce also exposed these coin issuance insider information to the public. As of March 4, the user’s Twitter account has been blocked.
2月28日,Twitter用户 @r10coin_打破了消息,消息称,深圳硬币发行团队是罗纳尔迪尼奥的硬币发行的幕后黑手,而举报人则声称自己是另一家专业的代币发行公司,并首先与Ronaldinho的合作协议达成了600万美元的合作协议,以共同发行Ronaldinho evernally Earkity Exepary worke workly worksy dokens tokens。后来,由于另一名深圳币发行团队以1000万美元的价格拦截了他,所以他选择了这件事。他还发布了一些电子邮件信息和Ronaldinho的签名文件。社区通常认为,这只是黑色的黑色闹剧,但每个人似乎都习惯了这种内部人士的交易。此前,米利总统的硬币发行闹剧还向公众展示了这些硬币发行内部信息。截至3月4日,用户的Twitter帐户已被阻止。
Since the user did not release more substantive insider information, the team behind Xiao Luo’s coin issuance is still unknown. According to PANews’ investigation, the official website domain name of $STAR10 token is hosted by the well-known domain name service provider GoDaddy, and there are two deployed IP addresses. After reverse query, these two IP addresses are from Amazon cloud servers. This IP has resolved more than 80,000 domain names, so it is impossible to prove that it is controlled by the same person.
由于用户没有发布更多实质性的内部信息,因此Xiao Luo发行背后的团队仍然未知。根据Panews的调查,$ star10令牌的官方网站域名由著名的域名服务提供商Godaddy主持,并且有两个部署的IP地址。反向查询后,这两个IP地址来自Amazon Cloud Server。该IP已解决了80,000多个域名,因此不可能证明它是由同一个人控制的。
However, it is interesting that the official website address of another well-known MEME coin PNUT appeared in the parsed list of the IP. PNUT is also one of the MEME coins that was launched on Binance last year. However, from the current chain of evidence, there is no direct evidence that there is a conspiracy group behind the issuance of $STAR10 tokens as mentioned on social media.
但是,有趣的是,另一个著名的模因硬币的官方网站地址出现在IP的解析列表中。 Pnut也是去年在Binance推出的模因硬币之一。但是,从目前的证据链中,没有直接证据表明,正如社交媒体上提到的那样,发行$ star10代币的背后有一个阴谋集团。
Hidden secrets in the contract: backdoor permissions trigger a crisis of trust
However, during the token issuance process, people still seem to feel the insincerity of the $STAR10 token issuance. According to GoPlus Security monitoring, the contract owner of the $STAR10 token still retains the right to destroy the token, and the fund pool lock-up period is only one month.
但是,在代币发行过程中,人们似乎仍然感到$ star10代币发行的不诚实。根据Goplus安全监控,$ star10代币的合同所有者仍然保留销毁令牌的权利,而基金池锁定期只有一个月。
This reserved backdoor operation made many users think that the project was preparing for harvesting. Therefore, it triggered a collective condemnation on social media. CZ, the founder of Binance, first retweeted Ronaldinho’s coin launch without paying attention to this loophole, and said that this move was not an endorsement, but just a thank you for choosing to launch on BNB Chain, but then suffered a collective condemnation from users.
这种预留的后门操作使许多用户认为该项目正在准备收获。因此,它引发了社交媒体上的集体谴责。 Binance的创始人CZ首先转发了Ronaldinho的硬币发射,而没有关注这个漏洞,并表示此举不是认可,而只是感谢您选择在BNB链上推出,但随后遭受了用户的集体谴责。
However, perhaps due to pressure from the community, Ronaldinho's team later stated on Twitter that it had given up the right to mint coins and extended the lock
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