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加利福尼亚州众议员萨姆·利卡多(Sam Liccardo)周四提出了一项法案,该法案将禁止特朗普和其他公职人员推广股票和加密货币努力
President Donald Trump's involvement in the $TRUMP meme coin venture has sparked a freshman congressman to draft legislation that would bar public officials from promoting any stocks or cryptocurrency endeavors from which they stand to personally benefit, opening the door to civil and criminal action against those seeking to personally enrich themselves while holding public office.
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统参与$特朗普的模因硬币企业,引发了新生国会议员起草立法,这将禁止公职人员促进他们亲自受益的任何股票或加密货币努力,为寻求在持有公职同时亲自占领公职的人的民事和犯罪行动打开了大门。
The Modern Emoluments and Malfeasance Enforcement, or MEME, Act has over a dozen Democratic co-sponsors and would disallow the president, members of the president's senior White House staff and members of Congress — including their spouses and children — from issuing or endorsing any financial asset.
It's a longshot for now, given Republican control over Congress and the White House. But the freshman congressman — California Rep. Sam Liccardo, a former San Jose mayor — said it's important for the future.
鉴于共和党对国会和白宫的控制权,这是一个漫长的事。但是,新生国会议员 - 加利福尼亚州众议员山姆·利卡多(Sam Liccardo)是前圣何塞市长 - 表示对未来很重要。
"I think everyone scratched their head when President Trump started this pump and dump scheme, asking the question, 'Why isn't that prohibited?'" Liccardo said Thursday. "So let's make sure, at the very least, it doesn't happen again."
“我认为,当特朗普总统制定此泵和垃圾场计划时,每个人都挠头,问:'为什么不禁止这样做?'” “因此,至少要确保它不会再发生。”
Less than three days before Trump took the oath of office for the second time, he put out a call to supporters on social media: "GET YOUR $TRUMP NOW."
在特朗普第二次宣誓就职之前不到三天,他在社交媒体上向支持者打了电话:“现在就拿到$ trump。”
In the hours that followed, Trump's meme cryptocurrency coin exploded in value — before finally tanking and causing investors to collectively lose over $2 billion in the process.
在随后的几个小时内,特朗普的模因加密货币的价值爆炸了 - 在最终坦克并导致投资者在此过程中损失了超过20亿美元。
A day after the Trump Organization launched the Trump coin, it began selling a Melania meme coin, which also saw its valuation tank in recent weeks.
Trump and those who facilitated the debut of his meme coin generated nearly $100 million in trading fees alone, Reuters first reported, and the president has continued to promote the cryptocurrency since becoming a public official again.
"What all these have in common is that they open public officials to the influence of others who are capable of buying millions, or in this case, hundreds of millions of dollars of financial assets to influence the outcome of decisions," Liccardo said. "And some of those individuals, they live offshore and have very strong interests in conflict with the interests of our country."
LiCcardo说:“所有这些共同之处是,他们对能够购买数百万美元或在这种情况下的其他人的影响力开放了公职人员,以影响决策的结果。” “而且其中一些人在海外生活,并且对与我国的利益冲突有很大的兴趣。”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Liccardo likened Trump's meme coin to similar endeavors from global leaders like the Central African Republic's meme coins and Argentine President Javier Milei's promotion of a now-defunct coin that has landed him at the center of a corruption probe.
Liccardo将特朗普的模因硬币比作类似的全球领导人,例如中非共和国的模因硬币和阿根廷总统贾维尔·米利(Javier Milei)晋升为现已灭绝的硬币,该硬币将他置于腐败调查的中心。
While laws like the Hatch Act exist to bar officials from endorsing products or services while serving the public, such regulations are often seen as toothless.
For instance, in 2020, while serving as a senior adviser to her father, Ivanka Trump endorsed a can of Goya beans in what appeared to be a violation of the Hatch Act. The White House declined to discipline her, and the next day, her father posed for a photo with Goya products spread across his desk in the Oval Office.
例如,在2020年,伊万卡·特朗普(Ivanka Trump)在担任父亲的高级顾问时认可了一罐戈亚·豆(Goya Bean),这似乎违反了《孵化法》。白宫拒绝对她进行纪律处分,第二天,她的父亲摆姿势拍照,上面散布在椭圆形办公室的桌子上的Goya产品。
"Regardless of whether there is any untoward influence or not, this is the use of a public office for personal financial gain, and public office doesn't belong to the office holder," Liccardo said. "It belongs to the American people. So this is an abuse of power, regardless of whether there's corruption or not."
LiCcardo说:“无论是否存在任何不利影响,这都是为个人经济利益而使用公职,公职不属于办公室持有人。” “它属于美国人民。因此,这是对权力的滥用,无论是否有腐败。”
Liccardo's bill avoids simply relying on the Department of Justice to rein in the president and other officials should they violate the proposed regulations, paving the way for civil complaints from those who may have been harmed by purchasing such assets.
The bill faces incredibly long odds in a Republican-controlled Congress that has shown little appetite for reining in executive authority or Trump.
Last year, Oversight Chair James Comer and then-Rep. Katie Porter pushed bipartisan legislation to ratchet up presidential transparency by mandating the disclosure of their personal tax returns and money received overseas. Comer promptly stopped pushing his own legislation after Trump won in November.
去年,监督主席詹姆斯·科默(James Comer)和当时的雷普(Rep)。凯蒂·波特(Katie Porter)通过要求披露其个人纳税申报表和在海外收到的资金来推动两党立法来提高总统透明度。特朗普在11月获胜后,Comer立即停止推动自己的立法。
Republican leadership in Congress has signaled interest, but not urgency, in tackling cryptocurrency legislation, and several GOP lawmakers — who themselves trade various meme coins — balked at the idea of strictly regulating the industry.
"I don't expect this to get out of committee next week," Liccardo said. "On the other hand … as (Trump) continues his failing and flailing in running this government, I would expect his poll ratings to continue to drop as they have over the last couple of weeks, and eventually as the poll ratings continue to dive, more and more wobbly-kneed Republicans may get a dose of courage to decide it's time to make corruption criminal again."
Liccardo说:“我不希望下周退出委员会。” “另一方面……随着(特朗普)继续他的失败和竞选该政府,我希望他的民意调查收视率会像过去几周一样继续下降,最终,随着民意调查的评级继续潜入,越来越多的摇摆不定的共和党人可能会得到勇气的勇气,以决定使腐败罪再次犯罪。”
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