由亿万富翁Mukesh Ambani领导的Jio平台与Internet Technology Company Polygon Labs合作。社交媒体用户很有趣

Billionaire Mukesh Ambani-led Jio Platforms has partnered with internet technology company Polygon Labs to bring Web3 and blockchain technology to India, and social media users are buzzing with talk about its new venture, JioCoin. Screenshots are being shared online that show a FAQ section from Reliance’s website describing JioCoins.
亿万富翁Mukesh Ambani领导的Jio Platforms与Internet技术公司Polygon Labs合作,将Web3和区块链技术带到印度,社交媒体用户在谈论其新事业Jiocoin时嗡嗡作响。屏幕截图正在网上共享,该截图显示了Reliance网站描述Jiocoins的常见问题解答部分。
“JioCoins are blockchain-based reward tokens that users can earn by engaging with different mobile or internet-based apps as decided by Jio Platforms Limited (JPL) using their Indian-based mobile numbers,” the FAQ section states.
FAQ部分指出:“ Jiocoins是基于区块链的奖励令牌,用户可以使用基于印度的手机号码与Jio Platforms Limited(JPL)决定的不同移动或Internet的应用程序互动,”
The JioCoins can then be redeemed for various products and services offered by JPL and its partners. The FAQ section also clarifies that the reward tokens are not transferable between users and will expire after a certain period.
While the JioCoins do share some similarities with cryptocurrencies, it’s important to note that they cannot be classified as traditional cryptocurrencies. Instead, JioCoins are more akin to a rewards program or digital loyalty points, rather than a decentralized investment asset like Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Traditional cryptocurrencies operate on open blockchain networks and are designed to be used as a medium of exchange or store of value. In contrast, JioCoins appear to be a closed-loop system primarily intended for customer retention.