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Qubetics、Polygon 和 Tron:引领下一波区块链创新浪潮

2024/10/26 21:40

在快速发展的区块链技术世界中,Qubetics、Polygon 和 Tron 等平台正在引领下一波创新浪潮。

Qubetics、Polygon 和 Tron:引领下一波区块链创新浪潮

Three blockchain platforms are making waves in the rapidly evolving world of decentralised technology. These platforms offer a wide range of features to meet the diverse needs of the blockchain community, from streamlined development to financial applications. In this article, we will take a closer look at Qubetics, Polygon, and Tron, highlighting the latest developments and discussing the Qubetics presale and its remarkable progress.

三个区块链平台正在快速发展的去中心化技术世界中掀起波澜。这些平台提供了广泛的功能,可以满足区块链社区的多样化需求,从简化的开发到金融应用程序。在本文中,我们将仔细研究 Qubetics、Polygon 和 Tron,重点介绍最新进展并讨论 Qubetics 预售及其显着进展。

Qubetics: Making Blockchain Development Accessible with QubeQode IDE

Qubetics:使用 QubeQode IDE 实现区块链开发

Qubetics is a blockchain development platform that aims to make decentralised application (dApp) creation accessible to everyone. Its flagship product, the QubeQode IDE, simplifies blockchain development with a drag-and-drop interface and pre-built code snippets. This user-friendly approach empowers users, even those without extensive coding knowledge, to quickly and securely build complex blockchain applications.

Qubetics 是一个区块链开发平台,旨在让每个人都可以创建去中心化应用程序 (dApp)。其旗舰产品 QubeQode IDE 通过拖放界面和预构建的代码片段简化了区块链开发。这种用户友好的方法使用户,即使是那些没有丰富编码知识的用户,也能够快速、安全地构建复杂的区块链应用程序。

Moreover, the QubeQode IDE is equipped with AI-driven tools that assist in smart contract creation and error detection, further accelerating development and enhancing code quality. This advanced integration of AI technology is a key differentiator for Qubetics in the rapidly evolving blockchain landscape.

此外,QubeQode IDE配备了人工智能驱动的工具,可协助智能合约创建和错误检测,进一步加速开发并提高代码质量。这种人工智能技术的先进集成是 Qubetics 在快速发展的区块链领域中的一个关键差异化因素。

Presently, Qubetics is in its fifth presale phase, offering $TICS tokens at a price of $0.015. The presale has already generated over $1.4 million, reflecting strong interest from investors. This interest is primarily driven by the platform's innovative approach to blockchain development, which has the potential to unlock a new wave of dApp creation.

目前,Qubetics 正处于第五预售阶段,以 0.015 美元的价格提供 $TICS 代币。预售已筹集超过 140 万美元,反映了投资者的浓厚兴趣。这种兴趣主要是由该平台的区块链开发创新方法驱动的,该方法有潜力开启新一波的 dApp 创建。

Qubetics is positioning itself as an attractive option for developers and businesses looking to easily build on blockchain technology, opening up a world of possibilities for decentralised applications.

Qubetics 将自己定位为对于希望轻松构建区块链技术的开发人员和企业来说是一个有吸引力的选择,为去中心化应用程序开辟了一个充满可能性的世界。

Polygon: Expanding Blockchain Utility Through Real-World Asset Tokenization


Polygon, renowned for its Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, is placing increasing emphasis on the tokenisation of real-world assets (RWAs). This development marks a significant step in bridging the gap between traditional finance and decentralised networks.

Polygon 以其以太坊 Layer 2 扩展解决方案而闻名,它越来越重视现实世界资产 (RWA) 的代币化。这一发展标志着弥合传统金融和去中心化网络之间差距的重要一步。

With Polygon's capability to facilitate the representation of physical assets, such as real estate and commodities, on the blockchain, these assets become more accessible, transparent, and efficient to trade. Despite recent price fluctuations, the platform's role in connecting traditional finance with blockchain remains pivotal.

凭借 Polygon 在区块链上促进房地产和商品等实物资产表示的能力,这些资产的交易变得更加容易、透明和高效。尽管最近价格波动,该平台在连接传统金融与区块链方面的作用仍然至关重要。

Several major platforms, including Xalts and Assetera, are leveraging Polygon's efficient and scalable infrastructure to tokenize assets. These initiatives are positioning Polygon as a key platform in the emerging intersection of blockchain and traditional asset management.

包括 Xalts 和 Assetera 在内的几个主要平台正在利用 Polygon 高效且可扩展的基础设施来对资产进行代币化。这些举措将 Polygon 定位为区块链和传统资产管理新兴交叉领域的关键平台。

Tron: Financial Strength Despite Market Corrections


Tron continues to grow its presence in decentralised finance (DeFi), focusing on efficient, high-speed blockchain transactions. Despite facing market corrections, Tron's Q3 2024 financial report highlights a strong revenue performance.

Tron 继续扩大其在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 领域的影响力,专注于高效、高速的区块链交易。尽管面临市场调整,波场 2024 年第三季度财务报告凸显了强劲的收入表现。

This performance is largely driven by increased transaction volumes and decentralised applications on the Tron network. Its ability to handle high transaction volumes efficiently, combined with its dApp ecosystem, has helped Tron maintain relevance despite broader market challenges.

这种性能很大程度上是由 Tron 网络上交易量的增加和去中心化应用程序推动的。 Tron 高效处理高交易量的能力与其 dApp 生态系统相结合,帮助 Tron 在面临更广泛的市场挑战的情况下保持相关性。

Moreover, the platform's blockchain infrastructure supports a wide range of financial services, from decentralised exchanges to NFT marketplaces. This versatility makes Tron a reliable choice for developers and users seeking scalable solutions for their projects and applications.

此外,该平台的区块链基础设施支持广泛的金融服务,从去中心化交易所到 NFT 市场。这种多功能性使 Tron 成为为其项目和应用程序寻求可扩展解决方案的开发人员和用户的可靠选择。

Qubetics Presale Surges Past $1.4 Million, Don't Miss the Limited-Time Opportunity

Qubetics 预售飙升至 140 万美元,不要错过限时机会

The Qubetics presale is advancing rapidly and has now entered its fifth phase. As part of this exciting development, $TICS tokens are currently available at a price of $0.015.

Qubetics预售正在迅速推进,目前已进入第五阶段。作为这一令人兴奋的开发的一部分,$TICS 代币目前的价格为 0.015 美元。

This opportunity is presenting itself for a limited time, as prices are set to increase by 10% every weekend. With each passing week, the tokens will become more expensive until the final presale stage, where a 20% price jump is anticipated.

这个机会是在有限的时间内出现的,因为价格每个周末都会上涨 10%。每过一周,代币就会变得更加昂贵,直到最后的预售阶段,预计价格会上涨 20%。

Presently, over $1.4 million has been raised through the presale, reflecting a strong level of interest among investors. As the project gains momentum and progresses towards its launch, excitement is palpable.

目前,预售已筹集超过 140 万美元,反映出投资者的浓厚兴趣。随着该项目势头强劲并逐步启动,兴奋之情溢于言表。

According to some analysts, if $TICS tokens were to hit $15 after their official launch, which is not guaranteed and depends on several factors, investors could be looking at a massive potential return on investment (ROI) of 93,800%.

一些分析师表示,如果 $TICS 代币在正式推出后达到 15 美元(这是无法保证的,并且取决于多个因素),投资者可能会看到高达 93,800% 的巨大潜在投资回报率 (ROI)。

However, it's important to note that crypto markets are inherently volatile, and any investment carries a degree of risk. Potential investors are strongly advised to conduct thorough research and exercise caution before making any commitments.




Qubetics, Polygon, and Tron each offer unique advantages within the blockchain domain. Qubetics, with its QubeQode IDE, simplifies blockchain development for all users. Meanwhile, Polygon leads in real-world asset tokenisation, and Tron demonstrates financial resilience and scalability.

Qubetics、Polygon 和 Tron 在区块链领域都具有独特的优势。 Qubetics 及其 QubeQode IDE 简化了所有用户的区块链开发。与此同时,Polygon 在现实世界的资产代币化方面处于领先地位,而 Tron 则展现了财务弹性和可扩展性。

These platforms present compelling opportunities for growth and innovation for developers and investors looking to leverage blockchain technology. Whether it's streamlined dApp creation, efficient RWA tokenisation, or a strong presence in DeFi, these platforms are positioned to

这些平台为寻求利用区块链技术的开发商和投资者提供了令人瞩目的增长和创新机会。无论是简化的 dApp 创建、高效的 RWA 代币化,还是在 DeFi 中的强大影响力,这些平台都致力于




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