投入:Oppenheimer&Co。Inc.在第四季度将其在Proshares Bitcoin ETF(Nysearca:Bito - 免费报告)中裁定13.0%

"Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. decreased its holdings in ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (NYSEARCA:BITO) by 13.0% in the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm owned 11,637 shares of the company’s stock after selling 1,734 shares during the quarter. Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.’s holdings in ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF were valued at $265,000 at the end of the period.
“ Oppenheimer&Co。Inc.在第四季度将其在Proshares比特币战略ETF(NYSEARCA:BITO)的持股量减少了13.0%,根据该公司在美国证券交易委员会的最新13F文件中的数据,该公司拥有11,637股股票,该公司在公司股票中持有11,637股股票,该公司在1,734股股票中占有1,734股份的股票。在此期末,比特币战略ETF的价值为265,000美元。
Several other hedge funds and institutional investors also recently added to or reduced their stakes in BITO. Hantz Financial Services Inc. increased its stake in ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF by 408.4% in the third quarter. Hantz Financial Services Inc. now owns 1,459 shares of the company’s stock valued at $28,000 after buying 1,172 additional shares in the last quarter. Venturi Wealth Management LLC bought a new position in ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF in the third quarter valued at approximately $29,000. Bay Harbor Wealth Management LLC increased its stake in ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF by 152.2% in the fourth quarter. Bay Harbor Wealth Management LLC now owns 1,498 shares of the company’s stock valued at $34,000 after buying 904 additional shares in the last quarter. Heck Capital Advisors LLC bought a new position in ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $49,000. Finally, Caitlin John LLC increased its stake in ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF by 35.7% in the fourth quarter. Caitlin John LLC now owns 3,114 shares of the company’s stock valued at approximately $71,000 after buying 820 additional shares in the last quarter.
最近,其他几家对冲基金和机构投资者最近也增加了或减少了他们在Bito的股份。汉茨金融服务公司(Hantz Financial Services Inc.)在第三季度将其在Proshares比特币战略ETF的股份增加了408.4%。 Hantz Financial Services Inc.现在拥有该公司股票的1,459股,价值28,000美元,该公司在上一季度购买了1,172股股票。 Venturi Wealth Management LLC在第三季度以大约29,000美元的价格购买了Proshares比特币战略ETF的新职位。 Bay Harbor Wealth Management LLC在第四季度将其在Proshares比特币战略ETF的股份增加了152.2%。 Bay Harbor Wealth Management LLC现在拥有1,498股公司股票,价值34,000美元,该公司在上一季度购买了904股股票。 Heck Capital Advisors LLC在第四季度以大约49,000美元的价格购买了Proshares比特币战略ETF的新职位。最后,凯特琳·约翰(Caitlin John LLC)在第四季度将其在Proshares比特币战略ETF的股份增加了35.7%。 Caitlin John LLC现在拥有3,114股公司股票,价值约71,000美元,该公司在上一季度购买了820股股票。