昨天我们报道称,当比特币交易价格接近历史最高点时,Microstrategy 购买了超过 5 亿美元的比特币。仅仅一天后,迈克尔·塞勒 (Michael Saylor) 经营的公司就将其比特币计划加大了两倍,明确表示他们无意在短期内停止经常性的比特币购买。

MicroStrategy (NASDAQ:MSTR) is tripling down on its Bitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC) plan.A day after we reported that Microstrategy bought over half a billion dollars in BTC when the currency traded near its all-time highest, new filings with the SEC show the company is looking to expand its 21/21 Plan even further.The 21/21 Plan, which was announced in December, aims to have the company own $42 billion in Bitcoin over the next three years. To do this, the company planned on raising half of the total intended amount via equity sales, while the other half would be raised by fixed-income securities.In filings with the SEC on Friday, the company stated that it planned on seeking approval from its shareholders to boost its Bitcoin acquisition plan further. The company will now ask shareholders to approve an increase in the company’s limit of authorized shares for Class A stock options from 330 million shares to 10.33 billion shares.The company will also look to expand preferred stock limits from 5 million shares to upwards of 1 billion.This move is directly significant to the firm’s BTC ambitions as the 21/21 Plan involves raising half of the total intended amount via equity sales, while the other half by fixed-income securities. In simpler terms, this means Microstrategy needs to sell more shares to raise money. By increasing the number of shares they can sell, they can potentially reach their fundraising target quicker.
MicroStrategy (NASDAQ:MSTR) 正在将其比特币 (CRYPTO:BTC) 计划增加两倍。 就在我们报道称 Microstrategy 在比特币交易价格接近历史最高水平时购买了超过 5 亿美元的 BTC 的第二天,向 SEC 提交了新文件显示该公司正在寻求进一步扩大其 21/21 计划。21/21 计划于 12 月宣布,目标是让该公司在未来三年内拥有 420 亿美元的比特币 年。为此,该公司计划通过股票销售筹集预期总额的一半,而另一半将通过固定收益证券筹集。 在周五向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中,该公司表示计划寻求美国证券交易委员会的批准其股东进一步推进其比特币收购计划。公司现将请求股东批准将公司 A 类股票期权的授权股数上限从 3.3 亿股增加到 103.3 亿股。公司还将寻求将优先股限额从 500 万股扩大到 10 亿股以上这一举措对公司的 BTC 雄心有直接意义,因为 21/21 计划涉及通过股权销售筹集预期总额的一半,而另一半则通过固定收益证券筹集。简单来说,这意味着 Microstrategy 需要出售更多股票来筹集资金。通过增加可出售的股票数量,他们有可能更快地达到筹款目标。