正如您可以想象的那样,口袋妖怪 TCG 口袋玩家正在玩弄神话岛包更新中引入的新卡牌,从中获得很多乐趣。但是,虽然纸牌和组合显然是城里的热门话题,但很多人都对某种化妆品感兴趣,这种化妆品很快就成为抛硬币者的最爱。

Pokemon TCG Pocket Players are having a blast experimenting with the new cards introduced in the Mythical Island pack update. While cards and combos are naturally the main topic of discussion, a particular cosmetic is quickly becoming a favorite among coin flippers.
Pokemon TCG Pocket 玩家正在尽情尝试神话岛包更新中引入的新卡牌。虽然卡牌和组合自然是讨论的主要话题,但某种特定的化妆品正迅速成为抛硬币者的最爱。
This cosmetic is none other than a new Mew coin! To obtain this coin, players must use 60 pack stamina to open Mythical Island packs, making it relatively easy to acquire. And let's not forget about its stunning appearance! A vibrant pink Mew against a black background makes for an eye-catching star coin of the update. However, it's specifically Mew's face on the coin that has captivated players' attention.
这款化妆品正是新的 Mew 硬币!要获得该硬币,玩家必须使用 60 包体力来打开神话岛包,因此相对容易获得。我们不要忘记它令人惊叹的外观!黑色背景下充满活力的粉色喵喵,成为本次更新中引人注目的明星币。然而,硬币上 Mew 的脸特别吸引了玩家的注意力。
Some players have drawn inspiration from the coin to create comparisons to various memes, while others are attempting to create their own. Interestingly, what many may not realize is that this coin is based on an actual Pokemon TCG coin. This was brought to the community's attention by Reddit user gianlucazt, who shared a picture of their real-life coin as proof. It's yet another fun tie-in to the physical card game, helping to unite both communities.
一些玩家从硬币中汲取灵感,与各种表情包进行比较,而另一些玩家则试图创建自己的表情包。有趣的是,许多人可能没有意识到这枚硬币是基于实际的口袋妖怪 TCG 硬币。 Reddit 用户 gianlucazt 引起了社区的注意,他分享了一张现实生活中的硬币的照片作为证据。这是与实体纸牌游戏的另一个有趣的结合,有助于团结两个社区。
This also serves as a reminder to players to spend their time opening packs, which is precisely what they should be doing. Thanks to the Mythical Island release, some fantastic new decks are now playable. This includes, but is not limited to, a radical new Gyarados EX deck and a super powerful Celebi EX deck. So, bust open some packs and give these decks a try!
这也提醒玩家花时间打开包,这正是他们应该做的。感谢神话岛的发布,一些精彩的新套牌现在可以玩了。这包括但不限于全新的 Gyarados EX 牌组和超级强大的 Celebi EX 牌组。所以,打开一些包并尝试一下这些套牌吧!