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Manta Network 最近因其开发零知识(ZK)应用程序的创新方法而吸引了加密货币爱好者的关注。
Manta Network, a modular blockchain designed specifically for developing zero-knowledge (ZK) applications, was founded in 2020 by Victor Ji, Shumo Chu, and Kenny Li, who have backgrounds from Harvard, MIT, and Algorand, respectively.
Manta Network 是一款专为开发零知识(ZK)应用程序而设计的模块化区块链,由 Victor Ji、Shumo Chu 和 Kenny Li 于 2020 年创立,他们分别拥有哈佛大学、麻省理工学院和 Algorand 的背景。
The network, which consists of two main components, namely Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic, offers a high-performance infrastructure with low transaction fees and a developer-focused approach.
该网络由两个主要组成部分组成,即 Manta Pacific 和 Manta Atlantic,提供高性能基础设施、低交易费用和以开发人员为中心的方法。
With the vision of bringing in a new generation of web3 users and leading a new era of zkApp applications in the web3 world, Manta Network seems poised to reach an important milestone in the industry.
带着引入新一代 web3 用户并引领 web3 世界 zkApp 应用新时代的愿景,Manta Network 似乎已准备好达到行业的一个重要里程碑。
Manta Network Structure
Manta Network adopts a two-pronged approach, each of which is customized to meet specific Web3 development needs.
Manta Network 采用双管齐下的方法,每一种方法都经过定制以满足特定的 Web3 开发需求。
Manta Pacific, as part of layer 2 in Ethereum, was developed specifically to support Zero-Knowledge (ZK) native applications of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It utilizes Celestia technology to ensure data availability and zkEVM to improve scalability.
Manta Pacific 是以太坊第 2 层的一部分,专门为支持以太坊虚拟机 (EVM) 的零知识 (ZK) 本机应用程序而开发。它利用 Celestia 技术来确保数据可用性,并利用 zkEVM 来提高可扩展性。
On the other hand, Manta Network, which operates as Layer 1 in Polkadot, focuses on Zero-Knowledge (ZK) compliance credentials. It introduced zkSBTs (Zero-Knowledge Simple Barter Tokens), which support a private, reusable, and auditable address system known as zkAddresses.
另一方面,Manta Network 在 Polkadot 中作为第 1 层运行,专注于零知识(ZK)合规凭证。它引入了 zkSBT(零知识简单易货代币),它支持名为 zkAddresses 的私有、可重用且可审计的地址系统。
The Manta Atlantic stands out for its ability to interact with other projects without requiring complex cryptographic processes, facilitating seamless interoperability.
Manta Atlantic 因其无需复杂的加密过程即可与其他项目交互的能力而脱颖而出,从而促进了无缝的互操作性。
With these two layers, Manta Network combines advanced cryptographic solutions with easy-to-use developer tools, enhancing the security, scalability, and accessibility of blockchain technology in the ever-evolving Web3 ecosystem.
通过这两层,Manta Network 将先进的加密解决方案与易于使用的开发工具相结合,增强了区块链技术在不断发展的 Web3 生态系统中的安全性、可扩展性和可访问性。
Funding and Support
Manta Network has successfully attracted investments from leading web3 funds such as Binance Labs and Polychain Capital.
Manta Network 已成功吸引了 Binance Labs 和 Polychain Capital 等领先 web3 基金的投资。
Their participation in prestigious web3 accelerators, such as Alliance DAO and Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator, demonstrates Manta Network’s commitment to growth and innovation in the crypto ecosystem.
他们参与 Alliance DAO 和 Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator 等著名的 web3 加速器,体现了 Manta Network 对加密生态系统增长和创新的承诺。
Manta Network Key Features for Web3 Developers
Manta Network 面向 Web3 开发人员的关键功能
Manta Network is a modular blockchain that provides Web3 developers with a range of exciting features. The following are its key features to know, among others:
Manta Network 是一个模块化区块链,为 Web3 开发人员提供了一系列令人兴奋的功能。以下是其需要了解的主要功能:
1. Low Fees, High Scalability
1. 费用低,可扩展性高
Manta Pacific adopts Celestia technology and a modified OP stack to provide advanced technical infrastructure that offers high scalability and low gas fees.
Manta Pacific 采用 Celestia 技术和改进的 OP 堆栈来提供先进的技术基础设施,从而实现高可扩展性和低 Gas 费。
With Manta Pacific’s Universal Circuits, the platform provides an unparalleled ecosystem for the development and deployment of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) applications and dApps.
借助 Manta Pacific 的 Universal Circuits,该平台为零知识 (ZK) 应用程序和 dApp 的开发和部署提供了无与伦比的生态系统。
This feature is particularly attractive to Web3 developers as it allows them to build more efficient and cost-effective applications, providing a significant boost to innovation in the blockchain space.
此功能对 Web3 开发人员特别有吸引力,因为它使他们能够构建更高效、更具成本效益的应用程序,从而显着推动区块链领域的创新。
2. Developer–Friendly
2. 开发者友好
Manta Network’s multi-modular approach gives developers the flexibility to use Manta’s personal identity tools across the chain, including in the web2 ecosystem and mobile applications.
Manta Network 的多模块方法使开发人员能够灵活地在整个链上使用 Manta 的个人身份工具,包括在 web2 生态系统和移动应用程序中。
By providing Manta’s SDK (Software Development Kits) and proof keys, an easy-to-integrate solution is offered to developers to connect identities on-chain with just a few lines of code.
This feature is particularly attractive to Web3 developers as it allows them to easily and efficiently integrate personal identities into their applications, providing ease of managing identities and providing an additional layer of security to their applications.
此功能对 Web3 开发人员特别有吸引力,因为它使他们能够轻松有效地将个人身份集成到他们的应用程序中,从而轻松管理身份并为其应用程序提供额外的安全层。
3. New ZK Use Cases
Manta Pacific provides “Universal Circuits”, a ZK library that makes it easy for developers to call Solidity smart contracts and dApps that use ZK.
Manta Pacific 提供“Universal Circuits”,这是一个 ZK 库,使开发人员可以轻松调用使用 ZK 的 Solidity 智能合约和 dApp。
Manta Pacific’s Universal Circuits are designed using zkContracts, such as zkShuffle used in blockchain-based applications.
Manta Pacific 的通用电路是使用 zkContracts 设计的,例如基于区块链的应用程序中使用的 zkShuffle。
This feature is exciting for Web3 developers as it allows them to utilize ZK technology in the development of innovative new applications, opening up opportunities to create more secure and privacy solutions within the blockchain ecosystem.
这一功能对于 Web3 开发人员来说是令人兴奋的,因为它允许他们利用 ZK 技术来开发创新的新应用程序,从而为在区块链生态系统中创建更安全和隐私的解决方案提供了机会。
4. Non–Invasive Compliance
4. 非侵入性合规性
Manta Network presents zkSBTs (Zero-Knowledge Standardized Business Tokens) that facilitate verification without the need for cooperative engagement, while still maintaining privacy and security.
Manta Network 推出 zkSBT(零知识标准化商业代币),无需合作参与即可促进验证,同时仍保持隐私和安全。
Examples of zkSBTs such as zkBAB and zkGalxe Passport provide chain-based KYC (Know Your Customer) verification without the need for passport scanning or uploading of sensitive personal information.
zkSBT 的示例(例如 zkBAB 和 zkGalxe Passport)提供基于链的 KYC(了解您的客户)验证,无需扫描护照或上传敏感个人信息。
This feature is attractive to Web3 developers as it allows them to create more secure and private applications for users, resulting in a safer and more secure environment within the blockchain ecosystem.
此功能对 Web3 开发人员很有吸引力,因为它允许他们为用户创建更安全和私密的应用程序,从而在区块链生态系统中形成更安全的环境。
5. Growing Ecosystem
The Manta Network ecosystem is designed to cover a wide range of applications, including DeFi, gaming, and social media, with a focus on delivering the best experience and value to users.
Manta Network生态系统旨在覆盖广泛的应用,包括DeFi、游戏和社交媒体,专注于为用户提供最佳的体验和价值。
The Manta Ecosystem Grant Program was created to encourage and support the exploration of valuable new use cases, as well as provide solutions to address challenges faced by users.
Manta 生态系统资助计划旨在鼓励和支持探索有价值的新用例,并提供解决方案来应对用户面临的挑战。
This feature
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