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Argentine President Milei has repeatedly promoted LIBRA tokens on social media platform X, and the token price has plummeted due to the deletion of tweets. As the Libra coin issuance farce fermented for several days, the token market maker Kelsier Ventures and its CEO Hayden Davis, who are behind the operation, surfaced and were accused of being the co-founders of the LIBRA token. With the exposure of more information such as insider trading, political involvement and multiple operation plans, Hayden Davis was accused of being a "rugger", including deep operation of Trump's wife's MEME MELANIA and other tokens with the same name. In a recent video interview, Hayden Davis responded to various issues related to the creation of LIBRA.
阿根廷总统麦利(Milei)在社交媒体平台X上反复宣传天秤座令牌,由于删除了推文,代币的价格暴跌。随着天秤座硬币发行闹剧的发酵几天,代币的做市商Kelsier Ventures及其首席执行官海登·戴维斯(Hayden Davis)落后于行动,并被指控是天秤座代币的共同创始人。随着更多信息,例如内幕交易,政治参与和多重行动计划,海登·戴维斯(Hayden Davis)被指控为“鲁格”,包括特朗普的妻子的模因梅拉尼亚(Meme Melania)和其他同名的其他标记。在最近的视频采访中,海登·戴维斯(Hayden Davis)回应了与天秤座创建有关的各种问题。
Hayden Davis is one of the core figures in the controversy surrounding the Argentine president’s currency issuance. This article will take a closer look at Hayden Davis and Kelsier Ventures to learn about their backgrounds and the roles they played in the Libra scandal.
海登·戴维斯(Hayden Davis)是围绕阿根廷总统发行的争议的核心人物之一。本文将仔细研究海登·戴维斯(Hayden Davis)和凯尔西尔(Kelsier)Ventures,以了解他们的背景以及他们在天秤座丑闻中扮演的角色。
Hayden Davis denies accusation of bribery of president's sister
海登·戴维斯(Hayden Davis)否认指控贿赂总统的姐姐
Hayden Davis is accused of paying bribes to get into the inner circle of Argentine President Javier Milei.
海登·戴维斯(Hayden Davis)被指控贿赂进入阿根廷总统贾维尔·米利(Javier Milei)的内心圈子。
On February 19, Coindesk reported that Hayden Davis said in a text message in December last year that he could "control" Argentine President Milei because he had been sending money to Milei's sister Karina Milei (currently the Secretary General of the Argentine Presidential Palace). "I send money to his sister, and he will sign whatever I say and act according to my wishes." This information disclosure is the latest development in the LIBRA token scandal that has been fermenting for several days.
2月19日,科德斯克(Coindesk)报道说,海登·戴维斯(Hayden Davis)在去年12月的一条短信中说,他可以“控制”阿根廷总统麦利(Milei),因为他一直在向米利的姐姐卡琳娜·米利(Karina Milei)汇款(目前是阿根廷总统宫殿的秘书长)。 “我将钱寄给他的姐姐,他会根据我的意愿签署我说的一切并采取行动。”此信息披露是天秤座代币丑闻中发酵几天的最新发展。
However, Davis' spokesman Michael Padovano immediately responded that the media reports were "politically motivated" and that he did not remember sending such text messages and there was no relevant record on his phone.
但是,戴维斯的发言人迈克尔·帕多瓦诺(Michael Padovano)立即回答说,媒体报道是“政治动机”的,他不记得发送此类短信,也没有手机上的相关记录。
The incident dates back to the morning of February 15, when Milei recommended a little-known token $LIBRA on the X platform. Within half an hour, the market value rose to $4.24 billion and then fell to $827 million. However, as more insider addresses made huge profits, Milei deleted the post a few hours later and denied any connection with the cryptocurrency, after which the price of the coin quickly fell to $0.2. The farce of the president issuing coins has intensified, and multiple projects including Kelsier Ventures, KIP Protocol, Meteora, and Jupiter have also been implicated.
该事件的历史可以追溯到2月15日上午,当时Milei在X平台上建议了一个鲜为人知的令牌$ libra。在半小时内,市场价值上升到42.4亿美元,然后下降到8.27亿美元。但是,随着更多的内部地址获得巨额利润,麦莉几个小时后删除了该职位,并否认了与加密货币的任何联系,此后,硬币的价格迅速降至0.2美元。发行硬币的总统的闹剧加剧了,包括Kelsier Ventures,Kip协议,Meteora和Jupiter在内的多个项目也被牵涉。
Among them, Kelsier Ventures, as the issuer of Libra, was pointed out to be involved in insider trading of various meme tokens such as MELANIA, ENRON, and BOB, reaping more than US$200 million.
其中,作为天秤座发行人的凯尔西尔·维特尔(Kelsier Ventures)指出,梅拉尼亚(Melania),安然(Enron)和鲍勃(Bob)等各种模因令牌的内幕交易,收获了超过2亿美元。
The large scale of losses caused to investors by Libra has further pushed Kelsier Ventures to the forefront.
According to El Eonomista, 44,000 users were affected by the "rug pull" incident. According to crypto lawyer wassielawyer, the number may reach nearly 75,000 users, with a total loss of about $286 million. However, Argentine President Milley said that it was false to say that 44,000 people were affected, and at most only 5,000 people were affected. The possibility of involving Argentines is very small. According to a survey by PANews, nearly 30% of large investors took over at high prices, and early buyers became the hardest hit by losses.
根据El Eonomista的说法,有44,000名用户受到“地毯拉”事件的影响。据加密律师Wassielawyer称,该人数可能会吸引近75,000名用户,总损失约为2.86亿美元。但是,阿根廷总统米利说,说有44,000人受到影响是错误的,最多只有5,000人受到影响。参与阿根廷的可能性很小。根据Panews的一项调查,将近30%的大型投资者以高价接管,而早期的买家成为受损失的最大打击。
Participating in multiple "rug pulls", the restaurant owner transformed into a crypto family business
On February 17, blockchain data company Bubblemaps posted on the X platform: "The team behind LIBRA, MELANIA and other short-lived tokens is the same group of people. After analyzing cross-chain transfers and time patterns, we are highly confident that this speculation is correct. It all started with our investigation into sniper activities on MELANIA." On-chain analysis shows that Kelsier Ventures' wallet played a central role in scams involving MELANIA, TRUST, KACY, VIBES, and the recently hyped HOOD token.
Kelsier Ventures has previously remained a mystery. Nevertheless, an industry insider recently contacted by PANews said that "this Kelsier market maker is a well-known meme rugger in Dubai."
Kelsier Ventures以前仍然是一个谜。尽管如此,Panews最近联系的行业内部人士说:“这家Kelsier做市商是迪拜著名的Meme Rugger。”
Currently, Kelsier Ventures is still active, but its location is uncertain. BoDoggos Entertainment CEO Nick O'Neil's investigative video revealed that he received an offer. Kelsier Ventures' service process is divided into these steps:
目前,Kelsier Ventures仍然活跃,但其位置尚不确定。 Bodoggos Entertainment首席执行官Nick O'Neil的调查视频显示,他收到了一份提议。 Kelsier Ventures的服务过程分为以下步骤:
90% of the "snipers" come from within Kelsier Ventures. They distribute tokens to friends or set up operations for their own robots. Kelsier Ventures set a 2% token allocation and a maximum daily sales limit of 0.1%. In addition, the daily fee is $3,000 or 20% of the withdrawal amount, whichever is higher.
90%的“狙击手”来自Kelsier Ventures。他们向朋友分发令牌或为自己的机器人设置操作。 Kelsier Ventures设定了2%的令牌分配,最高每日销售限额为0.1%。此外,每日费用是提款金额的3,000美元或20%,以较高者为准。
According to Kelsier Ventures’ official Twitter account, the company “invests,
根据Kelsier Ventures的官方Twitter帐户,该公司“投资,
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