Onramp Bitcoin创始人Jesse Myers表示,唐纳德·特朗普在美国总统大选中的胜利并不是比特币上涨的关键因素。

Despite Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election being a hot topic of discussion, Founder of Onramp Bitcoin Jesse Myers believes that it is not the key factor in the recent Bitcoin rally. According to Myers, there are more fundamental forces at work in the market that are having a direct impact on the value of the first cryptocurrency.
尽管唐纳德·特朗普在美国总统大选中获胜成为人们讨论的热门话题,但 Onramp Bitcoin 创始人 Jesse Myers 认为,这并不是近期比特币上涨的关键因素。迈尔斯表示,市场上还有更多基本力量在发挥作用,对第一种加密货币的价值产生直接影响。
One of the key factors that Myers highlights is the upcoming halving of Bitcoin's block reward, which is expected to occur in April. Currently, the block reward stands at 6.25 BTC, and after the halving, it will drop to 3.125 BTC. This means that miners will now be rewarded with less Bitcoin for solving each block, which is driving up the difficulty of mining.
迈尔斯强调的关键因素之一是比特币的区块奖励即将减半,预计将于 4 月份发生。目前区块奖励为6.25 BTC,减半后将降至3.125 BTC。这意味着矿工现在解决每个区块所获得的比特币奖励将减少,这会增加采矿难度。
Another factor that is contributing to the rally in Bitcoin's price is the classic shortage of cryptocurrency supply on the market. At current prices, the supply of Bitcoin is not sufficient to meet the demand.
Finally, the price of Bitcoin is also being boosted by the situation with spot prices of the bitcoin ETF, which was launched in January 2024. On November 11 alone, funds bought over 1,300 bitcoins, while miners were only able to mine 940 coins. This imbalance is also causing an increase in digital gold prices.
最后,2024 年 1 月推出的比特币 ETF 的现货价格也提振了比特币的价格。仅在 11 月 11 日,基金就购买了超过 1,300 个比特币,而矿工只能开采 940 个比特币。这种不平衡也导致数字黄金价格上涨。
According to Myers, history is repeating itself, as it did after the halvings of 2012, 2016, 2020, and we should expect an increase in Bitcoin prices, although there will definitely be a correction in the rate.
根据迈尔斯的说法,历史正在重演,就像 2012 年、2016 年、2020 年减半之后一样,我们应该预期比特币价格会上涨,尽管价格肯定会出现调整。