
The crypto market continues to be dominated by the evaluation of DAO projects and finds its top selections through social activity measurements. According to a PHOENIX report, the Internet Computer ($ICP) project stands at the top of social interactions with 4.9K engagements and 499.9K engaged posts.
加密市场继续以对DAO项目的评估来支配,并通过社交活动测量找到其最佳选择。根据凤凰城的一份报告,Internet计算机($ ICP)项目是与4.9k订婚和499.9k参与帖子的社交互动顶部。
TOP #DAO PROJECTS BY SOCIAL ACTIVITY$ICP $TAO $ARB $APE $UNI $RARE $SKY $AAVE $CAKE $PEOPLEThe TAO platform maintains 4.8K engagements on its way to reaching 939.7K engaged social posts. The social metrics of Arbitrum ($ARB) include 4.8K engagements that resulted in 281.7K engaged posts. The recorded numbers show extensive user involvement and project-related conversations between users.Performance of Leading DAO TokensThe social activity in the ApeCoin ($APE) community stands strong based on its 3.8K engagements and 311.9K engaged posts. Uniswap ($UNI) shows its impact within decentralized finance (DeFi) by achieving 3.0K engagements and 312.6K engaged posts in social media. Rare ($RARE) continues to attract high engagement from its audiences at 2.7K while Sky ($SKY) drives 2.6K interactions. The number of engaged posts on $RARE accounts for 267.9K while SKY reached 136.9K.The social activities of Aave ($AAVE) and PancakeSwap ($CAKE) demonstrate consistent stability through their recorded numbers of 1.8K and 1.7K engagements. $AAVE functions as an essential DeFi ecosystem participant through its 306.1K engaged posts because $CAKE maintains a similar number of engagements through its 1.7K recorded figure.Community Activity in the DAO SectorPeople ($PEOPLE) maintained 1.7K engagements and produced 112.4K engaged posts. Evidence shows that the project community keeps its discussion about the project ongoing. The research confirms that DAO projects continue to advance within the cryptocurrency marketplace.A strong social engagement metric helps evaluate community power and investor sentiments toward future adoption. The research demonstrates that governance systems based on community involvement are becoming more prevalent because multiple projects succeed in keeping their communities actively involved.
社交活动的顶级#DAO项目$ ICP $ TAO $ ARB $ ape $ uni $稀有$ $ ave $ aave $ cake $ peoplethe tao平台在达到939.7K参与的社交帖子的途中保持了4.8k的交战。仲裁的社会指标($ arb)包括4.8K参与,导致281.7k参与的职位。记录的数字显示了用户之间广泛的用户参与和与项目相关的对话。 UNISWAP($ uni)通过在社交媒体中获得3.0k参与和312.6K参与的职位,显示出其在分散融资(DEFI)中的影响。稀有($稀有)继续吸引2.7万的观众参与度,而Sky($ sky)则可以互动2.6k。 $稀有帐户的订婚帖子数量为267.9k,而天空达到136.9k。Aave($ aave)和Pancakeswap($ CAKE)的社交活动通过其记录的1.8k和1.7k的参与表现出一致的稳定性。 $ aave通过其306.1k参与的帖子充当必不可少的Defi生态系统参与者,因为$ Cake通过其1.7K记录的图形保持了相似的参与。证据表明,项目社区一直在讨论正在进行的项目。该研究证实,DAO项目继续在加密货币市场中进步。强大的社会参与度量指标有助于评估社区权力和投资者对未来采用的看法。研究表明,基于社区参与的治理系统变得越来越普遍,因为多个项目成功地使其社区积极参与。