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世界各地绝大多数企业和个人都依赖某种支付融资形式。仅信用卡一项就为全球商户支付提供了 16T 美元的资金。
Huma, a pioneer in the Payment Financing (PayFi) domain, announced today that it has secured $38 million in funding. This round was spearheaded by Distributed Global, with substantial participation from Hashkey Capital, Folius Ventures, the Stellar Development Foundation, and TIBAS Ventures, the venture capital arm of İşbank, the largest private bank in Turkiye. A portion of this raise was allocated to investments in high-yield real world assets (RWA) on the platform.
支付融资 (PayFi) 领域的先驱 Huma 今天宣布已获得 3800 万美元的融资。此轮融资由 Distributed Global 牵头,Hashkey Capital、Folius Ventures、Stellar Development Foundation 和土耳其最大私人银行 şbank 的风险投资部门 TIBAS Ventures 大量参与。本轮融资的一部分用于投资平台上的高收益现实世界资产(RWA)。
The vast majority of businesses and individuals worldwide rely on some form of payment financing. Credit cards alone facilitate $16T in merchant payments globally. Trade finance enables $10 trillion in B2B payments. One in every six families depends on remittances—money sent back home across the borders—yet even that system depends on trillions of dollars being locked in pre-funding accounts. The list goes on. While the demand for payment financing increases daily, creating an urgent need for more innovative solutions, traditional financial institutions are unable—or unwilling—to meet this need, widening the liquidity gap with each passing day.
全球绝大多数企业和个人都依赖某种形式的支付融资。仅信用卡一项就在全球范围内促成了 16T 美元的商户支付。贸易融资支持 10 万亿美元的 B2B 支付。六分之一的家庭依靠汇款(跨境汇回家乡的钱)为生,但即便如此,该系统也依赖于预先融资账户中锁定的数万亿美元。这样的例子还在继续。尽管支付融资需求日益增加,迫切需要更具创新性的解决方案,但传统金融机构却无法(或不愿意)满足这一需求,流动性缺口日益扩大。
Payment financing is so deeply ingrained in every aspect of our lives that, without it, the entire economy would stop growing.
PayFi aims to address this massive liquidity gap by shifting trillions of dollars of real world payment volume to blockchains and stablecoins. By leveraging the core strengths of blockchain—specifically, the programmable nature of money and the ability to move funds globally in seconds—PayFi also enables new real-world use-cases that were previously impossible. Keeping all of these use cases in mind, Huma has built the first ever PayFi network, adopting an open, modular and decentralized approach to empower interoperable solutions across participants. By combining the best of RWA, Payments, and DeFi, Huma is creating a network that is far more efficient and accessible than traditional alternatives.
PayFi 旨在通过将数万亿美元的现实世界支付量转移到区块链和稳定币来解决巨大的流动性缺口。通过利用区块链的核心优势,特别是货币的可编程性和在几秒钟内在全球范围内转移资金的能力,PayFi 还实现了以前不可能实现的新的现实用例。考虑到所有这些用例,Huma 构建了第一个 PayFi 网络,采用开放、模块化和去中心化的方法来为参与者提供可互操作的解决方案。通过结合 RWA、支付和 DeFi 的优点,Huma 正在创建一个比传统替代方案更高效、更容易访问的网络。
"While designing Huma, we often asked ourselves: How do you build an open payment financing network on blockchain that is more powerful than Visa? Today, stablecoins are already powering $2T in payments annually. An open payment financing network is going to help grow the entire payment ecosystem faster." said Huma co-founder Richard Liu. "The surge of interest we're seeing right now is a testament to PayFi's potential. As more partners join us every week, it's clear that PayFi is quickly becoming the new frontier of RWA."
“在设计 Huma 时,我们经常问自己:如何在区块链上建立一个比 Visa 更强大的开放式支付融资网络?如今,稳定币每年已经为 2T 美元的支付提供动力。开放式支付融资网络将有助于增长整个支付生态系统更快。” Huma 联合创始人理查德·刘 (Richard Liu) 说道。 “我们现在看到的兴趣激增证明了 PayFi 的潜力。随着每周都有更多合作伙伴加入我们,很明显 PayFi 正在迅速成为 RWA 的新领域。”
In line with this vision, Huma's merger with Arf, the leading on-demand liquidity solution for global payments, brought together two of the most prominent PayFi players in April. Together, Huma and Arf have already processed over $1.8 billion in payment financing transactions and are on track to reach $10 billion next year, making them one of the fastest growing use cases for Circle's USDC.
根据这一愿景,Huma 与全球支付领域领先的按需流动性解决方案 Arf 于 4 月合并,将两家最著名的 PayFi 参与者聚集在一起。 Huma 和 Arf 已经合计处理了超过 18 亿美元的支付融资交易,预计明年将达到 100 亿美元,这使它们成为 Circle 的 USDC 增长最快的用例之一。
Part of this raise came as investments into Arf's high-yield RWA assets. The Stellar Development Foundation provided a $10 million investment. Additionally, tokenized assets are currently available to accredited investors on Scroll for a limited period. With this funding infusion, Huma plans to further expand its PayFi network to the Stellar smart contract platform and to Solana in the coming months, making sure the network is accessible from all the major payments-focused chains.
此次融资的一部分来自对 Arf 高收益 RWA 资产的投资。恒星发展基金会提供了1000万美元的投资。此外,目前 Scroll 上的合格投资者可以在有限的时间内使用代币化资产。通过这笔资金注入,Huma 计划在未来几个月内将其 PayFi 网络进一步扩展到 Stellar 智能合约平台和 Solana,确保所有主要支付链都可以访问该网络。
"Moving money quickly and cheaply across borders is at the core of what the Stellar network does best. PayFi is providing real world utility that solves problems for people and companies, and it is the type of project tailor-made for the Stellar network. We look forward to continuing to working with Huma to grow the PayFi ecosystem," said Denelle Dixon, CEO of the Stellar Development Foundation.
“快速、廉价地跨境转移资金是 Stellar 网络最擅长的核心。PayFi 提供现实世界的实用程序,为个人和公司解决问题,这是为 Stellar 网络量身定制的项目类型。我们期待继续与 Huma 合作发展 PayFi 生态系统。”Stellar 发展基金会首席执行官 Denelle Dixon 说道。
"Huma's PayFi network represents an important step forward in payment financing, offering solutions to long-standing inefficiencies in the industry," said Chao Deng, CEO of HashKey Capital. "We believe innovations like this are crucial for addressing real-world challenges, and we're pleased to see Huma playing a key role in advancing the Web3 space."
HashKey Capital 首席执行官邓超表示:“Huma 的 PayFi 网络代表了支付融资领域向前迈出的重要一步,为行业长期存在的低效率问题提供了解决方案。” “我们相信这样的创新对于解决现实世界的挑战至关重要,我们很高兴看到 Huma 在推动 Web3 领域发挥关键作用。”
Huma's growing PayFi network has caught the attention of leading blockchain advocates, further fueling the momentum behind PayFi. The Solana Foundation's support signals how PayFi's innovative on-chain financial solutions are set to redefine global finance.
Huma 不断发展的 PayFi 网络引起了领先的区块链倡导者的注意,进一步推动了 PayFi 背后的势头。 Solana 基金会的支持表明 PayFi 的创新链上金融解决方案将如何重新定义全球金融。
"PayFi is the creation of new financial markets around the time value of money. On-chain finance can enable new financial primitives, product experiences, and financial access that are impossible in traditional or even Web2 finance. When I met the Huma team, it was immediately apparent that they'd be a great anchor for the PayFi ecosystem within Solana." said Lily Liu, President of Solana Foundation.
“PayFi 是围绕货币时间价值创建新的金融市场。链上金融可以实现传统甚至 Web2 金融中不可能实现的新金融原语、产品体验和金融准入。当我见到 Huma 团队时,它显而易见,他们将成为 Solana 内 PayFi 生态系统的重要支柱。” Solana 基金会主席 Lily Liu 说道。
Later this year, Huma also plans to launch the Huma Foundation, a pivotal move to decentralize its PayFi network and broaden global access, further solidifying its leadership in the RWA space.
今年晚些时候,Huma 还计划推出 Huma 基金会,这是分散其 PayFi 网络和扩大全球访问范围的关键举措,进一步巩固其在 RWA 领域的领导地位。
Additionally, in collaboration with the Solana Foundation and Stellar Development Foundation, Huma is set to host the inaugural PayFi Summit
此外,Huma 将与 Solana 基金会和 Stellar 发展基金会合作主办首届 PayFi 峰会
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