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香港的 Web3 节展示了人们对加密货币日益增长的热情,80% 的与会者来自国际。 Cathie Wood 的出现强调了该市致力于成为加密货币中心的承诺。尽管今年的规模较小,但该节日凸显了香港作为加密货币创新和投资中心的潜力。加入 Telegram 了解最新消息。
Surging Crypto Enthusiasm Propels Hong Kong's Web3 Festival 2024
加密货币热情高涨推动香港 Web3 Festival 2024
Hong Kong's burgeoning reputation as a crypto hub reached new heights at this year's Web3 Festival, fueled by a surge in Bitcoin prices and an influx of overseas attendees, comprising an impressive 80% of the crowd. The event's growing global prominence was underscored by the presence of renowned speakers like Cathie Wood, further solidifying Hong Kong's ascent in the crypto market.
在比特币价格飙升和海外与会者涌入(占观众人数的 80%)的推动下,香港作为加密货币中心的声誉在今年的 Web3 Festival 上达到了新的高度。 Cathie Wood 等知名演讲者的出席凸显了该活动在全球范围内日益增长的影响力,进一步巩固了香港在加密货币市场的崛起。
Hong Kong's Commitment to Crypto Innovation and Investment
Cathie Wood, the founder and CEO of Ark Invest, expressed optimism about Hong Kong's regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies, highlighting the city's proactive approach in hosting key industry events. The Web3 Festival served as a testament to Hong Kong's potential as a vibrant hub for crypto innovation and investment, despite its smaller scale compared to previous years. This commitment is evident in Hong Kong's ongoing efforts to foster a thriving crypto ecosystem amidst escalating global competition.
Ark Invest 创始人兼首席执行官 Cathie Wood 对香港的加密货币监管框架表示乐观,并强调了香港在举办重要行业活动方面的积极态度。 Web3 Festival 证明了香港作为充满活力的加密货币创新和投资中心的潜力,尽管与往年相比规模较小。这一承诺在香港不断努力在全球竞争不断升级的情况下培育繁荣的加密货币生态系统中得到体现。
Top Crypto Gainers Offer Diverse Investment Opportunities
The current market landscape presents investors with a plethora of promising opportunities. Mantle, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution, offers enhanced scalability through its modular architecture, ensuring rapid transaction confirmation with minimal fees. Lido DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization, empowers users to stake Ethereum and earn rewards through its liquid staking infrastructure. Gala Games, a pioneer in blockchain gaming, grants players unprecedented freedom and control, rewarding them with its GALA token for active participation. Moonbeam, an Ethereum-compatible parachain, provides developers with unrivaled flexibility and functionality in creating decentralized applications. These projects embody the spirit of innovation and hold immense potential for investors.
当前的市场格局为投资者提供了大量有前景的机会。 Mantle 是以太坊第 2 层解决方案,通过其模块化架构提供增强的可扩展性,确保以最低的费用快速确认交易。 Lido DAO 是一个去中心化自治组织,它使用户能够抵押以太坊并通过其流动性抵押基础设施赚取奖励。 Gala Games 是区块链游戏领域的先驱,赋予玩家前所未有的自由和控制权,并奖励他们积极参与的 GALA 代币。 Moonbeam 是一条与以太坊兼容的平行链,为开发人员创建去中心化应用程序提供了无与伦比的灵活性和功能。这些项目体现了创新精神,对投资者来说具有巨大的潜力。
1. Mantle (MNT): Ethereum Scaling Solution
Mantle, an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) technology stack, is designed for enhanced scalability and transaction finality, facilitated by its modular architecture. MNT, the native token, enables gas fee payments, fosters ecosystem growth, and empowers community governance. Mantle Network aims to drive widespread adoption of token-governed technologies.
Mantle 是以太坊第 2 层 (L2) 技术堆栈,旨在通过其模块化架构增强可扩展性和交易最终性。 MNT 是原生代币,可用于支付 Gas 费、促进生态系统发展并增强社区治理能力。 Mantle Network 旨在推动代币管理技术的广泛采用。
The network's modular design allows for high-performance scaling at low costs and rapid transaction confirmation. Decentralized applications (DApps) built on Mantle seamlessly integrate with Ethereum's robust security mechanisms, ensuring exceptional user experiences. Additionally, the Mantle Ecosystem provides comprehensive support for projects, guiding them from inception to market launch through partnerships and funding initiatives like the Mantle Grants Program and Mantle EcoFund, boasting a combined capital pool of $200 million.
该网络的模块化设计允许以低成本实现高性能扩展和快速交易确认。基于 Mantle 构建的去中心化应用程序 (DApp) 与以太坊强大的安全机制无缝集成,确保卓越的用户体验。此外,Mantle 生态系统还为项目提供全面的支持,通过合作伙伴关系和 Mantle 赠款计划和 Mantle EcoFund 等融资计划,指导项目从启动到市场启动,总资本池达 2 亿美元。
2. Lido DAO (LDO): Decentralized Staking Infrastructure
2. Lido DAO(LDO):去中心化质押基础设施
Lido DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), offers staking infrastructure for multiple blockchain networks. Its liquid staking solution for Ethereum allows users to participate in staking ETH and receive stETH tokens, which represent their staked ETH holdings and accumulated rewards. Lido's security is reinforced by decentralized governance, audited code, and smart contracts backed by independent security audits.
Lido DAO 是一个去中心化自治组织 (DAO),为多个区块链网络提供质押基础设施。其针对以太坊的流动质押解决方案允许用户参与质押 ETH 并接收 stETH 代币,这代表他们质押的 ETH 持有量和累积奖励。 Lido 的安全性通过去中心化治理、经过审计的代码和独立安全审计支持的智能合约得到加强。
LDO, Lido DAO's governance token, enables holders to influence crucial decisions affecting the platform. By pooling staked ETH from multiple users, the platform eliminates the need for technical expertise or minimum stake requirements. Lido V2, its latest iteration, introduces Liquid Staking, allowing users to trade stETH tokens on secondary markets or utilize them in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.
LDO 是 Lido DAO 的治理代币,使持有者能够影响影响平台的关键决策。通过汇集多个用户质押的 ETH,该平台消除了对技术专业知识或最低质押要求的需求。 Lido V2 是其最新版本,引入了 Liquid Stake,允许用户在二级市场上交易 stETH 代币或在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 协议中使用它们。
3. Sponge V2: Promising Play-to-Earn Game
3. Sponge V2:有前途的边玩边赚钱的游戏
Sponge V2, the highly anticipated successor to Sponge V1, is poised to surpass its predecessor's remarkable success. With a total stake and bridge value exceeding $20 million, Sponge V2 is swiftly gaining popularity. Early adopters often reap the most significant rewards in the crypto market, making Sponge V2 a compelling investment prospect.
Sponge V2 是备受期待的 Sponge V1 后继产品,有望超越其前身的非凡成功。 Sponge V2 的总权益和过桥价值超过 2000 万美元,迅速受到欢迎。早期采用者通常会在加密货币市场中获得最显着的回报,这使得 Sponge V2 成为一个引人注目的投资前景。
The resounding success of Sponge V1 laid a solid foundation for its successor's growth and profitability. Sponge V1 boasts a peak market cap of $100 million, over 13,000 holders, and listings on multiple centralized exchanges, demonstrating its potential for remarkable growth and success in the crypto space.
Sponge V1的巨大成功为其后继产品的增长和盈利奠定了坚实的基础。 Sponge V1 拥有 1 亿美元的峰值市值、超过 13,000 名持有者,并在多个中心化交易所上市,展示了其在加密领域显着增长和成功的潜力。
Sponge V2 retains the essence of its predecessor while introducing innovative features, such as high-stakes rewards and a Play-to-Earn game. Users can stake Sponge tokens to earn impressive annual percentage yields (APYs) of up to 366% on Polygon and 167% on Ethereum, with over 9.6 billion tokens already staked. The upcoming Play-to-Earn game incentivizes token holders with rewards for active participation, further enhancing the token's utility and value proposition.
Sponge V2 保留了其前身的精髓,同时引入了创新功能,例如高风险奖励和 Play-to-Earn 游戏。用户可以质押 Sponge 代币,在 Polygon 上获得高达 366% 的年收益率 (APY),在以太坊上获得高达 167% 的年收益率 (APY),已质押的代币已超过 96 亿枚。即将推出的 Play-to-Earn 游戏将通过奖励积极参与来激励代币持有者,进一步增强代币的实用性和价值主张。
4. Gala (GALA): Pioneering Blockchain Gaming Platform
4. Gala(GALA):开创性的区块链游戏平台
Gala Games is transforming the gaming industry by empowering players with unprecedented freedom, control, and rewards through its Web3 and blockchain technologies. Led by a team of seasoned game developers, Gala Games aims to address the systemic issues plaguing traditional gaming models. The platform features a vast array of AAA-level games, offering players a truly immersive experience.
Gala Games 通过其 Web3 和区块链技术为玩家提供前所未有的自由、控制和奖励,从而改变游戏行业。 Gala Games 由经验丰富的游戏开发团队领导,旨在解决困扰传统游戏模式的系统性问题。该平台拥有海量的AAA级游戏,为玩家提供真正的沉浸式体验。
At the heart of Gala Games lies GALA, its native utility token, which forms the backbone of the ecosystem. This token facilitates various functions within the platform, including acquiring non-fungible token (NFT) items, rewarding Founder's Node operators, and covering network fees. Gala Games prioritizes player experience above all else, distinguishing itself with a "games-first" ethos.
Gala Games 的核心是 GALA,它是其原生实用代币,构成了生态系统的支柱。该代币促进了平台内的各种功能,包括获取不可替代代币(NFT)项目、奖励创始人的节点运营商以及支付网络费用。 Gala Games 将玩家体验放在首位,以“游戏第一”的精神脱颖而出。
5. Moonbeam (GLMR): Ethereum-Compatible Smart Contract Parachain
5. Moonbeam (GLMR):以太坊兼容的智能合约平行链
Moonbeam, an Ethereum-compatible smart contract parachain on Polkadot, simplifies the process of building or redeploying Solidity projects in a Substrate-based environment. It goes beyond merely replicating Ethereum's EVM by mirroring Ethereum's Web3 RPC, accounts, keys, and more. Moonbeam extends the base Ethereum feature set with on-chain governance, staking, and cross-chain integrations, offering developers unparalleled flexibility and functionality in creating decentralized applications.
Moonbeam 是 Polkadot 上与以太坊兼容的智能合约平行链,它简化了在基于 Substrate 的环境中构建或重新部署 Solidity 项目的过程。它不仅仅是通过镜像以太坊的 Web3 RPC、帐户、密钥等来复制以太坊的 EVM。 Moonbeam 通过链上治理、质押和跨链集成扩展了基本的以太坊功能集,为开发人员创建去中心化应用程序提供了无与伦比的灵活性和功能。
One of Moonbeam's key strengths lies in its seamless integration with popular Ethereum developer tools and libraries. Developers can leverage existing Solidity smart contracts with minimal modifications. Moreover, it provides complete Web3 RPC endpoints, enabling connectivity with tools like MetaMask, Hardhat, Waffle, Remix, and Truffle. Its support for widely used JavaScript libraries such as Web3.js or Ethers.js further enhances its accessibility and usability for developers, ensuring a smooth transition to the Substrate-based environment.
Moonbeam 的主要优势之一在于它与流行的以太坊开发工具和库的无缝集成。开发人员只需进行最少的修改即可利用现有的 Solidity 智能合约。此外,它还提供完整的 Web3 RPC 端点,支持与 MetaMask、Hardhat、Waffle、Remix 和 Truffle 等工具的连接。它对广泛使用的 JavaScript 库(例如 Web3.js 或 Ethers.js)的支持进一步增强了开发人员的可访问性和可用性,确保顺利过渡到基于 Substrate 的环境。
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