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谷歌加入 OpenAI 和 Meta 承诺人工智能开发中的儿童安全 - Tokenhell

2024/04/29 16:25

谷歌加入 OpenAI 和 Meta 承诺人工智能开发中的儿童安全 - Tokenhell

The fight against child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is gaining momentum as high-powered technology players pledged to prioritize child safety in all AI development phases. The coalition features leading generative AI developers, among them Microsoft-backed OpenAI, Google, and Meta, each vowing to enforce guardrails around their products. 

随着强大的技术参与者承诺在所有人工智能开发阶段优先考虑儿童安全,打击儿童性虐待材料(CSAM)的斗争正在获得动力。该联盟由领先的生成式人工智能开发人员组成,其中包括微软支持的 OpenAI、谷歌和 Meta,每个公司都誓言要对其产品实施监管。

The group is steered by two non-profit organizations with a collective pledge to end child sexual exploitation via artificial intelligence (AI). New York-headquartered All Tech is Human, alongside Thorn (formerly DNA Foundation), advocates the Safety by Design principle in all phases of generative AI development. 

该组织由两个非营利组织领导,共同承诺通过人工智能 (AI) 终结儿童性剥削。总部位于纽约的 All Tech is Human 与 Thorn(前身为 DNA 基金会)一起,在生成式人工智能开发的所有阶段倡导“设计安全”原则。

The pledge to prioritize child safety has been a critical objective for Thorn since its inception in 2012 by actors Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. The collective pledge coincided with the unveiling of the Thorn report on Tuesday, April 23, championing safety design in generative AI development. 

自 2012 年由演员阿什顿·库彻 (Ashton Kutcher) 和黛米·摩尔 (Demi Moore) 创立以来,优先考虑儿童安全的承诺一直是 Thorn 的一个重要目标。这一集体承诺与 4 月 23 日星期二的 Thorn 报告发布同时发布,该报告倡导生成式人工智能开发中的安全设计。

Thorn emphasized the need for establishing guardrails that would bar the generation of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) across the AI model lifecycle. Thorn urged the companies developing, deploying, and using generative AI and affiliate products to embrace Safety by Design principles. 

Thorn 强调需要建立护栏,禁止在整个 AI 模型生命周期中生成儿童性虐待材料 (CSAM)。索恩敦促开发、部署和使用生成式人工智能及附属产品的公司遵守“设计安全”原则。

谷歌加入 OpenAI 和 Meta 承诺人工智能开发中的儿童安全 - Tokenhell

Thorns Warns of Deepfake Threats Amid Prevalence of CSAM

Thorn added that the collective pledge mandates each to portray dedication to prevent CSAM creation and spread via AI. Besides, Thorn urged Thorn to avoid any form of child abuse and exploitation. 

Thorns 对 CSAM 盛行中的 Deepfake 威胁发出警告Thorn 补充说,集体承诺要求每个人都表现出致力于防止 CSAM 创建和通过人工智能传播的奉献精神。此外,索恩敦促索恩避免任何形式的虐待和剥削儿童。

Thorn indicated that AI-generated CSAM has become relatively easy for criminals to attain. Thorn affirmed its commitment to developing tools and resources that would help defend children from exploitation and sexual abuse. 

Thorn 表示,犯罪分子相对容易获得人工智能生成的 CSAM。索恩重申致力于开发工具和资源,帮助保护儿童免受剥削和性虐待。

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Thorn reflected on the 2022 publication that revealed the discovery of over 824,000 files of child abuse material. The previous year’s impact report had over 104 million files propagating suspected CSAM. 

.ubada1eaae7a77506a614814f7c134939 { 填充:0px;保证金:0;填充顶部:1em!重要;填充底部:1em!重要;宽度:100%;显示:块;字体粗细:粗体;背景颜色:#2ECC71;边框:0!重要;左边框:4px 实线#34495E!重要;盒子阴影: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17);文本装饰:无; .ubada1eaae7a77506a614814f7c134939:活动,.ubada1eaae7a77506a614814f7c134939:悬停{不透明度:1;过渡:不透明度250ms; webkit-transition:不透明度 250ms;文本装饰:无; } .ubada1eaae7a77506a614814f7c134939 { 过渡:背景颜色 250ms; webkit-transition:背景颜色 250ms;不透明度:1;过渡:不透明度250ms; webkit-transition:不透明度 250ms; } .ubada1eaae7a77506a614814f7c134939 .ctaText { 字体粗细:粗体;颜色:#464646;文本装饰:无;字体大小:16px; .ubada1eaae7a77506a614814f7c134939 .postTitle { 颜色:#000000;文本修饰:下划线!重要;字体大小:16px; } .ubada1eaae7a77506a614814f7c134939:hover .postTitle { 文本装饰:下划线!重要; } 📰 另请阅读:台北检察官在备受瞩目的欺诈案件中瞄准 Ace Crypto Exchange。Thorn 回顾了 2022 年的出版物,该出版物披露了超过 824,000 份虐待儿童材料的文件。去年的影响报告中有超过 1.04 亿个传播可疑 CSAM 的文件。

Thorn’s efforts to combat CSAM are timely, given the prevalence of deepfake child pornography since the generative AI models emerged. The existence of stand-alone AI models aggravates the menace circulated on the dark web channels. 

鉴于自生成式人工智能模型出现以来深度伪造儿童色情制品的盛行,索恩打击 CSAM 的努力是及时的。独立人工智能模型的存在加剧了暗网渠道上传播的威胁。

Thorn illustrated that Generative AI yields volumes of content more easily than ever before. It allows a single child predator to create CSAM en masse. Thorn demonstrated that generative AI allows child predators to adapt the original images and videos into newly formulated content.

索恩表示,生成式人工智能比以往任何时候都更容易产生大量内容。它允许单个儿童掠夺者集体创建 CSAM。索恩证明,生成式人工智能可以让儿童掠食者将原始图像和视频改编成新制定的内容。

Thorn observes that the influx of AIG-CSAM threatens the already burdened child safety ecosystem by scaling new victimization to more population. It exacerbates the challenges that law enforcement stakeholders confront in their efforts to identify and rescue abuse victims. 

索恩观察到,AIG-CSAM 的涌入将新的受害者扩大到更多人口,从而威胁到本已不堪重负的儿童安全生态系统。它加剧了执法利益相关者在识别和营救虐待受害者的过程中所面临的挑战。

Thorn offers a series of principles that tech companies and AI developers can embrace to prevent their products from facilitating child pornography. Thorn urges responsible sourcing for training, integrating feedback loops and stress-testing strategies. 


Companies Behind Generative AI Models Pledge to Mind Adversarial Misuse of Products

Thorn suggests that companies should employ provenance while minding adversarial misuse. Also, responsible hosting is key to safety in the AI models. The call saw Microsoft, Amazon, Metaphysic, Anthropic, Mistral AI, Civit AI, and Stability AI.

生成人工智能模型背后的公司承诺关注产品的对抗性滥用。Thorn 建议公司在使用来源的同时注意对抗性滥用。此外,负责任的托管是人工智能模型安全的关键。微软、亚马逊、Metaphysical、Anthropic、Mistral AI、Civit AI 和 Stability AI 参加了电话会议。

Metaphysic chief market executive Alejandro affirmed the importance of integrating responsibility in developing AI. The executive acknowledged the need to safeguard the vulnerable in society during this darkest advent of technology. 

Metaphysical 首席市场执行官 Alejandro 肯定了在开发人工智能中整合责任的重要性。这位高管承认,在这个最黑暗的技术出现期间,有必要保护社会中的弱势群体。

OpenAI identified itself with the statement conveyed by the head of child safety, Chelsea Carlson. The executive explained the importance of safety in its tools. 

OpenAI 认同儿童安全负责人 Chelsea Carlson 的声明。这位高管解释了其工具安全的重要性。

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Carlson confirmed the guardrails deployed into ChatGPT and DALL-E align to the call by Thorn and All Tech is Human. The executive affirmed support for the Safety by Design principles as its reference to mitigate potential harm to the children. 

.uef27b5abaccc52e9b8f3f557da8e9da6 { 填充:0px;保证金:0;填充顶部:1em!重要;填充底部:1em!重要;宽度:100%;显示:块;字体粗细:粗体;背景颜色:#2ECC71;边框:0!重要;左边框:4px 实线#34495E!重要;盒子阴影: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17);文本装饰:无; .uef27b5abaccc52e9b8f3f557da8e9da6:活动, .uef27b5abaccc52e9b8f3f557da8e9da6:悬停{ 不透明度:1;过渡:不透明度250ms; webkit-transition:不透明度 250ms;文本装饰:无; } .uef27b5abaccc52e9b8f3f557da8e9da6 { 过渡:背景颜色 250ms; webkit-transition:背景颜色 250ms;不透明度:1;过渡:不透明度250ms; webkit-transition:不透明度 250ms; } .uef27b5abaccc52e9b8f3f557da8e9da6 .ctaText { 字体粗细:粗体;颜色:#464646;文本装饰:无;字体大小:16px; } .uef27b5abaccc52e9b8f3f557da8e9da6 .postTitle { 颜色:#000000;文本修饰:下划线!重要;字体大小:16px; } .uef27b5abaccc52e9b8f3f557da8e9da6:hover .postTitle { 文本装饰:下划线!重要;另请阅读:加密倡导团体支持 Tornado Cash 开发者 Roman StormCarlson 确认,部署到 ChatGPT 和 DALL-E 中的护栏与 Thorn 和 All Tech is Human 的号召一致。这位高管确认了对“设计安全”原则的支持,将其作为减轻对儿童潜在伤害的参考。

Meta hailed its experience in keeping people safe through numerous tools to combat potential harm orchestrated by child predators. Meta pledged to adapt since predators were too adjusting to evade protections. 

Meta 称赞其通过多种工具保护人们安全、打击儿童掠夺者精心策划的潜在伤害的经验。梅塔承诺要适应,因为掠食者的适应能力太强,无法逃避保护。

Google’s head of trust and safety solutions, Susan Jasper, illustrated that the team utilizes hash-matching technology and AI classifiers alongside human reviews to remove CSAE content proactively. The proactive safety approach extends to detecting AI-generated CSAM and reporting such to the NCMEC. 

谷歌信任和安全解决方案主管 Susan Jasper 表示,该团队利用哈希匹配技术和人工智能分类器以及人工审核来主动删除 CSAE 内容。主动安全方法扩展到检测人工智能生成的 CSAM 并向 NCMEC 报告。

The creation of a collective pledge is timely given that several watchdog groups led by the UK’s Internet Watch Foundation warned that AIG-CSAM leaves the internet overwhelmed with exploitative material. 

鉴于英国互联网观察基金会领导的多个监管组织警告称,AIG-CSAM 会让互联网充斥着剥削性内容,因此制定集体承诺是及时的。

Editorial credit: AHK Photography / Shutterstock.com

编辑来源:AHK Photography / Shutterstock.com

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.u92c8edbee170e51f8195e7feb7dad8c9 { 填充:0px;保证金:0;填充顶部:1em!重要;填充底部:1em!重要;宽度:100%;显示:块;字体粗细:粗体;背景颜色:#2ECC71;边框:0!重要;左边框:4px 实线#34495E!重要;盒子阴影: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17);文本装饰:无; .u92c8edbee170e51f8195e7feb7dad8c9:活动,.u92c8edbee170e51f8195e7feb7dad8c9:悬停{不透明度:1;过渡:不透明度250ms; webkit-transition:不透明度 250ms;文本装饰:无; .u92c8edbee170e51f8195e7feb7dad8c9 { 过渡:背景颜色 250 毫秒; webkit-transition:背景颜色 250ms;不透明度:1;过渡:不透明度250ms; webkit-transition:不透明度 250ms; .u92c8edbee170e51f8195e7feb7dad8c9 .ctaText { 字体粗细:粗体;颜色:#464646;文本装饰:无;字体大小:16px; .u92c8edbee170e51f8195e7feb7dad8c9 .postTitle { 颜色:#000000;文本修饰:下划线!重要;字体大小:16px; } .u92c8edbee170e51f8195e7feb7dad8c9:hover .postTitle { 文本装饰:下划线!重要; } 📰 另请阅读:Gary Gensler 的 Viral X 帖子在加密社区引起轰动




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