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Genshin Impact 4.7 Beta:申请现已开放,截止日期临近

2024/04/15 21:17

Genshin Impact 4.7 测试版应用程序现已开放至 2024 年 4 月 17 日,参与者能够体验即将到来的更新中未发布的内容,包括事件、任务和潜在的新可玩角色。为了符合资格,申请人必须年满 18 岁,拥有启用了 DM 的 Discord 帐户,并提供政府颁发的有效身份证件。申请涉及完成涵盖各个方面的调查,例如冒险排名和平台偏好。成功的申请者将通过 Discord 和电子邮件收到进一步的说明,并在访问测试版内容之前需要签署保密协议 (NDA)。

Genshin Impact 4.7 beta will begin on April 24, 2024, immediately after version 4.6 update goes live. The developers have also announced the applications for the upcoming beta and interested players can apply for it before the deadline. During the beta, Travelers will be able to enjoy the unreleased content from the upcoming 4.7 update, which includes the events, quests, and potential new playable characters.

.vidazoo-player-container {宽度:100%;高度:calc((1110px - 360px - 16px) * 9 / 16);背景颜色:#000;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度:calc(685px * 9 / 16);}@media(最大宽度: 768px) {.sk-widget .vidazoo-container {margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度: calc(( 100vw) * 9 / 16);margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}}原神 4.7 测试版将于 2024 年 4 月 24 日开始,紧随版本 4.6 更新上线后。开发者还公布了即将到来的测试版的申请,感兴趣的玩家可以在截止日期前申请。在测试期间,旅行者将能够享受即将到来的 4.7 更新中未发布的内容,其中包括事件、任务和潜在的新可玩角色。

This article will cover everything players need to know about the version 4.7 beta applications, including the beta application process, date, and other related information.

本文将涵盖玩家需要了解的有关 4.7 版本测试版应用程序的所有内容,包括测试版应用程序流程、日期和其他相关信息。

Genshin Impact 4.7 beta application process, date, and more

According to the official announcement on Discord, the beta applications for Genshin Impact version 4.7 have already started and will remain open only until 10 am (UTC+8) on April 17, 2024.

.promoted-img {width: 100%;}Genshin Impact 4.7 beta 申请流程、日期等4.7 beta 版本公告(图片来自 Genshin Impact Discord)根据 Discord 官方公告,Genshin Impact 4.7 版本的 beta 申请已经开始并将仅开放至 2024 年 4 月 17 日上午 10 点(UTC+8)。

Here's a universal countdown that shows the time until the deadline for the beta applications:


Make sure to apply for the beta before the deadline. Speaking of which, there are a few requirements to become eligible for the same:


  • Log in using the HoYoverse account with which you wish to enter the beta test.
  • Must be a member of the official Genshin Impact Discord server and DMs must be open to messages from the Paimon bot for further instructions if selected.
  • Must be over the age of 18 before the deadline for the beta applications.
  • Must have a current and unexpired ID issued by the government, such as a Passport or a Driver's License.

If you meet all the above requirements, click on the following HoYoverse link and fill out the survey: Version 4.7 Beta Test Recruitment Form.

使用您希望进入 Beta 测试的 HoYoverse 帐户登录。必须是 Genshin Impact Discord 官方服务器的成员,并且 DM 必须对来自 Paimon 机器人的消息开放,以获取进一步说明(如果选择)。必须年满测试申请截止日期前的 18 点。必须持有政府颁发的有效且未过期的身份证件,例如护照或驾驶执照。如果您满足上述所有要求,请点击以下 HoYoverse 链接并填写调查问卷: 4.7 版 Beta 测试招募表。

Here is the list of questions that will be asked in the survey:


  • Discord username
  • Discord ID
  • Game UID
  • Adventure Rank
  • Have you cleared Floor 12-3 of the current Spiral Abyss? (doesn't matter if you got 36* or less)
  • Which platform do you wish to play in?
  • Select the server
  • Email address tied to your game account to receive the NDA if selected
  • Which country are you from?
  • Select up to 5 game genre(s) you frequently play
  • Native language
  • Full legal name
  • Age of consent

If you're selected for the beta, you will receive a message from the Paimon bot for further instructions and an email with an NDA. Note that once you've signed the NDA, you cannot discuss or share the beta content on public servers.

Discord 用户名Discord IDGame UID 冒险等级 你已经通关当前螺旋深渊的 12-3 层了吗? (如果您的积分为 36* 或更少,也没关系)您希望在哪个平台上玩游戏?选择与您的游戏帐户绑定的服务器电子邮件地址,以便在选择时接收 NDA 您来自哪个国家/地区?最多选择 5 个游戏类型)您经常玩母语法定全名同意年龄如果您被选中参加测试版,您将收到来自 Paimon 机器人的一条消息,以获取进一步的说明以及一封包含保密协议的电子邮件。请注意,一旦您签署了保密协议,您就无法在公共服务器上讨论或共享测试版内容。

Follow Sportskeeda for more Genshin Impact guides and updates.

关注 Sportskeeda 了解更多原神指南和更新。

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