
Awarded in the early 2000s for the F414-powered Australian Super Hornet engines, the Total Logistics Support (TLS) contract was launched to provide top-tier support for the "Classic" Hornet's F404 engine fleet and continues to support the Super Hornet's F414 engine fleet. Key innovations of the contract include bundling support for both the F404 and F414 engines under one agreement to maximize efficiency. This contract also marked GE Aerospace first long-term commitment for defense engine sustainment and solidified a lasting partnership with Australian company TAE. TAE provides warehousing, logistics, maintenance, engine testing and in-country engineering support for both the "Classic" Hornet's F404 engine and the Super Hornet's F414.
在2000年代初为F414驱动的澳大利亚超级大黄蜂发动机而授予的总体物流支持(TLS)合同被启动,目的是为“经典”大黄蜂的F404发动机机队提供顶级支持,并继续支持超级大黄蜂的F414发动机机队。合同的主要创新包括对F404和F414发动机的支持,并根据一项协议达成了最大化的效率。该合同还标志着GE航空航天对国防发动机维持的第一长期承诺,并巩固了与澳大利亚公司TAE的持久伙伴关系。 TAE为“经典”大黄蜂的F404发动机和超级大黄蜂的F414提供了仓库,物流,维护,发动机测试和国内工程支持。
This service standards enabled GE Aerospace to consistently deliver high-level support despite changes in the RAAF fleet. In 2016, the RAAF expanded its capabilities with 12 EA-18G Growlers, derived from the Super Hornet, which added electronic attack capabilities, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support. The TLS contract was extended to cover the Growler's F414 engines, increasing the RAAF's F414 fleet by over 50%.
尽管RAAF车队发生了变化,但该服务标准使GE Aerospace能够始终如一地提供高级支持。 2016年,RAAF通过12个EA-18克的种植者扩大了其能力,该咆哮者源自超级大黄蜂,该大黄蜂增加了电子攻击能力,智能,监视和侦察支持。 TLS合同延长了,以覆盖Growler的F414发动机,使RAAF的F414机队增加了50%以上。
Last year, GE Aerospace launched its TrueChoice Defense portfolio of service offerings, including Total Logistics Support, tailored for military operators. TrueChoice Defense meets diverse customer needs and operational priorities with unparalleled service and support, optimizing engine performance and fleet availability while managing costs and reducing financial risks.
去年,GE Aerospace推出了其服务产品组合的Truechoice防御组合,包括为军事运营商量身定制的物流支持。 Truechoice Defence可以通过无与伦比的服务和支持来满足各种客户需求和运营优先级,在管理成本和降低财务风险的同时,优化了发动机性能和车队的可用性。