两家公司都相信建立在开放标准之上的虚拟世界。 Futureverse 与《头号玩家》作者欧内斯特·克莱恩 (Ernest Cline) 合作,专注于人工智能和虚拟宇宙。

Futureverse and Animoca Brands, two metaverse pioneers, have joined forces in a strategic partnership to propel the adoption of blockchain-based metaverse technologies. Both companies envision a metaverse rooted in open standards.
Futureverse 和 Animoca Brands 是两个元界先驱,已联手建立战略合作伙伴关系,以推动基于区块链的元界技术的采用。两家公司都设想了一个植根于开放标准的虚拟世界。
Futureverse, known for its collaboration with Ready Player One author Ernest Cline, is deeply engaged in the metaverse and AI. Meanwhile, Animoca Brands, with its vast portfolio of investments in blockchain game startups, is a staunch advocate for the blockchain-enabled digital property rights.
Futureverse 因与《头号玩家》作者欧内斯特·克莱恩 (Ernest Cline) 的合作而闻名,深入研究虚拟宇宙和人工智能。与此同时,Animoca Brands 对区块链游戏初创公司进行了大量投资,是区块链数字产权的坚定倡导者。
The partnership is designed to amplify the reach and capabilities of Futureverse’s cutting-edge metaverse technology stack by leveraging Animoca Brands' broad ecosystem of blockchain-based products, encompassing games and other digital entertainment formats. This synergy will also accelerate the growth of the Futureverse token ecosystem, which features The Root Network’s ROOT token, the ASTO token powering Futureverse’s AI protocol, and the SYLO token facilitating SYLO’s communication and social graph protocol.
此次合作旨在通过利用 Animoca Brands 广泛的基于区块链的产品生态系统(涵盖游戏和其他数字娱乐格式),扩大 Futureverse 尖端元宇宙技术堆栈的影响力和能力。这种协同作用还将加速 Futureverse 代币生态系统的发展,该生态系统包括 The Root Network 的 ROOT 代币、支持 Futureverse 人工智能协议的 ASTO 代币以及促进 SYLO 通信和社交图协议的 SYLO 代币。