虽然狗狗币和以太坊瞄准了主要目标,但新的加密货币项目 1Fuel (OFT) 正准备实现 100 倍的价格上涨。

A new crypto project called 1Fuel (OFT) is preparing for a 100x price rally as Dogecoin and Ethereum aim for major targets. 1Fuel is an upcoming crypto wallet that aims to enhance interactions and experiences within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. It is currently being developed to address key issues such as managing multiple wallets, high network fees, intermediaries, and cyber threats.
随着狗狗币和以太坊瞄准主要目标,一个名为 1Fuel (OFT) 的新加密项目正在为 100 倍的价格上涨做准备。 1Fuel 是一款即将推出的加密钱包,旨在增强加密货币生态系统内的交互和体验。目前正在开发它来解决管理多个钱包、高网络费用、中介机构和网络威胁等关键问题。
One of the standout features of 1Fuel's crypto wallet is one-click cross-transactions. This capability allows users to swap assets between any networks without relying on external services. By enabling seamless cross-chain transactions, 1Fuel aims to simplify the process and help users focus on achieving their financial goals without technical distractions or paying hefty gas fees.
1Fuel 加密钱包的突出功能之一是一键交叉交易。此功能允许用户在任何网络之间交换资产,而无需依赖外部服务。通过实现无缝跨链交易,1Fuel 旨在简化流程并帮助用户专注于实现其财务目标,而无需技术干扰或支付高额汽油费。
To ensure the security of user assets, 1Fuel utilizes cold storage technology, which stores assets offline to protect them from various threats. Additionally, the wallet is equipped with a built-in privacy mixer to maintain complete anonymity, giving investors full control over their assets without compromising their identity.
The presale for 1Fuel's OFT token has commenced, and it has already managed to raise over $1.32 million. According to analysts, those who participate in the presale can expect to see gains of up to 500%, while once the coin debuts publicly, they can anticipate returns of up to 100x.
1Fuel 的 OFT 代币预售已经开始,已成功筹集超过 132 万美元。据分析师称,参与预售的人有望获得高达 500% 的收益,而一旦代币公开亮相,他们可以预期高达 100 倍的回报。
Furthermore, holding OFT tokens entitles users to staking returns as high as 30% APR, presenting early adopters with an opportunity to generate passive income in conjunction with the profits they stand to gain from the price hikes.
此外,持有 OFT 代币使用户可以获得高达 30% 年利率的质押回报,为早期采用者提供了产生被动收入以及从价格上涨中获得的利润的机会。