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Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

2024/04/10 03:04

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

Fortnite is all about dropping some extra XP so you can unlock all the skins, gliders, and other cosmetics in the battle pass. Still, if you truly want to level up, you have to earn it and complete all the Aphrodite Snapshot quests in Chapter Five, season two.


It’s easy to overlook Weekly, Story, and Snapshot challenges when you’re in the heat of a Battle Royale or Zero-Build match in Fortnite. That being said, if you manage to squeeze in some time in between kills to speak to a couple of NPCs, jump into the water, and pick a few Flowberry fruits, you can end the day with 160,000 XP. In this guide, I’ll show you how to complete all Aphrodite Snapshot quests in Fortnite Chapter Five, season two.

当您在《堡垒之夜》中进行大逃杀或零构建比赛时,很容易忽视每周挑战、故事挑战和快照挑战。话虽这么说,如果您设法在击杀之间挤出一些时间与几个 NPC 交谈、跳入水中并采摘一些 Flowberry 水果,您就可以以 160,000 XP 结束这一天。在本指南中,我将向您展示如何完成《堡垒之夜》第二季第五章中的所有阿芙罗狄蒂快照任务。

Use a Scrying Pool to speak with Aphrodite in Fortnite

Speak with Aphrodite in one of the four Scrying Pools in the Fortnite map:

在《堡垒之夜》中使用占卜池与阿芙罗狄蒂交谈 在《堡垒之夜》地图的四个占卜池之一中与阿芙罗狄蒂交谈:

  • West of The Underworld.
  • Northwest of Reckless Railways.
  • Southwest of Pleasant Piazza.
  • On Mount Olympus.

After interacting with the Scrying Pool, select Aphrodite at the top. After the cutscene, the Snapshot Challenges begin.


How to decipher the first Olympian Edict in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

Head to Aphrodite’s mansion east of Snooty Steppes and look for the first Olympian Edict, a big copper coin. After interacting with it, the quest will be complete.

如何在阿芙罗狄蒂家的 Fortnite Swing 中破译第一条奥林匹亚法令。前往傲慢草原以东的阿芙罗狄蒂宅邸,寻找第一个奥林匹亚法令,一枚大铜币。与其互动后,任务就完成了。

Collect Flowberries at Fencing Fields in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

Head to Fencing Fields and collect six Flowberries from the vineyard area outside the Villa. They’re usually scattered around the ground. Note that you don’t actually need to consume the Flowberries, just pick them up.

在《堡垒之夜》的击剑场收集花莓 最佳水果。前往击剑场并从别墅外的葡萄园区收集六颗花莓。它们通常分散在地面上。请注意,您实际上并不需要食用花果,只需将它们捡起来即可。

Travel distance with max health and shields in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

After landing, consume enough shields to keep your shield bar stocked up. While maintaining maximum shields and health, travel 100 meters of distance. It’s best to avoid fighting to get this one done; you’ll move faster and won’t lose health, as long as you don’t jump off a building or platform.

在《堡垒之夜》中以最大生命值和护盾行驶的距离。着陆后,消耗足够的护盾来保持你的护盾条充足。在保持最大护盾和生命值的同时,移动 100 米的距离。最好避免为完成这件事而进行斗争;只要你不从建筑物或平台上跳下来,你就会移动得更快,并且不会失去生命值。

How to decipher the second Olympian Edict in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

Head to Reckless Railways and interact with a big silver coin near Poseidon’s spawning area on the station. Once you do, this part of the quest will be over.


Receive gifts from Poseidon and speak with him in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

Speak with Poseidon in the train station at Reckless Railways. You can find him inside the station, atop the stairs to the north of this area. After you’ve spoken with him, this Fortnite Snapshot quest will be complete.

接收波塞冬的礼物并在《堡垒之夜》中与他交谈你好,水滴。 Dot Esports 截图 在 Reckless Railways 的火车站与波塞冬交谈。你可以在车站内、该区域北面的楼梯顶上找到他。与他交谈后,这个《堡垒之夜》快照任务就完成了。

Escape the storm in a vehicle in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

To complete this quest, get in a vehicle and go inside the storm. Then, use the vehicle to get out of the storm.

在《堡垒之夜》危险地区驾驶车辆逃离风暴。屏幕截图:Dot Esports 要完成此任务,请乘坐车辆并进入风暴内部。然后,使用车辆逃离风暴。

How to get air time and land in water in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

To get air time and land in water, you just have to jump before you land in a lake, river, or sea in Fortnite. If you have Korra’s mythic, all the better.

如何在《堡垒之夜》中获得飞行时间并降落在水中 用奇特的方式说“跳入水中”。 Dot Esports 截图 为了获得飞行时间并降落在水中,你只需在降落到《堡垒之夜》中的湖泊、河流或海洋之前跳跃即可。如果你有科拉的神话,那就更好了。

How to decipher the third Olympian Edict in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

Head south of Restored Reels near Peely’s camp to find a big gold coin. After interacting with it, the third Olympian Edict will be deciphered.

如何破译《堡垒之夜》中的第三条奥林匹亚法令 你一直在隐藏它,皮利?屏幕截图:Dot Esports 前往 Peely 营地附近的 Restored Reels 以南寻找一枚大金币。与之交互后,第三道奥林匹亚法令将被破译。

Where to visit potential house locations for Peely in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

To visit potential house locations for Peely, check the following locations for him:

《堡垒之夜》中皮利的潜在房屋地点在哪里?我们人类大小的香蕉可以住在哪里? Dot Esports 截图 要访问 Peely 的潜在房屋位置,请检查他的以下位置:

  • The house east of Fencing Fields
  • The house east of Snooty Steppes
  • The house southwest of Pleasant Piazza

Where to collect a Banana of the Gods for Peely in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

To collect a Banana of the Gods for Peely, look for a Golden Banana. These items often drop as floor loot, inside rare chests, and inside food crates.

击剑场以东的房子 斯努提草原以东的房子 普莱森特广场西南的房子 在《堡垒之夜》黄金香蕉中为皮利收集众神香蕉的地方。 Dot Esports 截图 要为 Peely 收集众神香蕉,请寻找金香蕉。这些物品通常会作为地板战利品、稀有箱子和食物箱掉落。

The biggest concentration of food crates in Fortnite Chapter Five, season two is in Reckless Railways, so that’s the safest spot to head to.


Deliver a vehicle to Peely’s tent in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

Get in a vehicle and drive it to Peely’s tent. You don’t actually need to run over Peely or destroy his tent to complete this quest, but it’s still fun to torment the poor guy.

将一辆车送到《堡垒之夜》中皮利的帐篷,就在皮利帐篷后面。 Dot Esports 截图 上车并将其开往 Peely 的帐篷。你实际上不需要碾过皮利或摧毁他的帐篷来完成这个任务,但折磨这个可怜的家伙仍然很有趣。

Damage an opponent within 10 seconds of exiting a hiding place in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

To complete this quest from the Snapshot challenges, hide inside a hiding place and only exit when you see a player nearby. A great hiding place are dumpsters typically found in Gas Stations all over the map.

在《堡垒之夜》中离开藏身之处后 10 秒内对对手造成伤害 这里除了垃圾什么都没有。截图来自 Dot Esports 要在快照挑战中完成此任务,请躲在藏身之处,只有在看到附近的玩家时才退出。垃圾箱是一个很好的藏身之处,通常可以在地图上的加油站找到。

How to eliminate players from a combined distance in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

This quest is pretty straightforward. Keep eliminating enemies and your distance will pile up progressively until you reach 150. Obviously, eliminating enemies from a longer distance will complete this quest more quickly, so if you need to get this done fast, pick up long-range weapons and avoid close-quarters fights.

如何在《堡垒之夜》击剑场中从总距离消除玩家是您需要去的地方。 Dot Esports 截图 这个任务非常简单。不断消灭敌人,你的距离会逐渐增加,直到达到150。显然,从较远的距离消灭敌人会更快地完成这个任务,所以如果你需要快速完成这个任务,拿起远程武器并避免近距离-宿舍打架。

Receive gifts from Artemis then speak with her in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

Speak with Artemis at the entrance of Lavish Lair north of the map. As soon as you interact with her, you receive a healing consumable. Then choose the option to speak with her to complete this part of the quest.

接收阿耳忒弥斯的礼物,然后在《堡垒之夜》中与她交谈嘿,你。 Dot Esports 截图 在地图北部的奢华巢穴入口处与阿尔忒弥斯交谈。一旦你与她互动,你就会收到治疗消耗品。然后选择与她交谈的选项来完成这部分任务。

How to decipher the final Olympian Edict in Fortnite

Fortnite 快照任务:如何快速升级你的战斗通行证

Look for the final Olympian Edict on the stairs in Lavish Lair. After interacting with this big gold coin, you can complete Aphrodite’s Snapshot quests in Fortnite.

如何破译《堡垒之夜》中的最终奥林匹亚法令终于结束了。 Dot Esports 截图 在奢华巢穴的楼梯上寻找最终的奥林匹亚法令。与这个大金币互动后,你可以在《堡垒之夜》中完成阿芙罗狄蒂的快照任务。

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Dot Esports 得到了我们观众的支持。当您通过我们网站上的链接购买时,我们可能会赚取少量的联属佣金。了解更多




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