Flamingo Finance是一个建立在Neo生态系统上的完全去中心化的金融平台。通过这样做,Flamingo Finance 旨在克服

Flamingo Finance Completes Disbursement of LRB Fund on January 10th
Flamingo Finance 于 1 月 10 日完成 LRB 基金拨付
Flamingo Finance, a decentralized financial platform on the Neo ecosystem, announced on January 9th that it will complete the disbursement of the Long-Term Reward (LTR) Fund on January 10th at precisely 20:00 (UTC+8).
Neo 生态上的去中心化金融平台 Flamingo Finance 于 1 月 9 日宣布,将于 1 月 10 日 20:00(UTC+8)完成长期奖励(LTR)基金的发放。
This disbursement marks the conclusion of a long-standing initiative by Flamingo Finance to reward its loyal community members with an aggregate of 100,000,000 FLM tokens over a period of two years. The tokens were distributed to participants in tranches, with the final installment being allocated to those who actively provided liquidity to the platform's AMM (Automated Market Maker) throughout the duration of the initiative.
此次支付标志着 Flamingo Finance 一项长期计划的结束,该计划旨在在两年内奖励其忠实的社区成员总计 100,000,000 个 FLM 代币。代币分批分发给参与者,最后一部分分配给在整个计划期间积极向平台 AMM(自动做市商)提供流动性的人。
The LTR Fund was established to serve as a valuable incentive for users to contribute to the platform's liquidity and overall growth. As a fully decentralized platform, Flamingo Finance is governed by its community, and the FLM token plays a crucial role in this governance structure.
LTR 基金的成立是为了激励用户为平台的流动性和整体增长做出贡献。作为一个完全去中心化的平台,Flamingo Finance 由其社区进行治理,FLM 代币在这个治理结构中发挥着至关重要的作用。
Flamingo Finance is renowned for its innovative approach to cross-chain interoperability, enabling seamless interaction between diverse blockchains. This capability contributes to overcoming the limitations of using different networks and ultimately enhances liquidity across the broader DeFi industry.
Flamingo Finance 以其跨链互操作性的创新方法而闻名,可实现不同区块链之间的无缝交互。这种能力有助于克服使用不同网络的限制,并最终增强整个 DeFi 行业的流动性。