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Reverse 1999 将于 3 月 9 日迎来技能精湛的六星奥术师埃兹拉·西奥多 (Ezra Theodore)。在新的沙漠法兰绒和小月野兽的陪伴下,埃兹拉的出现将增强星光奥术师的角色。凭借护盾、支持和减益能力,他可以为盟友和敌人提供宝贵的增益和减益效果。
Ezra Theodore, an upcoming 6-Star Arcanist in Reverse 1999, will debut in the 1.5 Version Phase Two update. He will be a featured character on The Spores of Peace banner that goes live from March 9 to March 30. The Star Afflatus Arcanist will be accompanied by a new 5-star Beast-type Desert Flannel and Plant-type Satsuki at a boosted drop rate.
.vidazoo-player-container {宽度:100%;高度:calc((1110px - 360px - 16px) * 9 / 16);背景颜色:#000;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度:calc(685px * 9 / 16);}@media(最大宽度: 768px) {.vidazoo-container {--floatingPlayerTopOffset: 0;}body.has-top-header .vidazoo-container {--floatingPlayerTopOffset: var(--topHeaderHeight) ;}body.has-primary-nav .vidazoo-container {--floatingPlayerTopOffset: var(--primaryNavHeight);}body.has-top-header.has-primary-nav .vidazoo-container {--floatingPlayerTopOffset: calc( var(--topHeaderHeight) + var(--primaryNavHeight));}.vidazoo-container vdz[data-view="floater"] {top: var(--floatingPlayerTopOffset, 0);}.sk-widget .vidazoo-容器 {margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度: calc((100vw) * 9 / 16);margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}}Ezra西奥多 (Theodore) 是一位即将在 1999 年逆转的 6 星奥术师,将在 1.5 版本第二阶段更新中首次亮相。他将成为 3 月 9 日至 3 月 30 日上线的《和平孢子》旗帜上的特色角色。星之灵奥术师将伴随着新的 5 星兽型沙漠法兰绒和植物型小月,其掉落率更高。
Ezra, a researcher in the LaPlace Australian Branch, is the first playable human character in the title. He has Shield, Support, and Debuff tags and plays as a Support character in Reverse 1999. This article provides a brief overview of his skills and the best teammates, helping Timekeepers decide whether to pull him or not.
以斯拉(Ezra)是拉普拉斯澳大利亚分部的研究员,是游戏中第一个可玩的人类角色。他拥有盾牌、支援和减益标签,并在《逆转 1999》中扮演支援角色。本文简要概述了他的技能和最佳队友,帮助计时员决定是否拉他。
Ezra Theodore in Reverse 1999: Everything you need to know
Ezra Theodore specializes in dealing Mental Damage with his kit and his abilities allow him to buff allies and debuff enemies. He can also grant Moxie and Eureka to all allies with his Ultimate. However, Ezra sacrifices some of his HP to use his basic incantation skills. Below are the details of this Afflatus Arcanist in Reverse 1999:
.promoted-img {width: 100%;}Ezra Theodore in Reverse 1999: 你需要知道的一切 Ezra Theodore 擅长用他的装备造成精神伤害,他的能力使他能够增强盟友并削弱敌人。他还可以用他的终极技能将莫克西和尤里卡授予所有盟友。然而,以斯拉牺牲了一些生命值来使用他的基本咒语技能。以下是逆向奥术师 1999 的详细信息:
Compassion All-Round (Ultimate): His Ultimate buffs all allies and grants them Moxie and Eureka. Additionally, all mushrooms mature and are immediately triggered after he plants all Honey Fungus on the battlefield.
Protection to the Body (basic): It is a mass attack skill that deals Mental damage to enemies by sacrificing a certain amount of Ezra’s current HP. In addition to Mental, Ezra deals Genesis damage (can score a critical hit) to two enemies and plants Honey Fungus.
Stimulus to the Mind (basic): Ezra mass buffs his allies while using the skill by losing a certain amount of his current HP. He grants shields to all allies for a round and plants Ghost Fungus.
Explanation of status effects
- Ghost Fungus: A mushroom that grows once at the beginning of the battle. It matures after growing thrice and inflicts two stacks of Discernment to all allies. Discernment increases allies’ critical damage by 40%.
- Honey Fungus: A mushroom that grows similar to the Ghost Fungus and grants Vulnerability to all enemies. Vulnerability reduces the damage taken by 25% when attacked.
Ezra Theodore’s Inheritance effects
Ezra Theodore’s Inheritance is called the Fungus Ecosystem Machine. He gains two Eureka at Insight I when entering a battle and four after casting his Ultimate. If the mushrooms are maxed out and match the type of basic incantation Ezra casts, he spends two Eureka to grow the matching mushroom once and trigger the effects if matured.
幽灵真菌:战斗开始时生长一次的蘑菇。成长三次后成熟,并对所有盟友造成两层洞察力。洞察力使盟友的暴击伤害提高 40%。 蜜蕈:一种与幽灵真菌类似的蘑菇,可以使所有敌人变得脆弱。脆弱性使受到攻击时受到的伤害减少 25%。 埃兹拉·西奥多的继承效果埃兹拉·西奥多在 Reverse 1999 中的 Insight II(图片来自 Bluepoch)埃兹拉·西奥多的继承被称为真菌生态系统机器。当进入战斗时,他在洞察 I 中获得两个尤里卡,在施放终极技能后获得四个尤里卡。如果蘑菇达到最大并且与以斯拉施展的基本咒语类型相匹配,他会花费两个尤里卡来种植一次匹配的蘑菇,并在成熟时触发效果。
The Insight II level of the Inheritance reduces the damage Ezra takes by 8%. At Insight III, he can recover a certain amount of Lost HP at the end of each round for every mushroom on the battlefield.
继承的洞察力 II 等级可减少以斯拉受到的伤害 8%。在洞察III阶段,战场上的每个蘑菇都可以在每回合结束时恢复一定数量的损失生命值。
While Ezra casts any basic incantation skill, he spends two Eureka to receive one Moxie (if the mushrooms are maxed out but don’t match the incantation type). This effect is triggered when Ezra has less than five Moxie. It's highly recommended to max out Ezra's Inheritance levels to make him one of the best support characters in Reverse 1999.
当以斯拉施放任何基本咒语技能时,他会花费两个尤里卡来获得一个莫克西(如果蘑菇已满但与咒语类型不匹配)。当以斯拉的莫克西数量少于五个时会触发此效果。强烈建议最大化以斯拉的继承水平,使他成为 Reverse 1999 中最好的支持角色之一。
Should you pull Ezra Theodore in Reverse 1999?
Ezra Theodore is one of the Reverse 1999 characters who is AP-greedy because he depends on mushrooms to be effective in the battle. He is an excellent addition to crit. oriented teams because of his ability to buff all allies’ critical damage. However, you can use him in any team due to his versatile kit that enables him to give shields, Moxie, and Eureka to all allies.
你应该在《逆转1999》中拉埃兹拉·西奥多吗?埃兹拉·西奥多 (Ezra Theodore) 是 Reverse 1999 角色之一,他非常贪吃 AP,因为他依靠蘑菇来在战斗中发挥作用。他是暴击的绝佳补充。面向团队,因为他有能力增强所有盟友的暴击伤害。然而,你可以在任何团队中使用他,因为他的多功能套件使他能够为所有盟友提供护盾、莫克西和尤里卡。
You must upgrade his Inheritance fully because he sacrifices his HP each time he uses basic incantation skills. Upgrading him to Insight III allows him to recover a certain percentage of lost health and stay longer in battles.
你必须全面升级他的传承,因为他每次使用基本咒语技能都会牺牲生命值。将他升级到洞察 III 可以让他恢复一定比例的损失生命值并在战斗中停留更长时间。
He is a valuable support for Star characters and those who are squishy. Star-type Arcanists, such as Regulus, 37, Tooth Fairy, and Lilya, are some of the best teammates for Ezra Theodore. Other Arcanists, such as Plant-type Arcanists, Eagle, and Intellect-type 6, also work well with him.
You'll have to spend a considerable amount of time getting used to his kit because he sacrifices his HP and depends on mushrooms to be effective during fights. Any player using him must focus on availing the mushrooms he plants. However, once the learning phase is over, he can become one of the best Supports in Reverse 1999.
你必须花费大量的时间来适应他的装备,因为他牺牲了他的生命值并且在战斗中依靠蘑菇来发挥作用。任何使用他的玩家都必须专注于利用他种植的蘑菇。然而,一旦学习阶段结束,他就可以成为 1999 年逆转中最好的辅助之一。
In conclusion, Ezra Theodore is a must-pull if you intend to use 37 in Reverse 1999's future adventures. Moreover, using him with Jiu Niangzi in Mane’s Bulletin game mode will make boss battles a breeze. Ezra's kit offers excellent support abilities, valuable buffs, and shields, which makes him worth pulling.
总之,如果你打算在 Reverse 1999 的未来冒险中使用 37,Ezra Theodore 是一个必须拉的人。而且,在马内的公告游戏模式中与九娘子一起使用,将使boss战变得轻而易举。以斯拉的装备提供了出色的支持能力、有价值的增益和护盾,这使他值得拉动。
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