
The latest exchange rates of Dogecoin (DOGE) in Pakistani Rupee (PKR) and US Dollar (USD) have been reported as:
One Dogecoin (DOGE) in Pakistani Rupee (PKR) is PKR 53.21 on March 9, 2025 at 2:50 PM Pakistan Standard Time (PST), in the open exchange market. The rate of Dogecoin has been calculated and compared with the rate PKR 54.09 at closing on March 8, 2025.
巴基斯坦卢比(PKR)的一只Dogecoin(Doge)是PKR 53.21,于2025年3月9日下午2:50 PM巴基斯坦标准时间(PST)在开放式交易市场中。已经计算出狗狗蛋白的速率,并将其与2025年3月8日结束时的PKR 54.09速率进行了比较。
The rate of Dogecoin in US Dollar (USD) is $0.19 on March 9, 2025 at 2:50 PM Pakistan Standard Time (PST), in the open exchange market. The rate of Dogecoin has been calculated and compared with the rate $0.19 at closing on March 8, 2025.
在开放式交易市场中,2025年3月9日,巴基斯坦标准时间(PST)的dogecoin速度为0.19美元。 Dogecoin的速率已经计算出来,并将其与2025年3月8日结束时的0.19美元相比。
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